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2.6k · Mar 2014
the morning after
Jay Wasnothing Mar 2014
this morning
as i groggily rolled onto my back
and felt the weight of the blanket draped across my body
i briefly thought you were lying atop me
my face buried in your shoulder
my lips gently pressing against your neck
and then quickly gravitating downwards
repeatedly kissing the spot where your neck and shoulder meet
so as to make you shiver against me
and smile brighter than the morning sun
snuggling against me more
so that i could wrap my arms and lift my legs around you
both of us sleepy but bathed in the morning light

and so i laid there
for two minutes past my alarm
lost in the everlasting euphoria that just the thought of you can bring
wishing that maybe
just maybe
i was only dreaming that you weren't there
1.5k · Jul 2013
Jay Wasnothing Jul 2013
Test, test.
Do you know what's really inside my chest?

Beep, beep.
The horrors in my ribcage will make you weep.

Thump, thump.
Inside there isn't a single fleshy lump.

Tut, tut.
Now it's time to tell you what.

Tick, tock.
My heart is nothing more than a clock.

Ring, ring.
My lungs are made out of fraying string.

Bam, bam.
Asthma's left me with half of a diaphragm.

Crying, crying.
Now you know that I'm dying.

Sigh, sigh.
I'm afraid it's time to say goodbye.
Copyright 2013
1.3k · May 2013
Tell Me
Jay Wasnothing May 2013
Tell me, where does your smile go when you exchange it for a frown?
Does it really just get turned upside down?
Or does it go into the blushing bride’s wedding gown?

Tell me, where do your tears go when they dry?
Do they impatiently wait for another blossoming love to die?
Or do they happily absorb into the ground with a simple, heartfelt sigh?

Tell me, what happens to every child’s innocent wish upon a shooting star?
Do they fly towards the sky, only to get struck by reality’s speeding car?
Or do they follow you around, waiting to heal heartbreak’s cold scar?

Tell me, why does a hug seem to make all your worries and woes disappear?
Do they only temporarily take them away, quietly waiting to make them reappear?
Or do they really and truly take away all your uncertainty and fear?

Tell me, will the touching moments you have with a friend ever cease to exist?
Do the icy lips of reality make them disappear with her deadly kiss?
Or does the caring hand of dreams and make-believe write them on its forget-me-not list?

Tell me, was the beautiful friendship we had never meant to be?
All the words that slip past my lips don’t agree with yours,
Every second of my time with you is starting to feel like a long list of chores.

Tell me, what will happen next in this tragic story of you and me?
Old poem
Copyright 2013
1.3k · May 2013
A Case of Youthful Rebellion
Jay Wasnothing May 2013
I sat in the corner of my mind, a frigid, barren room,
A dreadful place full of my woes and gloom.

No one had ever dared disturbed me here,
But, suddenly, a figure almost resembling a shadow appeared.

“Timid girl, why are you all alone?”
They asked as they stood mere inches from me, an invisible stare upon me all but unknown.

“Why is your skin completely gray?” I replied.
“Now please, go away.”

“Timid girl, why are you so sad?”
The figure ignored my words, its tone almost sounding glad.

“How do you speak, see, and stare with no face?” I hissed.
“Once again, leave my quiet place.”

“Timid girl, why do you silently judge others?”
Its voice mocked me then, sounding like a worried mother’s.

“Where did you come from, shadow of annoyance?” I inquired.
“Answer my questions, and stop your overrated flamboyance.”

“Timid girl, why are you so terrified of the world?”
An invisible mouth became a wicked grin, the corner of the figure’s mouth crudely curled.

“Please shut your mouth and let me be.” My mood has been soured.
“Your intention seems to be to incessantly bother me.”

“Timid girl, why is your heart so full of hate?”
The figure must’ve thought that answers to its questions were fate.

“Shadow, I am all alone because I am hated.
Figure, I am depressed because my happiness is jaded.
Annoyance, I quietly judge because I fear hurting the few whom I treasure and love.
Gray skin, I am terrified of the world because I don’t want it to spear my heart with its spiked glove.
Incriminating stare, my heart is so full of hate because I have never belonged anywhere, even at home.”
My face was now covered in furious tears,
Ones I had been holding in for years.
“Ghost from the past, now that you know what you wanted, please go back to your own lonely gravestone.”

