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Ironatmosphere May 2020
I will never forget the way you looked at me
before everything changed
You looked at me like I shone like gold
You saw my imperfections and you praised them

Then you took it way
And I will never be the same
Ironatmosphere Mar 2020
And I don't know how it is possible
but I still smell like your sweat mixed in with mine

It clings onto my hair like plastic wrap
firm, but soft and colorless.

It has sunk into my skin
swallowed up by my pores
and now it is gently seeping out

A temporary alteration of my chemistry
Ironatmosphere Mar 2020
All I want
is to be whoever it is you see
when you look at me

But that is a person who will die in process
Because if I use you to become the me I want to be
I won't

I will become someone shallow and twisted
I will need a new name
Whoever I become I won't ever be the same
Ironatmosphere Mar 2020
A part of me is hoping that you are using me too
So we can build each other and tear each other down
in some kind of ****** up synchrony
Ironatmosphere Mar 2020
Shouldn't someone be steering this canoe?
I am flailing in the water
tangled up in the stream

Where the hell is the captain?
I yell and I scream
Before realizing the inevitable
the captain
is me
Ironatmosphere Dec 2019
The only witness didn't not understand
He laughed silently
At the pain caused by your hand
Ironatmosphere Dec 2019
Kindness cannot be measured solely on its highest peak
Just like you don't measure the volume of an ocean solely on its depth
Anyone can be kind for a moment.
But what really, truly matters is the moments in between,
the absence of kindness
When a moment violently longs for kindness
and is met with nothing in return.
That is how you tell a waterfilled hole from an ocean.
True kindness is not broken with bursts of cruelty
It ripples but does not echo
True kindness is an uninterrupted stream
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