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Iris Madden Apr 2017
It hardly matters now
what's been hoped for
in my heart,
revealed in the demeanor
of your words
is the ice cold
unhoped for fact
that you don't.
and maybe you never will
My presence doesn't
fill up the air
in the room when we're together
so that all you can breathe
is me.
Those dark brown eyes of yours
stray away from my face
long enough for your mind
to wander away
from thoughts of who
you came for,
and my mind is quiet
now that it's no longer
buzzing with possibilities
of staying,
this is all we'll ever be;
two sets of unspeaking mouths
and wandering eyes,
even though at times
the thought of you
makes me nearly
choke the words out
to empty rooms:
I love you.
But you'll never love me
and I'll never be enough to make you.
And I've realized
It's just another thing we have in common:
We both don't love me.
  Apr 2017 Iris Madden
rained-on parade
I love you like clocks
breaking their arms
on my bed,
trying to stop time
from making me forget
what you looked like.
  Apr 2017 Iris Madden
My Woman
the more
I try to understand,
the more
she fall into myth..
a tiredness in understanding
a clear confirmation
You never going to
hear the bell... that
you have understood her..
  Apr 2017 Iris Madden
L Smida
It's so crazy how I crave the littlest things
Because they mean so much to me
Right now I could go for someone's quiet company
I just want to sit on the swing on the back deck
And swing with my eyes closed
If you let me
I'll hold your hand
Just to know that someone is still with me
I want to be quiet and just listen
Listen to the bugs
Listen to the squeak of the swing
Listen you our breathing
Listen to your heart beat
You can put your head on my should if you want
Make yourself at home
It's so crazy how I crave the littlest things
Because they mean so much to me
  Apr 2017 Iris Madden
Hannuh Jacey
To Lose It All

The tears the flood the sea are now dry.
A drought consumes your throat and gasping for air you inhale a dust that forces you to succumb to your fate.
You're living, you're breathing, and moving, and you're empty.
A shell of your former self. The ghost of a perfect stranger.
There's no complexity in disillusionment; And an empty locked room remains that way until a purpose is brought to its doorstep.
But without the drive, the purpose barely thrives.
Nov. 17th, 2008 1:10 a.m.
  Apr 2017 Iris Madden
Everything is hard
Moving, looking, breathing,
Laughing, loving, speaking
I can’t do it
I can’t
I can’t
They say you can
It’s not hard, just be


I say the opposite
How can it be easy when just thinking hurts
Everything hurts
I promise you I’ve tried
And tried
and tried
and tried
But every time I try I fail
Can you hear me?
Every time I fall, the climb back up becomes harder
Someone is smoothing down the walls of this pit as I climb out
When I fall again I know this
My hands try to grasp something,
to cling to
To pull myself out
Of myself
There isn’t much left to grab, it takes awhile
One more fall
Just one
And then nothing
  Apr 2017 Iris Madden
Jennifer Freya
Stars shoot across the midnight sky
And the drunkards shout outside my window,
Screaming about nonsense that I don’t hear,
Because I am dreaming . . .

Behind my lids lies blackness,
But in front of my eyes I see wonderful sights;
I am an adventurer, strong and fearless.
I have wings.

I am me, unhindered by this-worldly chains -
Chains like time and space and gravity
(Which together are quite a tragedy) –
Watching as the universe unfolds.

Suspended in mid-air, haunted by places of the past
And impossible visions of an invisible future,
I see faces familiar and faces strange,
Mixing the stages of a conscious life.

Snuggled in the warmth of my worn blankets,
I feel the comfort of your unseen arms around me,
Holding me tight in my dream-world bright
In a corner of indiscernible dark.

I watch as the plot unwinds and thickens
And disappears again to a timeline surreal.
But the adventure grows stronger and the will more determined
And I watch more vividly as my consciousness begins to stir.

But before the war is won and the kiss received,
Before I say the words unspoken,
Before I die a victim of tragic death,
The wish remains unwished.

My eyes open and I’m left to the sound of alarm
And the light of a morning too bright.
My heart is beating fast, captivated
By the wish it made that can never come true.

A smile alights my waking-up face,
Remembering fondly the adventures of my mind.
But the day is to begin and will take from my memory
The dream that has already disappeared.
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