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Feb 16 · 128
James Jarrett Feb 16
Woke up to shovel snow in the rain
So cold and gray
Another day
Another day
Another day
All just the same
Still waiting for the warm
Waiting for the light of day
Aug 2024 · 189
In the night
James Jarrett Aug 2024
I remember the day the world ended
Just went away
No flashes of light
Nothing to see
A Blanket of dark
Over my eyes
Gone in the night
The world over
And now nothing more
Nothing but war
Feb 2024 · 836
James Jarrett Feb 2024
Glowing waves

of grey and white

iridescent clouds

wash softly

against the pale shores

of the night sky

They lap against

the shining moon

But it is a beauty

I can’t enjoy

My love, my love

is not at my side

The beauty is lost on me alone

I am lost as me alone.

She sleeps

As the night does beautiful things

She sleeps

While I wonder

What would I ever do

without her?

All the beautiful things of the world

are lost

on me alone

Tomorrow I think

We will watch the sunset

and the moon rise

Tomorrow, tomorrow
Feb 2024 · 791
The entrance
James Jarrett Feb 2024
She wears her *** like silk
Draped around her in translucent veil
Shimmering as she walks
In ivory , elegant form
She can almost hear the heads turn
And feel the men stare
As she glides across the room
Jan 2024 · 217
Valhalla, Texas
James Jarrett Jan 2024
Ready to take a ride

Even though the roads aren't paved with gold

But I still want to roll

Maybe sit at the table with warrior kings of old

Come on down

Take a ride

To the new Alamo

Toast of the town

Riding alone to the great dining hall

Kings and Cowboys

To tell their tales of war

Shields and spears hanging on the wall

Toast! Toast!

In new Valhalla

At the table of kings and Gods
Jan 2024 · 208
James Jarrett Jan 2024
Rule shakes off of me , like Yesterdays dust
And I dream freedom
Freedom like a vision
Freedom shining like the sun
So bright that all the shadows of chains are gone
The prison walls built by men
Fade away
And my own shadow
That ruled man
Is overtaken by the rays
And becomes light of itself
And the dust of yesterday,of years, of centuries
Is blown away on the breeze
Gone, gone, oppression
The currency kings
Gone in freedom
Freedom in my dream
Dec 2023 · 403
Hard times
James Jarrett Dec 2023
Life used to be so hard

But now I have nine Rabbits and a dog

Sitting here in the sun

Playing this song

From so long ago

Waiting with coffee

For Christmas to come

Gardens in dirt and crystals in light

Wind chimes and breezes

No snow in sight

Hard times, hard times

Where have you gone

Even though I'm still playing your song
Nov 2023 · 332
The fall of Dixie
James Jarrett Nov 2023
Fall Dixie

Only now

Only now

In flames of fire

Conquered but in cold

Long buried hearts below

Last memory gone

Upon empty prairie’d fields of battle

Gone, now


In evil forge

Of tyrants flame

To burn Like the hate of war

Fall Dixie

Aug 2023 · 284
The tax man
James Jarrett Aug 2023
Will you take my bloodied hands

My broken bones

My heart grown old

My body cold

My very soul

As tax to you?

Can I pay your tax in blood and pain

My worn out back

My knees

My eyes

My worried nights?

Are these yours too

Your cut from me

Or do these things I get to keep?
May 2023 · 202
On a moonlit night
James Jarrett May 2023
I guess I am like that Rat

He was  the tough one that wouldn't die.

The one that just couldn't be killed... until he was

He had been shot and hurt, holed through, at least 3 times, gone to death though still not yet,

But still he fought, running, hiding and evading

When the dog finally came for him, scented in, brown and power in dusted thunder

With spit, teeth and blood rolling

The rat actually jumped up to fight, springing and trying to bite him in the face

He bounced and sprang, almost like a boxer, dodging in and out, feinting and snapping

For a moment, surviving

The dog , for his part, was a  little more cautious

On the last go round with this rat , he had taken a nasty bite to the lip and nose while trying to put the death clamp to him

The rat took advantage of the moments hesitation to quickly squeeze through the chicken wire and escape between the layers

The dog ,snapping , bit him as he went through, trying to crush him in his powerful jaws

But the wire caught his teeth in gnashing

And the rat slipped away

Gone in the dark

Until he wasn't

Until he was found again

Found behind the planter, then under the footer and then back on the other side of the aging chicken wire

