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Inkyu Kim
M/Bedfordshire, England   
The Dirty Vanilla
Like a Phoenix , I rose from the ashes of a burned-down trailer to spread the sort of love that penicillin could never touch.
Hana Gabrielle
I mostly write when I'm alone and healing.
27/F/Virginia    "Sometimes, you need to step outside, get some air, and remind yourself of who you are and who you want to be."
Lori Anne Bright
SC    I am the only me you will ever may think there are others out there like me...but there are not...I am The ONLY ME!! …
Joel M Frye
Jurassic Park, FL    Remember me through poetry: These words and those I wrote before. Remember not the man, for he's Much less, and certainly no more. "Always the …
Louis Brown
Bremen, GA    I was born in Columbus, Georgia in 1953. I graduated from Georgia State University in 1975. I graduated with a BA Degree in Sociology I …
Live In the Moment    Rise not on a man's compliment nor fall by his criticism. Rather flourish in an understanding of self ~ T
Melissa S
I am from a small town in Alabama. I use to keep a journal several years ago and quit writing altogether when I got too …
Sarah Wilson
Blaise Tyler Beach
M/Parma, Ohio    I am Blaise. My soul is deeper than I dare guess. I would very much appreciate all thoughts you have about my works, so feel …
Barry Andrew Pietrantonio
29/M/Salem, New Hampshire    I'm here.
Brandon Walus
Alethea Westlund
I write poetry, I love it, I cherish it. Every morning I wake up to a poem being read, I hear it in my daily …
She said: "You're the most expressive person I've ever met." And I think I can live with that.
A rural farmhand and urban wanderer, I came to poetry via anthropology. Layered meaning is my curiosity. Any and all criticism appreciated!
Amanda Small
“There is nothing stable in the world; uproar's your only music.” - John Keats Copyright © Amanda Small, All Rights Reserved All poems are original …
Nothing if not yours.
dreaming, writing soul~ a wanderer by nature.... raindrops follow me
"I have wings flattened down and hid under my veil: They are subtle as light--you can never undo them, And swift in their flight--you can …
Mohammad Noman
midnight prague
I would hurl words into this darkness and wait for an echo, and if an echo sounded, no matter how faintly, I would send other …
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