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The world
is full
of *****.
**** fight them
right back
your concealed confidence weapons.
There is a difference
Cocky & Confident.
Know it, live it, spread it.
Cause we're all beautiful
just no one ever says it
& Every now and then we need reassurance.
You're beautiful & I love you.
Today was just another day.
Except I was alone,
And you weren't there.

Today was different.
As will tomorrow
And the many other todays.
I don't like today anymore.

I miss the mornings,
When I woke up
And thought, today will be great.
Today isn't great.
Not without you.
They protested war in the sixties
Today we occupy the 1% and their wealth

Times haven’t changed in accordance with public opinion
But the police state has grown more authoritative

Media output is under corporate thumbs
Social media is a lie proportioned from mass de-intellect

Intellectualize the comeback of systematic rational thought

Distraction of disaster is distasteful destruction
Defined, refined, combined, combed in

A darkened bomb shelter to hide in

The enemy ambushed in guerrilla warfare
Has the benefit of never seeing the enemy coming

Taken to the streets in prolific protest
Condemning the condemnation of a capitalist nation

**It’s party time to destroy the two-party system
A bald headed eagle,
A Romeo spelled wrong,
Made eyes at my dove,
*Shooed him quick, away from the branch.
No, I never told you anything,
I knew you'd never hear.
Blocking it out from the lips of your lover, your trusted, you own voice as it echos in your head.

And I,
I never once said it.

Taking a needle from the haystack on your farm,
I sharpened the point to collect my thoughts at the tip.
And stitching delicately,
I sewed my lips together.
Now they'll never tell.
Never speak unwanted truths.

Yet I don't recall your vote of thanks.

This twisted environment is entirely unintended for life.
You prefer to live elsewhere -
Where you can twist it all to the extremes,
To the point where one more turn shatters all existence;
It's your favourite place to be.

The beauty being that any second,
Any movement,
May well induce that fateful collapse.

Show me the reality in that then,
Chosen Child, Barefooted Reveler, Ancient Rambler.
I cut you down.
I sew your lips.
I hold your hand.

Oh, my little one,
You have done so well.
Out of food to feed the sharks
Out of time your wristwatch
Twists off shattering her crystillian face on the sidewalk
Feet that keep pace with the time bomb
Ticking in the head
Of a tall dark hair
All fair complexion
Not to mention a loose torn t shirt
The way that she hurt was diamond rings
The telephone sings  and you're fired from work
So you smoked a slow cigarette
And put it out beneath your foot
The way that your feeling is shocked
And you would give anything
Just to break a bottle on the teeth of your enemy
And tear every letter that she ever
Ever sent to me
I would start a fire
For dinner and a photograph
A time and a place
I know I'm never going back
Everything is going black
Oh that's just your hands?
I would love my eye-sight back
Different is good.
Normal is overrated.

Be who you are.
Don't care if you are hated.

So people disapprove, but you are who you are.
Just be yourself, that is better by far.

Ignore the judgement, they have no clue.
They don't know what it's like to be you.

Fun and energetic, living life to its full.
Following your heart, not society's rule.

It's better to be taken down for something you believe,
Than to be glorified by the way you deceive.

Let them dislike you, they don't know what they're missin'.
Maybe they would see if they would actually listen.

They are too closed off to open their eyes.
That is the reason for their despise.

Express how you feel, no need to change.
They are the ones who are truly deranged.

Live for you, not what they demand.
We are one in the same, I will take your hand.

We'll rebel against normal, at whatever cost.
They'll all be sorry because it's their loss.
chasing dollars
I honestly would rather sleep
dreams of dollars chasing me
armed with chisels they chip away at me
I'll succeed
someday, you'll see

You can't expect things to be ethical
in a System like this

dollars make me a power-man
I can do what I can
because I can buy what I want
hording doll hairs
I've amassed such a pile
other 'chasers' are starving for a taste
those little pac-men
nibbling away at my Zen
I hope they starve so my battles could end

They can't expect things to be ethical
in a Circuit like this

chasing dollars
because now I need more
A false kind of security
now my stomach is sore
beggin' for a nibble
what an awful *****!
she doesn't even care that I'm all out of doll hair
what an unethical mess
someone now
this must be
this is what I like to call a "loaded" poem.
i'm sure
life was a peach
til he was born breach
but the inversion of his excursion
into the hands of the surgeon left him worse an'
the immersive submersion
in perversive subversion
was only urgin'
the incursion
of aspersions
for subversive diversion
an apparition with volition
wishin for position transition
fishin for recognition
of  ambitious cognition    
this in addition
to the malicious conditions
that stitched in repetitions
of neurochemical
the intensity of his propensity
to find immense suspense in the
density of a tense city hence did he
commence in the dispensary
of sound condensed sensory
sensory sensory sensory.

said the intensity of his propensity
to find immense suspense in the
density of a tense city hence did he
commence in the dispensary
of sound condensed sensory
sensory sensory.
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