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Sep 2014 · 301
Scale: True Story.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
Only he who
is emotionless,
and simply shallow
labels her,
judging her if society
would accept her,
not knowing
that the only acceptance
that should matter
to her
is her own.
But as he is blinding her,
labeling her,
judging her,
a man  is out there
who loves
every single inch of her.
A man that's dying
to love her,
a man who is capable
to open her eyes
and make her realize
that a number
does not
determines her worth.
That she is
absolutely perfect
just the way
she is.
No woman should ever feel
bad because of her weight.
Aug 2014 · 3.0k
Salsa Flavored
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Un, dos, tres,
un pasito 'palante, Maria!

Were the words
that ignited
her flare,
seducing every man
in the room
with her dessert-like
tone skin,
cherry colored dress,
and her *Latin
awing every soul.
She embodied
she embodied
Salsa music.

She was Salsa music.
Aug 2014 · 896
Cleopatra Foxy
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
She was tough,
there was no denying that,
but as tough
as she was,
she was absolutely
the most
woman you would ever meet.
Not many
had the luxury
her warmth
loving side.
She embodied
sensual passion.
Her look was unique.
She was unique.
Aug 2014 · 234
Tantita Pena
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
I cry on starless night,
I lose myself
in an empty sky,
for a love
that was just
an illusion.

You say that
I'm nothing,
that there's better
than me

I gave you
my life,
but you leave
me dying.

You have no heart,
no feelings,
just that beautiful
porcelain skin,
that face
that goddesses

Your love
was my poison.
Aug 2014 · 181
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
We all take a bite
off the apple,
we're all solid,
yet so fragile.
Finding a true meaning,
but still bleeding.
A pure heart,
but with a dark mind.
with good intentions,
but leaving
bad impressions.
in reality,
someone in a fantasy.
Solitude poisoning
the soul,
turning something
into a dark chunk of coal.
the world–
never being the first,
not even second,
lastly but third.
A bird who never
left the nest,
that he could fly;
his wings
are two featherless mess.

stuck almost,
to nothing but shame.
knowing himself,
he doesn't recognizes
his own name.
You can say
fallen angel
who was caught up
in an
unforgiving betrayal.
Aug 2014 · 272
La Sirena y Su Amor.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
She came from
the unknown:
nobody knew
exactly where
she had come from,
but she always
looked out onto the sea,
as though
it were the only place
she felt safe.
The only place she only
Her love for the sea
was deep,
but misunderstood.
the sea was her home;
but in his arms,
rested her
heart and soul.
Two worlds
becoming one.
How their love
knew no bounds,
just that they both
what they had was nothing,
but true love.
She belonged
to the sea;
her existence
belonged to the sea,
but her heart-

Her heart belonged to him.

She was
La Sirena and he was Su Amor.

The mermaid and her love.
Aug 2014 · 461
Lady: Sex Fiend
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Such an innocent
filled with
naughty thoughts.
Carried herself
in such
a fancy manner,
lots and lots
of clothes,
but her skin
glowed best
when they weren't
with any type of cloths.
She loved
being bitten softly,
loved grabbing
the sheets
when pleasure
every single bit of her.
When his lips
made love
to her lips.
when he grabbed her
by her neck,
turned her on
even more.
Under the sheets,
she was
such a *** fiend,
but in
people's eyes,
she was such a Saint;
but that's why
there's a
saying that goes
"Not everything
is what
it seems".
Aug 2014 · 148
Something Cliché
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
She is love,
she is all I need.