As the mysterious soul left as quickly as it came,
The immense loneliness my mind once held was never quite the same.
Some days it seemed to be slightly brighter,
And other days it seemed so dark and hopeless that just to see you needed a lighter.

Either way, I realized the conscience I’d tried so hard to forget was the same as I.
All it wanted to know about the world was “Why?”
It's called 'A Case of Youthful Rebellion' because I wrote it when I should've been doing homework.
Copyright 2013
1.2k · May 2013
Dear Long-Lost Lover
Jay Wasnothing May 2013
Dear long-lost lover:

Don't be such a pain
I've got plenty to gain

From the way I swing my hips
To the seductive words that pass my lips

People don't say I have a natural charm to be nice
Oh no, I am well aware of how to roll my dice

I am purposely everything you dream of
Of course, I became that after we fell out of love

You wanted a woman who would show her body
So I learned how to do that, without being gaudy

You wanted a woman with a cutesy face
So I learned how to do that, with style, class, and grace

You wanted a woman who would show you no pity
So I learned how to be kind yet heartless, quiet yet witty

Finally, you wanted a woman who would bend to your will
But that was one part of your model woman I didn't want to fill

Because you also wanted a bit of rebellion
So I became your most sought-after little hellion

Oh darling, I remember how you screamed when I turned you down
Oh darling, I remember how you pouted with your idiotic little frown

You couldn't fathom how I didn't want you back
After you broke my heart and made me crack

I became your model girl because I wanted you to suffer
I wanted to show you how you'd only made me tougher

So go ahead and call me anything you please
Because I'll be telling every girl how you only want them on their knees

The truth is simple: I don't care anymore
Go ahead and call me a **** or a *****

  I've accomplished my goal of becoming what you desire
Just so I can watch your burn in your own selfish fire
Copyright 2013
1.1k · Mar 2014
Still Awake at 7:45PM
Jay Wasnothing Mar 2014
I'm sorry that my back broke
when it was suddenly weighed down
by the ******* I no longer want
and that you had to pick up the
pieces of my spine, despite being
the second to know.

I regret that, in the aftermath,
there has been only regression
into my old habit of feeling a strong
itch coursing through my veins
and pulsing beneath my skin,
leaving me with fanciful thoughts
of scratching my skin raw.

But words cannot adequately
describe how badly I want
to figure out how to properly
thank you for being as amazing
as you are, never showing the
slightest hint of disappointment
that I've gotten back into old
habits of thinking far too much,
and holding my hand across the
tightrope of being genderqueer.

There are an infinite number
of ways in which I love you.
Written in late 2013/early 2014, this is my slow descent into insecurity due to certain realizations concerning my identity.
1.1k · Mar 2014
Jay Wasnothing Mar 2014
One day we should live our daily lives in underwear
Without a single worry or care

You can wear flattering boxers and I'll wear cute *******
And maybe later we'll become bed-sheet vigilantes

Together we can lay around with a lack of pants
And you could also teach me how to dance

Perhaps those ******* will be polka-dotted or even black with lace
Either way I'll constantly have a smile on my face

Perhaps your boxers will be colorful or plain
No matter what, I'm sure they'll entertain

Without a doubt, I'm sure we'll have fun
Because being with you is second to none
Written in 2013, after my boyfriend told me to write a silly poem
933 · Jun 2013
Infatuation and Love
Jay Wasnothing Jun 2013
Is not a joyful sensation
Because it's a cheap knockoff of love

Love, teenaged or not,
Is similar to being shot
Because it sometimes leads to death
Copyright 2013
846 · May 2013
Daydreams and Reality
Jay Wasnothing May 2013
i think about you
when i go to fall asleep

you run circles in my mind
make me dizzy with giddy feelings of love and happiness

i imagine that you're laying beside me
close enough for me to hear your heartbeat

you're always smiling in these daydreams
the love you hold for me apparent in your eyes

but those are in my childish fantasies
not reality

in reality
you are the opposite

you stay stationary under my glance or gaze
and make me sick with horrible feelings of worry and dread

i see that you're walking far away from me
far enough for me to be unable to make out your shape

you're always frowning in the real world
the love you once held for me extinguished in your eyes

i yearn to see the you from my daydreams become true
i yearn to see the you from the real world become false

i dream of the day the you i fell in love with becomes real again
Copyright 2013
Jay Wasnothing Mar 2014
On those days when
your ghosts visit you
before witching hour,
wrapping their familiar
fingers around your
throat, remember:
it's okay to relapse.

