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  Feb 2015 Cinnamon Honey-Glacé
People say that 'hate' is a strong word,
That it's thrown around
Too carelessly.

But what about 'love'?
Don't we
Throw that word around too,
And state feelings
That aren't really there?
**Just wondering.
The riddle of me
Is bullets of art
Shooting ink stains
In your heart
So you'll always love me
And my mentality
Is a mental breakdown
Of three things
Words, beats and rhymes
Ahead of my time
Thinking of blasting stars
Around your head
Knocked down
Out for the count
Going old school
Wylie getting chased around
On the road running
Laps at the speed of sound
Dropping TNT
Anvils like beats
Flattening you out
Gettin dizzy quickly
Spinnin and spinnin
Thinking freely
It's my territory
Down a black hole
Following the white
Rabid junk dealing
Cat selling smiles
Getting mad feeling
The wheels are turnin
Inside out
A needle sewn
Through the vane
Injection infection
Man in the mirror
It's a sight to see
Through the glass
Pictures like a memory
Before my rhymes crash
And you see the other side of me
Revealing my destiny
Going insane
I'm the only one to blame
The ink stains
They're smothering me
Slithering inside me
Covering my body
The only thing to see
Is my heart exposed
But you all love me
With these rhymes
And flows
A new era
Another time
A blast from the past
But I'm heading to the future
89 miles an hour
And I'll return
Brake checkin
With tire tracks that burn
With doc in an urn
To lure you in
Back to where it all begins
Tattoos of a heart
Deep within my skin
To replace the oxygen
Breathing nitrogen
Ink stained again
Graffiti trigger
Spraying art
Deadly sins
Bullets tearin you apart
But these are my words
And they come from the heart
This was originally written as a rap and a friend of mine recorded it,  if you like it please listen to the song.  Thanks
Here's the link...
What do you mean,
Why am I on drugs?
I don't do this to hurt myself
I do it to survive
Where pride hides
And the truth is muted
Covered by little white lies
Say hello to my bad side
Where the demons bay like wolves
That's moon eclipse the sun
Painting the sky red
Stained by its blood
It's been pierced by a rocket an left for dead
My bad side
Where the darkness roams free
Chasing the light
Holding it in glass bottles as trophies
Manipulation is the way of life
Hate the ambassador
Rage bake in fires
Forge by a missing father
Raised by a tortured mother
My bad side
Slept with temptation
Birth lust
Girls hunted like prey
Only to be released before the ****
Regret has no meaning
It's not found
The world is broken
It's flipped upside down
So rain seems the fall from the ground
My bad side
Where there so many unhuman things found
Say hello to my bad side
Where the grass isn't green at all
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