Yes . . .
She is love,
she is all I need.
Aug 2014 · 938
Greatest Love Story
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
There was just something
so deeply enamoring,
that you could not only
see it in her existence,
but you can
feel it in her eyes
as well.
That it did not matter
what anyone
or believed about them.
That all that it only mattered
was what they had-
and that was love.
There were no need
for words,
they understood each other
fluently with just one look.
And with just one look,
serenity soothed their
soul, mind, and heart.
But he-
he only saw her for how
she truly was:
Glorious, radiant, spectacular,
and absolutely perfect

because his perception
of women did not limited
his sight.
He, as a man,
understood quite well
that he had the
responsibility and duty
to assure his woman,
to make her feel,
to make her sense,
that he was not just
but intrigued,
in her.
That he was in search
for the depth
of her inner beauty
to the point that it
all her flaws,
her insecurities,
her fears,
and spark this
wild passion
within her
to want to give her
entire devotion to him.
That she could release
her mind, body and soul.
Entregarse ella misma
so passionately,
so eternally,
to just him and only him.
That she could release
all that beauty that she kept
hidden away.
To finally let someone love
her just for the way she is-
as flawed as she was,
as unattractive as she
sometimes felt,
and as unaccomplished
as she thought she was.
To believe that she had to hide
all the parts
of her that were broken,
out of fear
that someone else was
incapable of loving
what was less than perfect.
How two minds became
infixed with raw love
and tender affection.
Believing that the body
if his woman
was what God promised-
How it should be touched,
how it should be explored
with a rose;
his love.
Caressing her flesh
as though the rose itself
were the wing
of an angel.
He understood
how his woman
should be touched.
Tell me what you think :)
Aug 2014 · 361
Dance with the Devil
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Cold heart,
murderous mind,
didn't hesitate twice
he pulled the trigger;
made a pact
right there in the spot
he became
another killer.

And now
that he's locked up,
Dancin' with the Devil
in a cold
hard cell block.

But that's what
when you
****, ******, and sell rock.
Aug 2014 · 299
Alternate Trap
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
I grab a chair
and sit in front of my mirror,
I say to myself,
"What the ****, bro?
What's wrong with you?
Where did that smile go?
All I see is someone
who grew bitter."

Not knowin'
who the **** I am anymore,
I feel like I'm just
a ******' walking ghost.
I've always been the one
who people always

I truly don't know
at what time
I got lost..
Maybe it was when
I decided to drown
in my own depression.

"Don't give up,
always fight for your dreams"
goes the saying.

Blood no longer
running through
my veins,
both of my hands
are chained
to the ground,
to only feel shame.

My wrists are numb,
no longer
feeling any kind of pain.

Knowing that the man
that's the reflection
no longer recognizes
the man who is looking
at the mirror.

Knowing that the man
in the mirror
and his reflection
are no longer
the same.
Aug 2014 · 203
Summer Love
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Dear Diary,

I can't believe it's over..
I really did believe
that she was
"The One".
Aug 2014 · 2.2k
Instant Connection
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Is as if fate placed us both
at the same time,
at the same place,
with the same hope:
To find love.

With your long,
and beautiful blonde hair,
dazzling blue eyes,
and such enchanting smile.

And as you walked closer
to I,
my knees finally
has a taste of
what an Earthquake was,
my heart raced
tremendously fast,
as if it didn't know
what stopping was,
my face red
as a rose,
as though the rose
made eternal
passionate love
to my face.
But as soon as you spoke,
I knew divinity did existed.

I knew that you were
the kind of woman
that a man
would spend an entire life
wanting to love
endlessly and unconditionally.
Aug 2014 · 428
Goes Around, Comes Around
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
You were leaving.
I begged.
You left.

You lied.
I believed.
Horribly I felt.

I suffered.
You didn't care.
You left,
not a single bye.

Wondering why?

You thought.
He left.
You cried.

No love.
He played.
You tried.

Work it out?
No ******* way!

You ****** up.
Hope you understand.
Aug 2014 · 494
Chained Emotions
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
I have emotions
locked away in my journal.
Knowing when I die,
my ashes will fly,
but my written emotions
will be eternal.
I choose not to
let them free,
'cause I know if I do
they'll be on a
Aug 2014 · 849
Don Juan DeMarco
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
What do you know
of a
great love?

