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Aug 2016 · 512
Thomas Shepherd Aug 2016
When words start flowing, lyrics rhyme
And you and I, we know its time
To do something but how?
Everybody plays his part
Revels in his job or art.

What I want to share today
Are some thoughts that first may
Tease or calm your mind
Either way you’ll read
Right what you need

Where this story has its place
All the peeps are full of grace
Torn at times, well at heart.
Eating healthy food
Respect and share good mood

W** are you, what is your thing?
Are you of those that fortunes bring?
The moment here the minute gone
Eager, but afraid to speak
Rule out fear, come reach your peak

Why shall I care, you ask and think
Ahead am I of those that sink
Thoughts can change you know
Elaborate on your perception
Revaluate your own direction

With those that care, you shall surround
Affiliate with taste and sound.
Thus please enjoy the moment now.
Ergo what I recommend:
R**elax, be water my friend
Aug 2016 · 666
Thomas Shepherd Aug 2016
Yes may sound nice
No cold as ice
Reason just boring
music amazing

But that what we hear is not always the truth
Blindfold believing is like dreaming of youth
Crazy adventure
endless endeavour
a thought that appeals
in dreams forever
now or never
A fact check reveals
What wood are you made of, you talk or you do?
To follow your dreams it doesn't need two
It only needs courage, some heart will not harm
the devil is in the detail
and it's covered with charm
Believe it or not
All that's in your way
Life seems black and white, but it's actually grey
Just action may
uncover what's right
behind all the darkness you'll find more than light
complex but bright
facts, reason, love
no rhyme is needed, cause love says it all,
an unified feeling not simply a call
that can break this wall
of anger grief hate
don't hesitate
it's never too late
if you start now your dreams become fate
You will be surprised of the power you have
Fear is just a concept - Trust me you're save!
Aug 2016 · 956
Thomas Shepherd Aug 2016
Wo immer du bist, was immer du tust
Wie dir es auch geht - ob schlecht oder gut
Sei dir bitte stets zu jeder Zeit treu,
dem offnen Gespräch zu keiner Zeit scheu
Schau öfter auf dich, hör andren gut zu
Genieß was du hast und komm mal zur Ruh
Die Zeit vergeht echt, schneller als man denkt
Lebensmomente - das wahre Geschenk
Jul 2016 · 556
Aus dem Nichts
Thomas Shepherd Jul 2016
Wenn es dich trifft wie aus dem Nichts,
dieser Moment hart wie ein Schlag
"Oh Nein", zuerst das Opfer spricht,
will niemand doch des Schmerzes leiden.
Doch hat der Schock sein positives
zum Denken er anregen mag
der Reflektion sei wahr geholfen
Trotz Schmerz, es ist ein schöner Tag.
Der Mensch sich sehr oft ungewiss,
was soll er tun mit seiner Zeit
Entscheidungen, zu oft befragt
konfrontiert mit Einsamkeit
Das Paradox des Lebens ist
wer sind wir, was soll ich tun?
Doch fällt die Lösung auch so schwer
jeder steckt in eignen Schuh'n
Schau vorwärts, denn nur dort kannst finden
dein Glück wenn du noch suchend bist
Bleib dir stets treu was auch geschehe
des Rätsel's Schlüssel in dir ist

— The End —