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In title it dangles.
A portentous root-vegetable.
Aggressive in its promise.
Domestic in allure.

Swelling is unavoidable.
It comes with a gut.
It comes with a harness
and a wrinkling leather belt.

I’m growling, more bear-like.
Vascular, blooded in cocktails
of babies, phone-calls, a raise.
More love, less time.

Nails are yellow-er
Weather-beaten, careworn.
It comes with her
Unconditional resignation

Poor girl, to a man, to me,
Poor boy, with skin like eggshell.
Perennial givers -
‘We must take what we want.’

I look at the back of my hand,
see if I know it
knuckles like rock, touch
light as a feather.
I'd rather be the moon
For she can be gazed upon
without the blinding pain of the suns' corona
She is noxious in the darkness
cold and grievous
Hanging there heavily,
lush and languorous
Like the womb of the world,
she guides the ebb and flow of life
Selenic and motherly,
She is fertile and ever changing
Her surface is cratered with millennia of wear,
but she still glows beautifully, unaffected,
like a goddess of the night
I'd rather be the moon
Small minded bigots with slack jawed reflections
howl haphazardly at the front of the class
slurring and spewing thoughts cultivated
by the bowels of ignorance their heads in the sand
and yet gallantly grasping at things far beyond them
will mix their agenda in with **** and mud
You called me to the summit, but I came with arms folded
unwilling to be bent, for in turn I would be molded
into things I'd not repent, so lest I be scolded
I came, and then went
May my pride die in ignorance of all sad facts and lies
may disbelief be conquered in the sight of both my eyes
may secrets give way to wonder in turn becoming truth
may I still dream in winter with the passion of my youth
may I master all my thoughts before they've mastered me
to feel things as they're passing, then in truth I"d finally see
His voice of crackling static
is known from round the corner.
It's raw from shouting news reports and
the music of an empty pocket
to a world, only half listening.

A toiling madness of chord and thread -
frayed, plucked fabric, strings
hanging from cuffs. This plaid ragdoll and
his bird **** stained guitar case are
collecting change like a magpie

His incompetent lips are their own shower
flecking the pavement. What music gathers
in the whited joins of his mouth is urban  
desperation, but their grubbiness suggests
you could still plant potatoes in his fingernails.

Twitching and lined, his visage isn't as old as his art.
The jarring strum and lacquered voice  
serve to remind us, that the tongue
is the only muscle in the human body
stronger than the heart.

— The End —