Have you ever
a woman
until milk leaks
from her,
as though she has
birth to love

Have you ever
a woman
until she believed
she could be
only by consuming
the tundra
devoured her?

Have you ever
loved a
so completely
the sound
of your voice in her ear
can cause
her body
to shatter
and explore
such an
intense pleasure
only weeping
could bring her
full release?
Don Juan DeMarco.
Aug 2014 · 241
Tragedy's Reflection
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Is my mind
playing tricks on me?
It must be
this broken heart.
I live in a world
paper speaks,
if you don't have
green card,
families get torn apart.
A world
there's too many
and not many
Where someone
can easily walk in an
elementary school
and ****
twenty small children,
walk in
into a movie theater
open fire
killing many innocent
whose purpose
was to enjoy themselves
their loved ones.
Is anybody even
tryin' to prevent things
like these
from happening again?
How can we ****
Adam's and Eve's
Our own
brothers and sisters.

*Time forgives,
people don't forget.
Aug 2014 · 238
Jenny's Story.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
As the rain is falling
from the cloudy sky,
my tears
remember that horrendous night
when you laid
your hands on me for the last time.
Did I do anything wrong?
I always loved you,
tried my best to be the perfect woman
you wanted me to be,
but yet,
you couldn't see.
How could you harm someone
that you say
you love someone so much?
The one who carries
your seed.
You've seen me shed
You were the only one that
I loved
the years.
But I can still picture
that ****** night,
always led to fist fights.
When you used to come home
late drunk,
like women's perfume.
Knowing that I was always home,
cooking you meals,
washing your clothes,
and carrying your child inside my womb.
But everything
was never like this;
At the beginning you were
so kind and sweet.
So sweet
that I used to sneak out of my house
so we could always meet;
with you, I lost my virginity.
You were my one and only.
While you went out
to strip clubs
with your friends,
I was home.
Always home,
always feeling lonely.
All the abuse,
all the bruises,
and all the name calling,
I still stayed with you
you would always
you always swore,
that you were gonna change
all smiling.

All my friends
used to tell me to get away from you,
to leave you,
you were never going
to change.
That you were still going
to do
what you always do.
But when I finally decided
to leave you,
I packed all of my
and tried to leave.
Trying to leave in a hurry
'cause I knew
that if you came home,
things would get
very ugly.
But that day
you came home early,
exactly at 7:30.
That's when everything
got worse:
you pulled my hair,
starting hitting me,
punching me,
even when you knew I was pregnant,
then you kicked me
in the stomach.
Blood started coming out.
You had no remorse.
You said that if I were
to leave you,
you were going to **** me.
That I was never going to be free
I was your property.
You ran to get your gun,
but as you left,
I ran to the kitchen and grabbed
a ***,
hid beside the door
and when you started looking for me,
yelling my name,
you walked in the kitchen
and I hit you
as hard as I could.
You fell to the ground
and dropped
your gun.
I grabbed the gun
as fast as I could
and tried to run,
but you got up fast and grabbed me
from the hair
and pushed me to the ground.
You tried
getting the gun back,
but then . .


(The sirens crying)

There was blood everywhere..
That night
was the end of that

You were dead.
This is a true story,
it happened to my cousin Jennifer.
It took her a year
for the verdict to say
that she acted upon self-defense.

If you know anyone that's being
physically or verbally,
or you, yourself,
is being abused,
there's a hotline called
**The National Domestic Violence Hotline**
that you can call at anytime.

