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21    Hi. I write sometimes.
Lior Gavra
My new book, "BitterSweet," has hit #1 New Release on Amazon's Best Sellers List, I hope you can grab a copy! Sample stories in the …
Gilang Perdana
24/M/South Africa    Writer | This is ancestral, past-life reading; this is meditation & prayer; this is future telling. always becoming. The undying soul in a decaying case. …
Got Guanxi
London - England    I won't explain what the poems mean so don't ask! You are the music while the music lasts. - if it's untitled, then it's unfinished. …
WRITING is my passion .... My way of uttering my emotion .. Through dis I indulge into madness My way of letting out my bitterest …
Phil Lindsey
Bluffton, SC    Retired near Hilton Head, SC
Neva Flores Varga Smith
53/F/Rochester NY    I have walked in the darkness of I can’t feel because I choose not to. Fell face down and bumped my head on every feeling …
Impeccable Space Poetess
Life♡Love    I'm no good at BIOS etc But~this is SO--GOOD:);):)<333 ...thanks for posting xour lovely poems... ❤ IMPECCABLE SPACE POETESS
Vanessa Gatley
27/F    share some of my work, if you like FOLLOW BACK love ya keep writing rock on Message lot of people who have seen my work …
Chris Smith Dark Poet Soul
Hemel Hempstead    Poet and short story writer. My short stories are mainly horror. I was attacked in 1997 and my left leg badly burnt which led me …
Bassam A
On earth    Would love to hear from you
DC raw love
Alexandria    I write from my experience in life, my past, people that i have met, about death, about happiness, about my addiction to heroin (finally in …
Christopher K Bayliss
London. UK    I am a poet, writer of short/flash fiction and am presently struggling through my first novel. With a fascination for the darker side of penmanship …
The Sequence Killer
Shooklyn NY,USA   
Portugal    Who am I? Well, that's a good question, I don't seem to know it either. To make it simple, I make a sentence from "Ricardo …
Australia    “You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not …
Haydn Swan
Purgatory    Come take a walk, join me in my moonlit charade, shadows play, darkness sings, the curtain opens and the act begins ...
Merhaba Şiir
İstanbul    Eschewing all her thoughts, perfect integration is not it?
James Nigh
where air is never clean    i'm eccentrically existential. i'm intelligently inept. i'm scathingly sarcastic. i don't give a damn if you don't like me because i don't like you because …
The Girl Who Loves You
Within My Heart    Just writing what I think, what I feel and everything inbetween. As Poe said "All that we see or seem, is but a dream within …
"The unexamined life is not worth living."
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