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The werewolf cried electric tears
for he was too tall for the carnival ride.
As all of the vampires were having fun
the werewolf howled and cried.
The carnival by the light of the moon
looked like candy electrified.
The werewolf bought fried dough
  and balloons
  but was otherwise denied.
Richard Brautigan loaned me this idea.
Watch it rain.
Let it rain.
Wonder when the rain will stop.
Wait for the rain to stop.
Get wet.
**** and moan and ***** and complain
  about rain.
These are our evenings of new frontiers
when we converge like galaxies
  attracted by mutual gravity.
I warm your surface.
You shine on me.
I stretch my starlight along your glow.
You spread your lustrous nebulous hair
  across the pillowed horizon of night,
  our energies pulsate everywhere.
We  travel exceeding the speed of desire,
  affection conquering yawning  space.
We fall from orbit into embrace
  both bursting , making  one glorious fire.
We collapse towards sleep; two meteors
  now sharing the same cratered linen shore
  and I bathe in your radiant slumbering face
  having learned what celestial bodies are for.
These evenings our spiral cluster arms twine.
My stars are yours.
Your stars are mine:
An  astro-phenomenal binary pair
  of systems engaged in a life-affair.
Lately I've been thinkin'
that you've
your welcome
and I'd be
a whole lot better
if you moved outta my head.
What a wonderful world this world would be
if everybody was more like me!
Pirate maps might bear this caution;
"Here be Monsters" on an ocean.
Here I scribe an admonition
to persons sailing poetry:

"Here be sunken thoughts and feelings,
  broken hearts with razor edges.
Here be aching naked lovers'
   lives exposed for all to see.
Here be doldrums.  Here be tempests.
  Here be shattered dreamers' metrics.
   Here be shoals of hidden sorrows.
    Here be Sirens crying, "Help me!"
Here be tidal waves of sadness.
  Here be rotting shipwrecked hope.
Sail these pages at thy peril.
Steer towards creativity.
Cadence can become boring if the pattern runs too long
The verbiose virtuoso of verse
clutters the page with poetic pap,
penning endless meandering murk
that amounts to a pile of crap.
Restrain my impulse to post everything I write
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