Aug 2014 · 312
Redemption from the Hood
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
I'm here stuck
in these four walls,
and in my hands
I'm holding what could possibly
be my end,
I'm holding a gun.
Only seeing everyone movin' on,
and becoming someone in life.
Wanting my life like theirs
so my life could finally be begun.
I wish my life was like that:
graduating on time
and getting a well-paid job.
You see,
all of these fantasies
are poppin'
in my head while
I'm sittin' down here smoking ***.
Wishin' my life was different,
or at least could have
a father figure
to teach me how to live.
I want to be somebody in this life
and to achieve my goals,
and I am going to achieve them..
Yep, that's what I try
to tell myself,
to still believe.
Killin' myself has popped
into my head several times
because I feel like
I'm going nowhere,
like if I was walkin' blind.
God, I beg you
to please give me hope.
Clear my mind and simply
destroy all these evil thoughts
and give me the ability
to cope.
To cope with these problems,
bless me with a blessing
so I can finally solve 'em.
Please, Lord,
help me to become a better person
and to become productive.
I know that I've committed
a million sins,
and that I've done damages
in the past,
that I've been around
the wrong crowd,
and all drugs known to man
that has a reputation
of being so seductive.
I'm not sayin'
that I'm perfect, Lord, no!
But please,
I'm just another servant
of Yours.
Only You that I can trust
to take me from
all the negative
to the positive.
I have faith in You.
You're the only God
that loves us all,
the only one who is,
and will always be there
for us.
Yes, that's You-
The One who is forever true.
So Lord, I'm just a young man
tryin' to live his life,
and You,
the most powerful Being.
I'm just one of your
greatest creations-
a human being.
So please listen to my prayers
'cause You're the only One
who truly listens and cares.

From Heaven,
please bring down
Your Heavenly stairs
and take me
to the the promised land
right now I'm just
broken and impaired..
For my acting class I had to create a character
with a struggle and act it out.
So this is what I came up with.
Just a reflection of a young Latino male
struggling in the ghetto-
Aug 2014 · 259
Les Larmes de la Lune
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
I can't help but to ask,
"Have you forgotten
all of those memories
that we both once had?
All of those dreams
that we both made up?
When everything,
including us,
was based
on forever?"

And now every night
I cry to the moon,
saying to Her,
"Do you remember us?
Do you remember how
I loved her tremendously?
Moon, you witnessed it all",
but all that the moon
is look the other way,
hiding Her tears.

Even the moon knew
you loved me . .
Aug 2014 · 285
Diamond Rose
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
The flow of her hair
is the same
as a river flowin' gently,
and as I close
my eyes
every time,
all I see is her image;
she's the sun,
my sun,
whenever the day
is rainy.
The texture of her lips
are formed
from rare rubies.
We fell in love in a way
that most people
would say
it only
happens in the movies.
Her eyes
are two white diamonds
that can
your soul with one look,
she didn't
have to talk,
not even one word,
but with one look,
she spoke so many words.
And yes,
our love will be eternal,
a never-ending
just as a crystallized
it'll never age,
nor will it ever die.
And you would never
have to ask
me if my
for you would still
exist for you,
you would be my why.
Why I breathe,
why I live,
why I write poetry,
my love,
you would be my why.
And I know
for a fact that you
will always
be there
for me.
In my highs,
and in
my lows,
and because of all that,
I want you to know
I love you,
Diamond Rose.
Aug 2014 · 352
The Betrayal
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
You two look great together.
Some may even say
a match made in heaven.
He's my best friend,
almost like my brother,
and you . . .
You were my everything-

This relationship was my

The two most important
people in my life
the most horrendous
known to a man's heart.

I was fooled, I was played.

Both of you grabbed my heart
and just destroyed it;
y'all tore it apart.

My soul,
my smile,
my everything
was just an illusion.

I loved this woman,
heart and soul.

And he,
who I thought was my brother,
knew exactly how I felt
for this woman.
He knew I wanted to give her
my name.

But they both schemed
a plan together.


And now I'm here,
drunken with anger and hate.
Asking myself,
"What did I do wrong
to receive this fate?"
Aug 2014 · 403
Sinful, Yet Beautiful Night
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
With the moon
shining bright;
all of my secrets,
all of my sins,
the night keeps.