He had been shot again in the meantime, yet still his reserves weren't gone

Still he ran and led the dog on the chase, evading him at every turn

Until he didn't

The last shot stopped him and he lay down

He was wet with dog spit and bedraggled and still wanting to bite

But it was over and the dog pounced on him and put the death bite to his stomach, ending it finally

This rat had been trapped the week before and escaped from the jaws of the trap, into the jaws of the dog

He escaped once again with a well placed bite and lived to fight another day

And what a fight it was

And I think that I am like that rat. I just keep going and keep fighting and I think it's mainly because I just don't know how to give up or maybe sometimes I am just too dumb to give up..

Maybe that was the rats problem too.
James Jarrett Apr 2023
We were young and beautiful
Ivory Gods under the sun
We invented love and passion
The world of things to do
We created as only Gods can
Living in the wind and the waves
In our idle time, in dark past night
Wet kisses spent
We quietly changed the world
Through well spent meaning
and whispered revolution
Our Hubris surpassed
In the end only by our age
Apr 2023 · 147
James Jarrett Apr 2023
You’ll laugh until that’s you

And that cop has his knee on your Irish ****** neck

You’ll laugh until you don’t

When the ******’s the cop

And he’s on top

Don’t laugh

Until it’s war

And your fighting for blood

Ready to die

And ready to rest in the land

And send your enemy to Hell

Don’t laugh about the death of a man

While you still shop at the store

Just around the corner

We are still civilized now you know

And that could still be you

And that cop
Apr 2023 · 278
Stealing chimes
James Jarrett Apr 2023
She was a Young Maiden

As Blonde as summer white

Riding in the darkened wind

Stealing it's music in the night

To the sound of waves

And sea foam blown on salty air

Old men, comforting forlorn wives

In the glowing cast of Morn'

Still heard the music chime

As she rode away

They sipped their coffee

In screen porch outrage

And swore to get revenge
To my wife, the chime thief
Mar 2023 · 164
Died suddenly
James Jarrett Mar 2023
One moment of twisted sight

Fading noise,and dimming light

Dreams to end, mouth agape

As hope and life turn to night


All away

Until darkness quickly

Rules the day
Sep 2022 · 305
Glow in the dark deer
James Jarrett Sep 2022
Down in the fields where the old pines grow

The grass runs green and the young deer glow

Glow in the dark deer under the lines

Cutting the sky In the shadow of time

Old #3 bleeding like rain

Dust and smoke

Carpet the plain

Glow in the dark deer

Eyes amber and green

Glow in the night

Too faint to see
Old #3 is the crystal river Nuke plant which used to be the most dangerous in the nation
Sep 2022 · 176
Checkered flag
James Jarrett Sep 2022
He thought he won the race
Until they moved the finish line
To a cold November Day
With a small crowd gathered
Crunching winter gravel under their feet
Whispering hushed pain to one another
On the cold and frosted green
Jan 2022 · 159
James Jarrett Jan 2022
When will it end?
Plague blown on panic wind
To fall on man and dirt the same
Dust and droplet in fogging haze
To end perhaps
Perhaps in shame
As fools fly to evade
Ever comes the big charade
The show, the tent
The acts unfold
Bought and paid
With tickets sold
By men of means
To foster all their evil deeds
Dec 2021 · 178
Ambulance ride 1969
James Jarrett Dec 2021
Somewhere within the dark dreams

I think that I knew what death was

Day was night and turned to sky

And the night was lit like fire

Sleep was awake and awake was a dream

And I was over and under water

I was haunted by the faces of all those I loved

Voices echoing down the dimming hallway

Seen yet gone in fading sense

Shadowed vision in cold and sweat

Burned and burned beneath the covers

And then the ride

In red and white

The hearse not yet

But low and long, oversized, with tires singing

Humming their song while he called my name over and over

Sirens sang too, not steel and drum

But sweet sirens, enticing

Swaying down the blocks

Stoplights passing, windows flashing

Slatted light blinking beneath dark buildings

To end, the end

In sleep

Rested sleep

No fever burning

Rested sleep to awake from death

From dreams

For tomorrow
Had a case of influenza when I was seven and almost didn't make it back. 104 fever and delerium
Dec 2021 · 119
Liberty falling
James Jarrett Dec 2021
We bleed liberty

