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 Jan 2015 Jen
i'd be damned
 Jan 2015 Jen
damnation* is loving the sun while you
are the moon,
refusing to touch Sleep because you'd
rather kiss her cousin,
knowing your words will eventually become
a tourniquet,
and filling your heart up
to the brim with

but believe me when i say;
i'd be ****** for you.
 Jan 2015 Jen
 Jan 2015 Jen
I turned you into a Shakespearean tragedy, desperation and ache and horribly sad. Each of your words became a trigger pulled and each of your smiles became a dagger stabbed. Every time you blinked I fell in love and every time you took a breath I felt my heart crack a little more. And I am so sorry. I didn't mean to idolize you, and I wouldn't have, if I had known it would hurt so mother******* bad. I recreated you as my sun, my moon, my stars and you left me as is, all sharp edges af aching heart and lack of understanding that just because you love someone doesn't mean they'll love you back. I beg the sky above my head and the earth beneath my feet (you and you) for forgiveness.

— The End —