The perfect night
with my sweet lover
The seducing caressings
from my mistress,
my bed.
The comfort and supporting
that my girlfriend,
my pillow,
gives me.

A beautiful and simple night.

The crickets serenading
with their harmonies
so sweetly
to the stars that shine
so bright.

When you can hear
the echo
of a soundless
and peaceful night,
the darkness
blanketing you
with its warmth,
when you can hear
the clarity
of your voice
inside your head.

A beautiful and simple night.
Aug 2014 · 352
An Addict's Romance
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
lines of burned ashes
of a rose,
getting drunk
men's tears
heart is broken.
myself with
solitude from a
lonely man
who has
My heart inhaling
love stories,
exhales passion.
An addict is
who I am.
Truly believing
make a woman
a woman.

Three rare, but beautiful combinations.
Aug 2014 · 344
Golden Roar
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
the birth of the sun
each morning,
its beautiful crisp
with its
golden presence
not just my face,
my soul
as well.

not just my dark eyes,
but fueling
the little light
that still is dimming
in this
dark mind of mine.

Allowing me
to have just a small taste
just allowing me
to feel alive
for just a
brief second.

And as the sun is
caressing me,
if I close my eyes,
I can feel,
I can hear,
its roar in the sky;
but instead of
being frightened,
peace and serenity
rushes through
every single fiber
of my

That peace
that assures me
that I'm still alive,
when I think
I'm dead.

Aug 2014 · 781
Amour Soumis
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
She loves being
pinned down,
she loves being submissive,
she loves him
to take control,
not just with her body,
with her soul.

He's her King;
that no matter what,
he would be

that no matter what,
would make it
through anything.

He loves being in control,
he loves
her against the wall,
pulling her hair
yet rough.

Treating her
as the Queen that she is,
he would move
just to see her

At the end,
it really never mattered
what she wore.
He could see through
he could see pass through
skin, nerves, & bones.

He could see her
lovely & naked
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Every morning
waking up to you
would make up
for every
mistake I have
ever made in the past.

Your love
filling scars
that my soul
thought were never
going to be filled,
especially noticed
by anything,
or anyone.
Your kisses
bathing my body,
and your presence
my existence.
Aug 2014 · 449
Femme Fatale
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
I smile at her;
she walks up to me,
the Hell outta me,
grabs my head,
pulls me closer,
"I swear I'm nice,
I just look grumpy
all the time"
and kisses me
as soon
as I can respond,
walks away.
Aug 2014 · 264
Simplemente Ella
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Her hands
are quite so lovely;
and sweet.

With just her touch,
my demons
their existence,
to torment me.

With just her touch.
Aug 2014 · 427
Darkened Beauty
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Her darkness
is filled with beauty,
there is light  in those
dark and beautiful
eyes of hers.
Although her skin
is pale,
almost cold as ice,
there's this warmth
inside of her
that many
do not ever
get to witness.
the only language
she speaks
is her mind
and she speaks it well and fluent.
Her scars
are absolutely lovely.
Although it seems
that she has suffered in the past,
her smile
will leave you in peace.
She's beautiful, both inside-out.
But even with
all that darkness
that the world
in her,
she's simply a woman
that wants to
be loved and cared for
Written for a dear friend.
Aug 2014 · 736
Sunlight Miracle
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
What was utmost
about her,
was how she could
see something
filled with darkness,
but still manage
to see genuine
not just her kindness,
but grace,
so loudly
that even the most
human being
teared up.
Not help
but to feel strongly,
drawn to her
aura & soul.
A miracle
is what
she was,
and still is
to this day.
Aug 2014 · 312
Nightly Reminder
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
He howls and howls,
pouring all of his
heart & soul;
enamoring her
as he is wooing her
every night.

