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MKing Diagne
DK Senegal    Hi everybody i'm Mking Diagne a young Senegalese who shows all his love in poesy . So you may sometimes misundertand what i mean in …
Darrel Weeks
48/M/Derbyshire    And now we rise And we are everywhere Nick Drake
Kaleidoscope Prhyme
M/Pretoria, South Africa    The Michelangelo of flow, I paint pictures with poems. IG: KaleidoscopePrhyme
Brayden Allen
18/M/Illinois    I post a poem or two when I remember I have this account or am depressed.
Nerina C
17/F/California    A dazzling scripted enigma among other things
Earth    Life in General: Chrome Caskets && Bone-Reliques Yipper's Trippers Trail-Mix
Bradford, UK    Just my anger in words.
Just a panda chilling in the shade of a tree, while musing about life...
Charly Lou Davis
Surrey    I'm a London based poet who writes what she loves, dreams and desires. My poetry is mainly short and designed for social sharing; I'm into …
25/F/Baton Rouge   
Noah H
20/M    Just a guy with a moderate typing ability
20/F/canada    Constantly devastated by the things happening around me. Constantly falling in love with the unknown. Constantly looking for the words to describe this mass of …
Maw Maw Sez
in the bible belt    Hi. Everyone calls me Maw Maw. A traditional southern name for grandmother. I love to write, knit and reading to my grandchildren. I never miss …
Kaleb Webb-Wheeler
Adelaide    I'm just another dude, I write songs and poems to express how I feel, I'm not the best but my poems and songs have deep …
Dark soul
M/mumbai; India    Am just here to endure the writings and to enjoy the richness of it ....
23/Non-binary/Philippines    kind of was altogether never there— ebb and flow Nes, once ekelhaft
Pallavi Goswami
Bangalore    Writing keeps me sane!
Gerry Aldridge
47/F/Canada    "Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill." -Buddha
Brent Kincaid
Kapaa, Kaua'i, Hawaii    Brent Kincaid, born in Kansas City, Missouri just before WWII ended, moved to Hollywood in 1967 to pursue a career as a singer, actor and …
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