As they shove their
fingers down your throat,
you'll find it hard to
breath and even harder
to try and think.

Because the dead
will force you to
remember all the
anxieties that you
grew out of, all
the tendencies that
they inspired in you
that ranged from suicidal
to only worrying too much.

And I'm sorry to say it,
but eventually you will
***** up every single
butterfly they ever gave
you, along with the fond
memories you tried to
keep for a rainy day.

You're going to make one
hell of a mess all over the
present and the immediate
future, and your ghosts will
make sure you can't do
anything else until you break
down in defeat and beg for
their mercy and forgiveness.

And you won't be granted
either of those things, but
they will eventually leave
for purgatory again and you
will be able to think again
and remember that
it's okay to relapse
because your past will
always be a part of you.
Written early 2014, and still a good part of my struggle with my identity.
684 · May 2013
What We Could've Been
Jay Wasnothing May 2013
at night
when i can't sleep
i think of what could've been
what you and i could've been

we're always sitting on a couch

it's always daytime
we're always watching a movie

and i suddenly turn to you
clasp your face in my hands
and kiss you
with a smile on my face
and love written in the way i tightly close my eyelids

and after a moment
i pull away
and whisper
"i love you more than all the universes combined"
and you whisper back
"i love you more"
so i laugh and hug you
and listen to your heart
as it thumps in your chest

and the artificial memory plays on repeat
again and again
until it's a stake driven into my barely beating heart

and so i look for my phone
so i can talk to you
and i begin to sob
and i begin to type
and i begin to take you in
everything you are and ever will be

i listen to the way you perfectly laugh
i watch the way you perfectly smile

but most of all
i feel your feelings
halfway across this misshapen continent
the romantic ones you once had

and we talk about the february over a year ago
when i had feelings for you too
but cast them aside into nothingness

and i know that you
my could've-been-lover
are the only reason i'm still alive
Copyright 2013
628 · May 2013
i am nothing
Jay Wasnothing May 2013
no longer have a claim to humanity
have lost it to insanity

no longer have a mind
have lost it and also become blind

no longer hate these highs and lows
have lost the ability to speak in prose

no longer hate these  babbles that rhyme
have lost the ability to keep track of the time

no longer want to breathe
have lost the ability to ‘childishly’ believe

no longer want to wait for you
have lost the ability to tell what is true

no longer desire to be ‘accidentally’ forgotten
have lost any care i had about becoming rotten

no longer desire the love of another person
have lost any care i had about seeing myself worsen
Copyright 2013
628 · May 2013
My World
Jay Wasnothing May 2013
The world around us is like to one grand sea,
An enormous place where not everyone knows me.
But I still view this place as an opportunity,
Where, if you so wished it, you could be a tree.

I also perceive this world as inspiration waiting to take flight.
After all, my best stories have always hid and waited until I have tucked myself in tight,
Then gleefully reveal themselves to me in a vivid dream during the night.
In the morning, they earn their wings and flutter about my mind as I write, write, write.

This is why, to me, every little nook and cranny of this ‘sea’ is irreplaceable.
It makes me truly believe that all my wildest dreams – and fears – are faceable.
Even though it often gently reminds me that my fate is inescapable,
My will to change the future events in my life is unbreakable.

However, this world can also be a chore,
So frustrating that I want to punch through a door.
Or such an absolute and utter bore,
That the lack of anything to do or see leaves me numb to my core.

The people here can also be rude,
Causing me to do nothing but stare into space and brood.
Even though I try not to be like those individuals, horrid and crude,
My hate still occasionally eats me alive as if I am food.

Yet, despite all the negativity aimed at my self-confidence like a dart,
I still believe that this world is a beautiful work of art.
For every time I give up on life, I’m given another start,
A restart on the race to finding the true happiness that sleeps in my heart.
Wrote this about a year ago
Copyright 2013
619 · Jul 2013
To My Boyfriend
Jay Wasnothing Jul 2013
I didn't always like you
Romantically, I mean

But one day I noticed you
I mean, really and truly noticed you

The way you smiled
The way you laughed

The way you spoke
The way you listened

And I found myself standing there
With butterflies in my stomach and heart

But I was frightened and ashamed of the way I felt
I thought it was unrealistic to hope for anything to happen

So I tucked them away
Under "Feelings that won't ever come to light"

And I contented myself with being your friend
Because I didn't want to lose you

I was happy
For a while, anyway

Every so often those feelings would surface
And I'd sort of vaguely distance myself for a bit

Once they were under control again,
I'd act as if nothing had happened and go back to "normal."