Her lifesblood

Spattered and pooled below

Grasping reason reaches

In vain

To understand

The meaning of the pain

With weakened limb

And fading brain

Quickly darkening sight

Closes in


She succumbs

Without a sound

And fades away
Dec 2021 · 270
Death of the hero
James Jarrett Dec 2021
He lay beneath the cold

Dark roots reaching down

As dead as the day he died

He lay beneath the cold

His dreams untold

In the light and warm sunshine

As dead above as down below

He lay beneath the cold

He couldn’t tell with lips of stone

His dreams unknown

A hero gone in hate

Alone in the cold down below

His heart now as still

As his hope
Sep 2021 · 171
War comes
James Jarrett Sep 2021
Thwarted ocean now behind her

Salted wind and low voiced murmur

Creaking beam and riven plank

Breaking waves in dark of night

Under load and straining rope

Slowly slips into the harbor

Stealth and darkness help to hide her

While anchor drops and warriors ready

‘Til deafening roar on ‘Morrow dawn

Bring death and war to our shores

No one here is set save you

Save yourself or perish surely

Now is the time to put fear aside

……. And fight
Sep 2021 · 318
Shadows of men
James Jarrett Sep 2021
They lived as ghosts
Between the light and the dark
Leading their lives as dead men
Gone without the funeral
Buried beneath headstones without dates
No green fields to tread upon
And see their names
No flowered coffin to cry upon
They were the chosen
The few
To fight
Chasing the wraiths of freedom
A ghost as elusive as themselves
Dedicated to Bobby Sands 1954-1981, A warrior who gave his life the day he took his oath
Sep 2021 · 448
Five legged rabbit
James Jarrett Sep 2021
Five legged Rabbit

Scooting like a beggar

Ears up, paws out

Looking for a hand out

Can’t run

Can’t hide

Dog’s a’watching growling

No hop

No jump

Aren’t you glad she found Ya’?

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My wife has a five legged Rabbit. Two back legs are joined making for a 9 toed foot. He is healthy but has to scoot instead of hop
Aug 2021 · 126
Shit on a shingle
James Jarrett Aug 2021
It was a brief respite

From the hard work

And harsh horrors

Of the daily routine

It was the warm comfort of home

Steaming into the cold night

Wraiths of scent and flavor

Drifting through the enemy air

It was Shared ’round low fires

That reflected off the rolled wire

Glinting like stars in the darkness

Amid the raucous din of the mess tent

The clank of tin cups and mess pans

Replaced that of rolling treads

The rumbling death

That hunted down the small groups of men

Praying under the Aspen

Laughter, that medicine so rare

Played like wind through the camp

And peace for a moment was here

The food, always to be remembered

Was the only reminder

That they were still men

For a night

If only for a night

They could sleep

Dedicated to my Father Lee Roy Jarrett, 359th Co. engineers U.S. Army, 1941-1946
Aug 2021 · 130
Merry Christmas child
James Jarrett Aug 2021
That child of my youth

Lies now in her bed

As she always did

Covers pulled up to keep her warm

But she is thin and frail

As she was as a young girl

The safety of the bed though

Evades her

As it always did

The things underneath

Still haunt her

And have become real

Those shadowed horrors from below

Have come to claim her

Tubes are snaked like vines

Around her

Invading her

Covering her like an ancient ruin

Finding every crevice to crawl into

A young woman

Now old

The road maps on her skin

Traced not by time and experience

But by tragedy and chance,

Cruel blows that glanced

From her guarding arms

She will never know laugh lines

Burned into her skin by a million smiles

Those smiles will never come

They will only be bitter sweet ones

smiled by us

As we talk about old times

Laughing into the night

With worn grins

And Tired eyes

And the lines will be etched

Into our faces instead

What we measure in decades

She measures out in minutes

Hours are years

And days stretch into decades

Every moment is now measured into a cup

Metered and parceled

On a glowing monitor

The poor girl who never had a chance

Still doesn’t

And never will

It is such a shame

She is such as a sweet girl

And she has such soft hand
Aug 2021 · 270
Soul of the Tango
James Jarrett Aug 2021
I remember

When we still danced like we were young

Under the silvered moon ’round the crackling fire

Spilling wine and laughter

Late into the night

Our own private party

Until the dawn of the day

When we still danced

Like we were young
Aug 2021 · 140
Cuban missile crisis
James Jarrett Aug 2021
When the pale blue sky

That blankets the gulf

Turns rippling red

In orange hue

And thunder rumbles

Without abate

To the shelter!

