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  May 2019 Jim Davis
There existed no switch to turn it off
No such component in a Poet's thoughts
The deepest of meditation
Is but a Poet's contemplation

Words bleed from all we see
Beauty, laughter and sorrow
Forever set poetically free
My Friends!
This is what we were meant to be!
Traveler Tim
  May 2019 Jim Davis
Jayne E
A Child Renewed..

Break me beautiful rend and unbend me.
intent seemed pure not to pre tend me
sleek incensed fumed sacred fire
intense repented doused love pyre

break me golden full of shimmered light
myriad colours flicker soft my soul alight
pirrohuetted dance lines guide me in
softer sillohuetted form yields to win

Break me immaculate washed free of sin
prayers fervently uttered all soaked in jinn
exalted humility painted over starry skies
deconstructed ego purified my soul flys

Break me resplendent I am renewed child
scar lines healed all gentle loving & mild
rejuvenated released free to trust again
restored to love and so let happiness win

J.C. 23/03/2019.
  May 2019 Jim Davis
August burned quickly, incipient nostalgia
prematurely vanished, mellow and gentle
sea stone on the tiled table, cedar plank
with fish, sunset through the eye-slit window

thigh high in life and riding wherever life
takes me like a hopeless romantic
shout out to ang for lighting literally every poem of mine up

edit: Daily #2 babyyyyyy
  May 2019 Jim Davis
Pagan Paul
     I stare down at the plate of toast and beans
     wondering why this was never part of my dreams.
     Looking for the future with an illusional pretence,
     hoping good apples will fall on my side of the fence.

And as the fork dances slow
around the legumes in spirals,
the tedium of a wasting life
bears the burden and scars
of missed opportunities in paralysis
and the colour of once bright lights
          glow black,
shining a shadow into the void
covering the bruises
that were once achievements of worth,
     now tender patches
          of failure.
I drop the fork ...

     … pushing away the plate and leaving food uneaten,
     my desire for its nutrition fought and beaten,
     Looking at the apple tree with sombre regret
     maybe its fruit will fall and save me yet.

And disappointment
is worse than anger,
it begins with the stench of loss
the nasal whiff of
what if …

And what if the little apple tree
drops all its fruit down to me?
Would I recognise fortune on my side
or fear the illusions and run to hide?

© Pagan Paul (17/02/18)
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