But eventually those feelings started clawing at me
Tearing me apart and stressing me to my breaking point

So I wrote about those feelings
Calling you my "close friend"

But then I wrote about them again
Calling you my "somebody who I like"

And you noticed the second time and I
I felt my stomach twist

I worried that you would be disgusted
Having your friend turn out to have romantic feelings for you

So I went with the other person I "liked"
Who I ended up feeling platonic about (and so did she)

But then I wrote again, with you nagging at my mind
About letting anyone tell me that they liked me

And you replied and,
And I've never been happier.
587 · Jul 2013
To My Lover
Jay Wasnothing Jul 2013
If you could hear my unhindered voice,
You'd notice that I never should've been your first choice.

If you could whisper into my ear,
You'd notice that making you sad is what I fear.

If you could listen to my fumbled I-love-you's,
You'd notice that I'm fickle and too easy to bruise.

If you could touch my freckled skin,
You'd notice that I'm ever-so-slowly wearing thin.

If you could kiss my awaiting lips,
You'd notice that they have more than a few cracks and rips.

If you could hold me so, so close,
You'd notice that I've become reclusive and morose.

If you could see into my dreams,
You'd notice that I'm tearing at my seams.

  If you could hear all of my never-ending thoughts,
You'd notice my millions of remaining faults.

Now that you know exactly who you are,
I have one last statement, my shining star.

If you could decide to break my heart into two,
You'd notice that I'm glad that person would be you.
579 · Mar 2014
Jay Wasnothing Mar 2014
I've got a tingling all over me
The kind that makes you howl
And I think I'm losing it babe

I'll throw my clothes off
Just to scratch at this itch
After all, everything's better in *******

I'll dazedly watch my skin blush
Shy at the attention it's getting
From the fingers being raked across it

My freckles won't be the only geometric thing then
I'll have parallel and perpendicular lines
****** squares and rectangles

You wouldn't believe the roaring that fills my mind then
When I see that miasma of pinks and reds
Telling me that I don't deserve anything

Especially not you
Written in 2013
563 · Mar 2014
march 6th
Jay Wasnothing Mar 2014
and tonight i shall bow at the altar
like a great tree bends in the wind
and scratch my skin

as an offering

to the confidence i lost with my femininity,
to the loved ones i have lost or forgotten,
to stars and the heavens and the seas

my branches will snap and break away
my leaves will crunch underfoot
as i stand and cry out from the pain

until i have bled myself dry

but like all great trees
i will grow again when the storm has passed
wiser and lovelier than ever before
559 · May 2013
Jay Wasnothing May 2013
I’m falling down, head over heels,
Waiting for you to catch me.

I don’t want to say this is love,
I don’t want to open my heart.

But, darling, I can see you and me together,
Holding hands and whispering sweet nothings.

I hear wedding bells tinkling,
Young children laughing.

Please catch me in your strong embrace.
You’re the only one I’ll ever fall for.

These butterflies in my stomach can’t keep me afloat,
They only make me ponder what this truly is.

My love, I’ll only say this once.
If you’ll be my darling, I’ll be yours.
Copyright 2013
536 · Aug 2013
Jay Wasnothing Aug 2013
I only pray for certain things
And most of them involve you

I pray that my dad won't read my texts
Because he wouldn't understand you and I

I pray that my dad won't read between the lines
Because then I'd be banned from talking to you

I pray that no harm will come to you
Because I'd be lost without you at my side

I pray that we'll be left alone
Because I'm scared of people interfering

I pray that I'll never make you upset
Because I can't stand the thought of it

But I don't even know what I pray to
Because the cosmos have given up on me
504 · Jul 2013
The Truths of Meghan Green
Jay Wasnothing Jul 2013
I hate my memory
When it notices the date is a six,
Because that's the day we built a love out of sticks.

I hate my hair
When it's long enough to flutter down to my chest,
Because that's when you thought it looked the best.

I hate my songs
When one that I edited the lyrics of plays,
Because it reminds me of those happy days.

I hate my words
When they remind me of yours,
Because they can make a person crawl on all fours.

I hate my mood
When it reminds me of how I felt dealing with you,
Because my face is red with rage but I feel so blue.

But before I say adieu,
I have one final hate for you.