To the shelter!

Before it’s too late!

Steel doors and canned goods

All below ground

Tuck and cover and pray

You don’t hear the sound

Is the world that insane?

How far have they Gone?

Say another prayer

And hope you see dawn
As seen from Florida
Jun 2021 · 453
James Jarrett Jun 2021
I am now the old dog under tree

I will sit back and watch as the the wolves devour the sheep

Wolves will be wolves

And sheep will be sheep

Just don’t come under my tree

And all will be fine

With me
May 2021 · 134
In the hallway
James Jarrett May 2021
Passion unbound

In forbidden love

Lust spilled and love found

In the cold tile hall

Beneath the stairwell

No walking here

Not for now for sure

Passion and skin

Beneath the stairwell
My love forever
May 2021 · 131
Poor Larry Worley
James Jarrett May 2021
Poor Larry Worley

His world turned topsy turvy

Didn’t have a clue to the crime

A wife with knives

And ******

On her mind

Laid poor Larry

On the sod for all time

Gone but not forgottrn

Poor Larry Worley

His wife’s hair all curly

Was stabbed over 21 times

Sorry to see you go Larry. Godspeed my friend
May 2021 · 130
Poker night- Revised
James Jarrett May 2021
Echoes from the past

Bounced off of dim

Tobacco stained walls

Make their way

Into my room

Pastel green and blue

Mute the sound

Of Poker chips and laughter

Chairs scraping the floor

Clinking and choking

Din and loudness

In the fading distance

Drifting to sleep

Makes me

Just as happy

As the room full of family

It chases the darkening night

And childhood fear

Like whispering smoke

Breathed from the dragons ’round the table

Downing whiskey and stories


Not knowing

But singing sweet lullabies

In the dark

Singing down the hallway

Sweet goodnight
Apr 2021 · 215
Picking Blueberries
James Jarrett Apr 2021
He walked through the wood

Tangled and Grown

Shade and clinging vine

Grasping at him

Thislte and trail

In the cool Of early spring

Leading him to


In muted cool

On shaded path

Blue eyed and looking on

The fruit of his desire

In baskest blonde

Of woven reed

Come before his hand

Came the fruit

That drove him there

“til springing beast

In Muscled brown

And killing rage

Charged through the forest

And drove all thoughts

Of civil life


With just one Grey squirrel
Apr 2021 · 311
Mrs. Gardener
James Jarrett Apr 2021
Mrs. Gardener in her gloves

Silk and blue

Planting in love

For her children

Too poor to eat

Carrots and peas

Planted in peat

Cotton for clothes

And potatoes for stew

Poor Mrs. Gardener

Plants in rows

For the future

In her blue gloves
To my baby.May you garden forever
Apr 2021 · 217
James Jarrett Apr 2021
Her heart lay beneath
his ear
It's beat
Strong and near
The only peace upon the earth
The only place of  hold and rest
Warm skin
Warm blankets
Heart marching
Marching on
He will go on
Jan 2021 · 184
Banana republic
James Jarrett Jan 2021
To the streets

In mob and crowd

To the streets

In angry throng

Let chants and pounding din

Lead the crowds

To pull them down

Tyrants and thieves

Those that lead us

Steal elections then deceive us

Fires lit in the people

In the streets

Let them see us

Let them hear us

Let them fear us



To the streets
Oct 2020 · 142
James Jarrett Oct 2020
Soon the country will cry as I do
And their tears will fall like rain
But they won't dance in dry dust
To feed the thirsty green
They will fall on bloodied streets
And on freshly filled in graves
Rivulets to rivers
Growing in the rage
'Til torrents flood and bridges fall
And all is washed away
Sep 2020 · 124
Pack the court
James Jarrett Sep 2020
Rack the slide

And drop the round

Here it comes

It’s going down

Voting day

Every way

From the rooftops

And In the streets

Pack the courts

Then run like rats

Pack the courts

No going back

“Let me be clear”

He declared

“Nothing is off the table

For next year”

You have said it

You have said it

Pack the court
Aug 2020 · 126
The dead don't hear you
James Jarrett Aug 2020
The dead don’t hear you