Reminding her
that she is the only light,
the only one who
control over him
when she's at her mightiest.
Aug 2014 · 306
Luckless Romance
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Yesterday you swore
to the stars
that I was what
you've been lingering for,
then it happened;
the sun left,
and all the sudden
those words vanished,
leaving an emptiness
so abandoning
and cold.
And all that you were,
were another
luckless romance.
Leaving emotions,
leaving beautiful words
freeze to Death
in what seems a world
filled with regrets.
Reminding my soul
that solitude has him
wrapped around
her aching warmth.
But even in tragedies,
something good
has to come out of it:
And in our luckless romance,
the only blessing
that came was inspiration.
Inspiration to write.
my luckless romance,
thank you.
Thank you for reminding me
of this curse
I was destined to have.
True Story
Aug 2014 · 155
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
You and I,
deeply in love,
with a bottle of red wine.
Aug 2014 · 227
Un Maldito Amor
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Sometimes you're a photograph
faded deep in my mind.
Suddenly strong feelings
are rushing through
my existence,
that no matter how hard
I try,
I just cannot hide.

Sometimes when I close my eyes,
I can feel your presence
on my skin.

Once believing
that you were Heaven's blessing
poured into my well,
but then after all the shattering
you caused,
I still torment myself
by telling me that no matter
you were still my most
precious and beautiful sin.

Though I know I deserve
someone whom
wants to share
her years and soul with me,
you're still that dark cloud
that haunts me
and won't allow me to see.

Confusing dilemma
between love and hate,
not knowing
if this is a test
or if our luckless romance
was fate.

Although you were
my absolute everything,
now that you vanished,
I feel absolutely empty.
I no longer feel anything.

But even after all of this,
you will always be
that beautiful thought,
that mistake one day to me brought.

Un maldito amor-
A ****** love.
Aug 2014 · 410
Caught in the Moment
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
With a simple tender glance
from those
lovely enchanting eyes,
is as if a rose
made of
purely passion
left its
love adorned
my face;

It fascinated me-
a mixture of a
hopeless romance
to bloom as though
it were
a flower in Spring.
Aug 2014 · 1.3k
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
She was a diamond
in the rough,
and yes,
although she's been
hurt too many times
in the past,
she, with all her heart,
still believes in
romance and true love.

She was comfortable
with all her defects,
and just by that
she knew she was
still beautiful.

And because of the way
she saw herself,
as beautifully imperfect
as she was,
her shine was

Her worth was priceless.

*She was a diamond in the rough.
Aug 2014 · 575
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
She spoke of poetry
as though it were her
goodbye letter.

not to the world,
but to her pain.

And what was baffling
about her was
how someone so beautiful,
both inside-out,
be broken and darkened
by her past.

But something
that I was blinded to
in the beginning
was that even in all
that darkness,
a light so majestic,
absolutely luminous,

It was her that was
blinded of the true beauty
she was blessed with.

Her insecurities blinded her
of who she really was,
of what she could be
capable of.

She was her own enemy.
Aug 2014 · 1.2k
Adoration of Women
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014

Beings so glorious,
so radiant,
spectacular and
They're what God promised men:
A combination of strength,
and sensitivity all in one.
How beauty bestows women
at their grace
for which women are creators
of life.
Creators of men.
The great ability
that women have over
anything and everything,
including men.
How a woman's body is
beautifully crafted
perfectly in its own
unique and genuine way.
How women are life;
the life that we all
are apart of,
making women
a man's entire universe.
Aug 2014 · 802
Simple Gesture
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
If you want to send her
a sweet gesture such as flowers,
do not send her roses.
Although, roses are quite lovely,
you should send her orchids.
You see,
when orchids are floating
in the water,
they look graceful,
beautiful and very peaceful.
And that's what love should be;
something beautiful
floating to you
so peacefully with such delicate
grace from
the unknown.
Almost like floating on an
lake filled with possibilities
and romance.
Aug 2014 · 466
Flower Spirit
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Her spirit was
like that
of a flower:
So beautifully crafted,
so graceful,
so enchanting.
How her kindness
all the chaos
within one-self.
How she became
a reason
to smile,
even when you
had storms
following you.
The sun bathed
her with its rays,
the wind
gently played
with her soul.
She was the light
that gave purpose,
that gave hope.
She was the light
that broke the barrier
and filled
an empty dark shack
with pure
love and joy.

