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Sarah Oh
Singapore    A twentysomething who observes behind her horn-rimmed glasses. An avid coffee lover, who expresses her style through coffee.
Kyle Fisher
Fredericksburg, Virginia    "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom the emotion …
23/F/Virginia    don't give up, we need you here.
India, Shimla    "light one little candle even when it's dark light one little candle all you need is a tiny spark"
Simon Obirek
Brooklyn/Denmark    Something during my day inspires me, I write a gritty poem about it. There's nothing else to it.
Silence Screamz
In Silence ..    I am just me, on a small blue dot in a vast universe. My words are but carbon in a sea of something lost. All …
Jack Thompson
Australia    I'm full of sensitivity and insensitivity. I'm flawlessly broken.
Doy A
F/London    What good are your words if nobody reads them? 15.07.14 0152
james arthur powell
44/M/Dubois, Pa    Things aren't really as they seem, it all has everything to do with perception.
Philippines    // I write to understand, But I believe that sometimes, what we feel cannot be expressed exactly into words. Writing a poem is my attempt …
Joann Rolleston
Wellington, NZ    Surfing for a caption to put in my friends leaving card I stumbled upon this site and was inspired to write. This is Pog our …
Oregon    Just a girl.
A new day means distance is not a boundary but a disturbance in the balance of happiness.
David Hall
35/M/Nashville    A compilation and or congregation of my contemplation.
α    lostkeysandmemories
Wide Eyes
She's an open book. But she's written in a language you'll never know.
36/M/Japan    “It occurs to me that our survival may depend upon our talking to one another.” ― Dan Simmons, Hyperion
Charlie's Web
I am no self identified poet. I am just trying to figure shit out. Words sometimes help me do that, sometimes they don't.
I will be as I will be. All of my work is copyrighted, and sole intellectual property. Please credit if you share it. "You own …
Feedback is always appreciated, thank you for reading. My blog :
with(out) Wolf    That first "Hello" was a reunion. The final "Goodbye" - - an impossibility. (Cover photo by Winnie Carolina)
Eliot York
40/M/NC    Hello, hello. I mostly write about hepo, though I've added a few of mine below too. I like direct messages, and aim to respond to …
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