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Your reflex-affectionate-meaningless-word
is better left unsaid-unheard
  by one like me who is easily
  Rope-a-doped into a fantasy.
Govinda called upon the Buddha.
Seated 'neath a lotus, Buddha, busy meditating,
Buddha seeking for perfection, Buddha, busy, did not notice.
Govinda found this alienating yet shrugged off the rejection.
"Very well, my cherished friend, I'll call on you tomorrow,"
Govinda said, "when you suspend your flight from human sorrow."

Govinda tried the after-day as Buddha exercised
both mentally and physically.
Govinda realized they would not have a lot to say.
Govinda, tired, departed confused and heavy-hearted.

And thus it went week after week.
One time alone did Buddha speak;
"Perhaps before next month is through
  I'll carve some spare time out for you..."

Govinda's love began to fray as Buddha walked the 8-fold way.

Govinda seated by the Ganges watched the water flow.
The river ran along.
The ripples sang a song.
Govinda came to know that stones will turn to sand,
closest friendships dry.

Govinda raised his hand and waved the past goodbye.
He watched the herons fly, memories in his eye.
For Jonathan
Govinda came upon the Buddha seated 'neath a lotus.
"Hello, my friend," Govinda said.
The Buddha did not notice
for  he was busy meditating,
  closer to perfection.
Govinda found this irritating
  and took it as rejection.
Never be too busy for your friends
Guard me during slumber
'neath an agel's wings.
Let not dreams bring troubled things.
Bless my rest, O King of Kings
that when I wake I shall renew
my dedication unto you.
I shall be kinder come the morrow.
I shall alleviate other's sorrow.
Guard me through my sleeping hours
  with Thy watchful eye.
Touch my soul with benediction
  as on the bed I lie.
Come morning I shall plan
  to be a better, gentle man.
Amen. Alleluia. Amen.
For  poets with faith,  and there are many of you out there in cyberspace.
Poked in the eye with pointed words,
stabbed in the heart with sharp words,
it hurt.
I know.
I see the injury.
I feel the pain.
I drink a tall, warm glass of
your tears.
I hope I am not posting too much
Two thousand and seven.  Late September....
The spaceships came when I was in bed...
There still is a lot I cannot remember.  Perhaps they implanted a chip in my head.
But I seem to recall dancing lights on the wall all around my posters of
Beyoncé, a low-frequency sound and a pulsating pound as I was engulfed by a magnetic ray.
I was paralyzed in my Flintstones pajamas.
It lifted then floated me towards the stars and the orbital base of an alien race on their mischievous mission from Mars.
I found myself in a sterile room...
I was strapped face down on a metal tray...
The aliens entered in tinfoil dashikis...
(They either were mimes or had nothing to say).
Each one looked like a tiny Cher: plastic faces minus the hair.
With never so much as a "how are you, Joe?" they slashed my pajamas with their laser tool, whereupon, using probes that were beeping below
they began to do things that weren't cool
and I felt for the first time shame and disgrace for my ***-tattoo of ****
Cheney's face.
I thought, "Am I dreaming?  Am I still asleep?" As over and over they
Why such interest?  Why invest in this vigorous quest up my lower intestine?  Did they hope to study or maybe inspect some
mysterious feature while beeping my ******?
I strained in the straps but I couldn't get loose as the weird little beepers
beep-beeped my caboose.
With continuous beeping filling my ear the bleeping E.Ts went on beeping my rear...callously...clinically beeping me numb.
They treated me like I was some bleeping ***!
Though frightened, exhausted, indignant and weak, very bravely I then turned the other cheek.
I'd been violated.  My sprit broke...the **** of an intergalactic joke.
Dishonored,, betrayed, invaded and duped...
Disgusted, embarrassed, and BOY WAS I POOPED!
Yet oddly I wanted a smoke.
With all their tests run, at last they were done and they left the "lab" en masses having thoroughly beep-beeped my &@$!
I woke up okay in my bed the next day but my ***** did not feel quite right.
I've been in treatment for several years now.
My therapist thinks I'm uptight
but I've learned to live with my dignity stolen and a pro to-illogical rare
I'm happy I wasn't abducted to Venus where aliens commonly bing-bing
your nose and ears.
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