Oh yes..
Her spirit was
like that
of a flower.
Aug 2014 · 636
Un Amor.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
You see,
I could stare at those
beautiful eyes of yours
for an eternity.
Admire the perfect
lining and texture
of your lips
and cherish your soul
with the warmth of my heart.

I want a relationship
between you and I
where sweet love-making
turns into rough ***,
hugs into kisses,
and a ring into forever.

Being your shield throughout
the storms that life brings,
your rock when you most
need support,
but most importantly
be the love that you would
never forget.

Sure, we may have differences,
but those differences
would be meaningless.
Our love would be so much
more stronger
and much more deeper
than our differences.

Every flaw that you would
find in yourself
and would hate,
it would be another reason
why I would love you
even much more.

Those imperfections
that you would hate about yourself
would be the things
that I would love and adore
about you.

Imperfection is beauty.

And now whenever you wished
you could be perfect,
my love, you'd already be
absolutely perfect in my eyes.

Perfectamente, mi amor.
Aug 2014 · 545
Monstrous Humanity
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
An innocent little girl
walking blindly,
in this
cold forsaken world.
The monsters under her bed
were never afraid of her,
nor was she to them,
but the monsters that did
scare her were the same
ones that we
all have-
the ones living inside our heads.
Some cage them well,
and some simply don't.
Fearing that if they
set them free
they will never be in control.
The only monsters she knew
were humans.
In her teary eyes,
humans were the real monsters.

All monsters are humans.
Aug 2014 · 451
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
I'm finding myself
staring at an empty wall,
the dark eclipsing
all that is left
of my hopes
as I'm reminiscing
years of waste.
that I have not
found my calling,
being someone
whom I do not want to be.
The question that keeps on taunting me is:
"Who am I destined to die as?"
Aug 2014 · 416
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Although he knew he could not
have her,
touch her,
embrace her,
he was still madly and irrevocably
in love with her.

It did not exist,
nor was ever heard
of a greater love
than the love that he
had for her-
how he knew the right way
she should be loved,
how she should be taken care of,
held and be kissed.

The way his kisses burned
her skin with such a sweet
and tender passion;
the way it not only pleasured
her body, but her soul as well.

But she-
She soothed all of his
all of his scars.
How she were the only being
to be able to ease him
with just the sound of her voice.

And only at sunset,
that was the only
crack in the door
that he had to check
if she were doing well,
that the stars around her shined
when the clouds
hid away her broken heart.

At night when all is in silence,
suitors howled for her love,
waves crashing when they found out
that her heart was taken.
How only silence listened to her
babble about a love that she could not live.

A love that only the stars
could write about
for men to know about-
for men to learn what they have
when they have it-
for men to love and cherish
the love that they have
in their hands.

A love so beautiful.
So profound, so genuine.
A love between the moon and sun.
Aug 2014 · 281
Sinful Beauty
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
And as solitude embraces
my ghostly soul,
your memory soothes,
yet destroys,
me to the very core of every bone.
Many moon cycles
have passed
since those
beautifully words that
you spoke so mindlessly
faded away to the stars
and never were to be seen,
nor heard of,
but left an entire world shattered
into a million,
if not billion,
tiny little pieces.
All that you really did leave
were words that will forever
be engraved
in this sinful heart of mine,
that not even
the bread of your Lord
could ever make me forget,
nor His holy wine.
Believing once that your love
was different,
that it was a pure blessing
but ended up realizing that it was
the same treachery
God's most trusted angel
committed against Him.

You were my sinful beauty.
I wrote this when the "situationship" that I had with this beautiful woman came to an end.

— The End —