I hate my poems
When they're written about you, Miss Meghan Green,
Because they're so obscene.
Copyright 2013
480 · Jul 2013
With You
Jay Wasnothing Jul 2013
When I listen to the radio,
I don't find any particular songs that remind me of you.

It happened with all of the others,
But not with you.

When we first started dating,
I didn't mark down the approximate time in my head.

It happened with all of the others,
But not with you.

When I first realized my feelings for you,
I didn't firmly believe you'd ever like me back.

It happened with all of the others,
But not with you.

All of the songs on the radio remind me of you.
I didn't mark down the time because I was too giddy over it all.
I didn't firmly believe you'd like me because I was insecure.

It happened with none of the others,
But it did with you.
468 · Mar 2014
Jay Wasnothing Mar 2014
At the end of the day
I still won't have felt your touch
Only heard your voice
And seen your face

But at the end of the day
I'll imagine your touch
Your arms holding me
Your hands grabbing me
Your lips kissing me
And your body oh-so-close to mine

But at the end of the day
I'll remember your voice
You'll be talking over loud music
You'll be using your fine sense of language
You'll whisper things in my ear
And you'll make me blush all over

But at the end of the day
I'll remember your face
In a half-lit room with messy hair framing it
In a half-lit room with half-lidded eyes
In a half-lit room with a dreamy smile
And in a half-lit room with a gaze fixed upon me
Written in 2013, sticking with my theme of love poems
458 · May 2013
Nearly Iambic
Jay Wasnothing May 2013
Oh my beloved, do you notice me?
I doubt it, I cherish you from afar.
Always your expression is one of glee.
Who am I to like you? You, a bright star?
Perhaps some day our paths will cross by fate.
Or maybe by sheer luck, I do not know.
Will your only feelings for me be pure hate?
I promise my love for you has no foe.
My mind and heart are restless, my sweetheart.
They are always arguing over you.
My heart wants something beautiful to start.
My mind is shouting, "Look for someone new!"
Oh my beloved, I have news to share.
Just now you grinned at me and began to stare.
I had to write a poem in Iambic pentameter for English class and I sadly miscounted a few syllables, so it's not completely iambic, but it nearly is.
Copyright 2013
436 · Jul 2013
Jay Wasnothing Jul 2013
I feel you wrap your arms around me in the night
And pull me into your intoxicating world

Where silence is golden
But so are the sounds that slip past our lips

We float high above the world
As if we are clouds, as if we are kings

I always hold onto you tight
Making sure that you're real

In return you embrace me with all that you are
And the air leaves my lungs with a happy sigh

I know then that you're not a dream
That your world is as sweet and beautiful as it seems

And in that one blissful moment,
You and I are only the things that exist
This poem can be meant two ways, it depends on how you look at it. Also, the title is meant to be that way, meaning "I'm pure" or "impure."
Copyright 2013
402 · May 2013
All I Could Think
Jay Wasnothing May 2013
It began quietly, as many things do.
In fact, it began while I was thinking of you.

The tears started to form in my eyes,
And my lungs became filled with a thousand sighs.

The tears then quietly streamed down my face,
And all I could think was, "Ha, what a disgrace."

So I sat there for a while with my face in my hands,
And all I could think was, "Ha, nobody understands."

It was then that my throat began to feel tighter and tighter,
And all I could think was, "Ha, I never was a fighter."

Eventually I began to quietly whine,
And all I could think was, "Ha, I was supposed to shine."

Soon I opened my mouth and let out a million silent screams,
And all I could think was, "Ha, there go my hopes and dreams."

Mere moments later I had cried my eyes dry,
And all I could think was, "Why?"

"Why did I waste so many tears,
On someone who has given me grief for years?"

"Why did I think you would've changed,
And not still be emotionally deranged?"

"Why do I put myself into this predicament time after time,
And think you won't commit another perfectly devastating crime?"

So I got back on my feet and wiped away all my tears,
And all I could think was, "Ha, it's time to be happy again for the first time in years."
Copyright 2013
373 · Mar 2014
Still Awake at 1:15AM
Jay Wasnothing Mar 2014
i think maybe the reason we mesh so well
is because we both still hold onto the ghosts
of the lovers we lied about forgetting.

however, i think they are still the cowards
for pretending like they moved on long ago
when we are still in each breath they breathe.
And so begins my shift in style! Written late 2013/early 2014

— The End —