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Jenny Gordon Mar 2019
Or...mebbe it does.  


Tis Shostakovich.  As the trumpet thence
Seeps through my consciousness likeas t'would hail
With soothing strains I'd just as lief avail
Me of as not, in lieu of fretted sense,
What whispers to my soul to, "listen hence."?
I canna fix the nagging thought's detail
Which harps upon the ache naught salve in pale
Excuse; tis sweet to have that note fr'intents.
Men squirm if you talk babies, as it were.
I spose they want time in her *******, to
Effect whatever in themselves.  But her?
She wants to be a mother.  That won't do,
Now, lady.  So I shrug, feign like's not poor,
That I don't give a hoot.  But I do, too.

One of my brothers called to ask me a question about women, haha, cuz he's a man and I'm a woman and some girl friend of his claimed something, so....  and in all the chatter which ensued, he assured me most men are actually jerks, get used to it.  What, after that? "Marry who you want."  Dandy.  Now, whom?  Yes, laugh until your sides ache.
P.S. Sorry about the rather explicit note in L10...that's how one of my uncles phrased in it warning my dad years ago that even church was not the greatest place to look for dating.
Jenny Gordon Mar 2019
...relieves stress.


"Beware the Ides of March!" is't on the exhale
As lo, a silence hangs oer this calm sense
Of what? a null we never knew? suspense
Chews on its painted nails with eyes that hail
This fragile light likeas a rat's is't?! pale
And wan as Philip Sydney's moon fr'intents,
The notice that "it's Friday...--sans from hence
A date." not quite a knife, but THAT detail.
If fashion bloggers write of style and tour
Milan, etcet'ra, I'll look on, nor rue
No date tonight.  But let them have in poor
'Scuse lo, a baby, talk of their ado
With erm, "post-partum," how kids now as twere
"Change ME!" I eat my heart out.  Laugh, won't you?

Is it funny that I unconsciously chose black today?  Black, with pink and orange accents, oh, and purple tights?
Jenny Gordon Mar 2019
The sales caught me off guard with early cries of St. Patrick's Day, kick me.


Lo, sparrows gaily chatter as I thence
Pass by the entry, and whiles rain t'avail
Is like some fragile yet persistent, hale
Sweet kiss that drives ole Winter's Death from hence
And rouses buds to pierce 'gain through those dense
Leaf mats knit months before and spread to scale
Across the sleeping flowrs last April'd hail
The world with once upon a time, ah whence?
I yearn to wander oer these wastes in tour,
If that I might now listen to the dew,
Hear all the little scurrying which'd bestir
As yellowed grasses shift to what? anew.
It is the Ides of March, the knife as twere
'Non twisting in dear Caesar's back from who?

NOTE: We remember March's ides thanks to that supposed soothsayer warning Caesar, but every month has ides, some on the 15th and others on their 13th, last I saw.  
Ah, what a way to begin Friday, eh?
Jenny Gordon Mar 2019
too much internal rhyming--oops! it was an accident, Sir Philip Sydney.


O! cloud brigades in white-tinged grey sail hence
With sluggish speed across blue heavns' detail,
As winds don't howl, yet batter by th'exhale
Aught fragile limb; and blue seas cleared fr'intents
Are full again with more such ships, as sense
Now wrestles with the thought war is, t'avail,
Both fearsome, and alas, romanced in pale
Excuse by this auld struggle in defense.
Death's icy clasp is loosed as puddles fer
Effect replace snow piles and don heavns' blue,
Winds battling is't sheer warmth? and roughly too,
Whiles oh! I look now oer the distance.  Were
The Maple's boughs untrimmed this late in tour,
I ask?  They'll soon flaunt crimson in debut.

The suggestion of war soon culled lines from an antique sonnet by--? until I worked and mulled just who penned those familiar lines which then rehearsed themselves over and over like a google search would tell me.
Jenny Gordon Mar 2019
Spring's courting whom?


We've been in rain's soft clutches to avail
Sae minny hours now, wet with kisses dense
Wi' import as ole Winter's grasp slides thence
Nigh off by sure degrees, this game of pale
Uncertain minutes which yield to the frail
Note of lo, golden shafts, until pretense
Is like a wrestling match that drives good sense
Up evry wall, on Fred Astaire's grand scale.
Yes, dance on which hotel's um ceiling fer
Dramatic flair and giddy joy is't?  Do
It up in style as droplets likewise tour
Mad puddles, to slip off as sunshine'd woo.
If we feel breathless from this waltz as twere,
Sink down in warmth's embrace, and smile anew.

NOTE: Fred Astaire's famous scene from Royal Wedding where he danced on the hotel ceiling coming to mind as I wrote, ahem, the title.
Jenny Gordon Mar 2019
cough, cough*


Where gloaming's blueish note of darkness thence
Culls oh, electric lights, I close the tale
Of drapes and we hang out in sheer betrayl--
All four of us--whiles I wash dishes, whence
Sweet conversation, or reproof for sense
When I drop lo, a spatula.  Detail
Whatever, but twas sweet to thus avail
Ourselves of time together for intents.
Now it's so dark, and I have played with her
Til aught before is lost in how the crew
Of dolls cavorted to her fancies, poor
As aught excuses, I am blank.  What, to
Effect, teased for a line hours ere?  What'd bestir
While I was working?  Nothing's left that'd woo.

Begging pardon, I was too vexed all ideas hitherto asking for a voice when I was working were flown when I'd finally opportunity to write, that I actually titled it with the 4-letter "s" word.
Jenny Gordon Mar 2019
Kick me for feeling too smug over this pretty number which happened to write itself.  


O! how I yearn to wander through the tale
Of naked woods likeas a nymph from hence!
As if I am the sister of, fr'intents,
The trees whose boughs like arms reach up, t'avail
Me of the light is't? or that sense of pale
Keen longing to just breathe, non listning thence
Unto the softest whispers passing whence
We canna say twixt all the leaves, t'exhale.
I want to search for violets, like they'd stir
Now that rain's melted half the snow anew,
Whiles lo, winds toss the firs whose voice as twere
Sounds hoarsely in this fragile warmth's debut.
Yes, I can feel it in my bones--that pure
Note of sweet life which calls buds as it'd woo.

NOTE:  Well, think about it:  when do you have a chance to seriously speak your mind?!  Socializing is shallow, whichever venue you use, and then what?
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