While they lay in the grave

Their parts done

‘Til the end of days

Sometimes you call

And sometimes you cry

But the dead don’t hear you

No matter how hard you try

They’re dead and gone

So let them go

Cold and and bone

In the dark down below
May 2020 · 125
James Jarrett May 2020
I have become the hard earth

Uncaring of toil

Clay without thought

Cold and unforgiving

To drown the roots

Clog the shovel

Dry and become stone

To hammer and chisel

Earth, Earth

I have become

May 2020 · 130
dead to you
James Jarrett May 2020
My lungs breathe cold earth
I am Still
Beneath the roots and moist soil
I am dead
for now
At least
To you
Buried by your words
And cold hate
I am chilled
Under the weight of the clay
White and unmoving
And to you
That way I will stay
Mar 2020 · 130
James Jarrett Mar 2020
And now it's here

In rippling current

Spread in waves and moving torrent

Soft wind spreading

Slowly moving







O­f disaster

Breeding swollen fruits of death

By the bushel

By the basket




Jan 2020 · 126
James Jarrett Jan 2020
Winter has come


The rain grows colder

The days are short


Darkness comes to dinner

Cold surf

Cold wind

But tomorrow

The sun

Will be back again
Jul 2019 · 171
Crazy man Jack
James Jarrett Jul 2019
Bark at the moon and bite at the sky
Moon and fire lighting your eyes
Wild at heart
Wild in body
Clothed in smoke
On the fourth of July
Concussions booming
Powder burning
Sparks flying
A dogs hearts yearning
Chasing rockets, dragons and Lions
Brown muscled beast
Born to baying
Work 'Til dawn
Then lay down yawning
And dream the dream
Of the hunting dog tired
To the best dog ever.
Apr 2019 · 174
James Jarrett Apr 2019
I have since been accused
Of stealing words from my muse
Thoughts and strains
Not my own
Rhythm and rhyme
Verse and poem
Stolen from the purse of a muse?
I am speechless
James Jarrett Mar 2019
I drive by to see if he is out on the patio

or by the bench in the sun

Statued in stony white

Taking in some rays

Getting warmth while he can

If he is

I stop in  to have a smoke

Time is short so I don't stay long

Just a brief stay

Like the spring breeze

Just long enough to have been there

And then gone

There isn't much left to him these days

A man once


The pain meds have him in a fog most of the time

Fading in and out

Clouded like mist

But he still has spirit

One last fight

He's holding out now for St. Paddy's day

He heard that there's a party at a nearby club

And he plans on being there

I hope he makes it

If he does

I'll be his ride

And we'll have

One last day of being Irish
Jan 2019 · 325
Child of a lesser God
James Jarrett Jan 2019
He was betrayed
In the end
By the Gods of his youth
His prophecy
By the only deities he knew
The infant's almighty
The Gods of small children
Hanging like
The mobile of life
Over them
It is all they born to
Bruised fists floated
Like angry storm clouds
Over Seas of battered emotions
Sweet red lips
Buttered with coated  lies
And Whispered
Into the wind
And in the end
He was left all alone
And on his own cross
Was forsaken
By his God
Jan 2019 · 193
Warm bread
James Jarrett Jan 2019
Oh, bread of mine
So enticing
Warm yeast rising
Brown crust darkening
Tender white
And steaming hot
From the oven
Comes my desire
Waves of heat
Barely seen
Yet Still waving
Pouring off of
Fresh cut slices
There you sit
My soft warm pleasure
Hot and waiting for my butter
Jan 2019 · 312
James Jarrett Jan 2019
There are only a few more tears
And only for me
For I am gone
And weep no more
Five and maybe six
Fall upon the barren ground
And nothing grows there
Droplets in the dust
Bearing circlets of grey
Like the children
Of dead hope
And despair
Jan 2019 · 178
Fast ride
James Jarrett Jan 2019
I'm riding the line
Smokin' rubber
Squealing tires
120 in the middle of the night
As fast as I can go
Into dark curves
Seen only
By the double yellow line
I can smell the engine burning
But I can't slow it down
And no fire
But I'm ridin' the line
With no where else to go
In the middle of the night
Dec 2018 · 247
James Jarrett Dec 2018
The trigger has already been pulled
The hammer is on it's way down
All I have to do now is wait
For a giant chunk of lead
And one more moment of pain
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