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 Dec 2016 AJ
Voicemail to God !!
 Dec 2016 AJ
Shakespeare says,
'Life is but a dream'
But I think
'Dream is but a life'

Life takes me to different ends
But I am in want of my own ends
Felt very guilty that am hurting others. God,protect me or punish me !!
 Dec 2016 AJ
**** me softly stab me in the eye
whisper in my ear with a lie that I will not die
We had our differences and I will not lie
but when you left my life all I could do is cry

**** me softly stab me in the wrist
when we fought it was never with our fist
I know when I write poetry it is you I missed
but I realize that as a friend I am no longer on that list

**** me softly stab me in the heart
when we parted ways it thrashed me; tore me apart
you are a muse, a frail flower a true work of art
when I see you, a fight is the last thing that I want

**** me softly stab me in the head
you see my feelings poured out on the page as I bled
all I want is a new start, some traction with this tread
but if I were to go to war would you still cry if I were dead?
just **** me... softly
 Dec 2016 AJ
Kalifornia sub-let of the love set / squatting in squalor to dwell in splendor / Temporary Autonomous Zone ignites ignoble night / misfit labyrinth of fire / in dearth of ****, the mirth of Death / coming to Crowleyan conclusions / smoking to get lit / the flaming maze, maiming, flays / demonology of **** vs. methodology of death / distinguished Burning Man, extinguished / idyls of the idols reduced to ash / Light My Fire / sitting shiva vs. dancing shiva / rave on
They provoked him to jealousy with strange gods,
with abominations provoked they him to anger.
They sacrificed unto devils, not to God;
to gods whom they knew not,
to new gods that came newly up, whom your fathers feared not.
Of the Rock that begat thee thou art unmindful,
and hast forgotten God that formed thee.
And when the Lord saw it, he abhorred them,
because of the provoking of his sons, and of his daughters.
And he said, I will hide my face from them,
I will see what their end shall be:
for they are a very froward generation,
children in whom is no faith.
They have moved me to jealousy with that which is not God;
they have provoked me to anger with their vanities:
and I will move them to jealousy with those which are not a people;
I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation.
For a fire is kindled in mine anger,
and shall burn unto the lowest hell,
and shall consume the earth with her increase,
and set on fire the foundations of the mountains.

[Deuteronomy 32]
 Dec 2016 AJ
girls & deals.
 Dec 2016 AJ
ran myself up on the land
chasin' the dark black storm
cracked my rudders straight in half
fightin' them waves off shore,

i's up in the early morning hours
makin' sure the house not burnin
down, 20 minutes there and back to
try and prove something more

no sleep for a week 'cause i'm worried
'bout a question, the one that no one
wants to answer an' drives the nail in
could love a girl to pieces but she
ain't nothin more than the warmth
she gives an' the way she consoles

i've wrapped around him tired and sore
but i've been here, i've been here
just bones and shreds offerin' up myself
in as many ways as I can before
that just ain't enough anymore

and it never is,  the heart and soul

it never is.
(c) Brooke Otto 2016

i've been here so many times.
 Dec 2016 AJ
 Dec 2016 AJ
I know I was wrong.
Am I ever going to forget? No.
Still, my mind races, everyday.
In the past, I never saw myself at this point.
Love is strong, Love is powerful,
With anyone, or anything, especially family.
You are the only thing keeping me sane.
 Dec 2016 AJ
Danny Wolf
My bones, my bones-
the keepers of my soul,
in tending to you
I am singing a song so old.
Older than Oak,
older than the stories carved in
the walls of caves,
older than the Grandfather stones.
I sing the song that formed the Universe,
that brought eternal warmth to the sunshine,
that shook the Earth with such power,
she created mountains.
This song lives in the river beneath the river,
in the first beat of a heart,
in the world of dreams not
yet dreamt.
This is the song of the Goddesses
and the Warriors.
This song is what the wolves hear
when they are howling at full moon.
This is the song that heals,
that mends the broken heart,
that makes the motionless and tired body dance,
that lets the soul avow its truth.
This is the song that creates undying love.
I heard this song first,
not when life was sweet like the nectar of flowers,
but when my bones were shattered
like a star dying in the cosmos;
when everything I had ever known
burned to dust in the palms of my hands.
I sang this song first
when I had no choice
but to begin piecing myself back together again.
 Dec 2016 AJ
David Hill
 Dec 2016 AJ
David Hill
The reflection of a star
Shimmering on the night-dark water
Born in the heart of a fierce sun
A million years
Jostled by his neighbors
To reach the surface
Then - free at least!
A hundred years more
Through dust and meteors and comets
To find a tiny planet
Then reflect off a quiet lake
And improbably die
In the rods and cones
Of my insignificant eye.
 Dec 2016 AJ
storm siren
Sometimes I forget to feel.
or, I should say,
I forget to feel anything about things
I'm supposedly required to emote towards.

maybe it's because I'm too busy
feelings things about everything else.

so I can't feel bad that I didn't chase her or him,
that I didn't break myself all over again
to keep this and that person in my life.

I'm too busy feeling
and free
and guilty for mistakes
I have yet to repent for.

I don't have time,
I guess,
to care whether or not
I'm feeling bad about whatever you want me
to feel bad about today.


guess i'm
 Dec 2016 AJ
 Dec 2016 AJ
Do you believe in ghosts?
Because I swear I’ve seen your eyes before.
And your laugh haunts my ear drums,
Cutting my heart up raw.

This house is built for Phantoms,
No one can get over things,
Always bringing up memories,
That make my old scars sting.

And the faces I remember,
Never seem to look the same,
They appear gaunt and tired.
As if they’ve been consumed by shame.

Your history will follow you,
No matter how long you last,
Just make sure you remember,
You can never truly escape the past.
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