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On a day—alack the day!—
Love, whose month is ever May,
Spied a blossom passing fair
Playing in the wanton air:
Through the velvet leaves the wind
All unseen ‘gan passage find;
That the lover, sick to death,
Wish’d himself the heaven’s breath.
Air, quoth he, thy cheeks may blow;
Air, would I might triumph so!
But, alack, my hand is sworn
Ne’er to pluck thee from thy thorn:
Vow, alack, for youth unmeet;
Youth so apt to pluck a sweet!
Do not call it sin in me
That I am forsworn for thee;
Thou for whom e’en Jove would swear
Juno but an Ethiop were;
And deny himself for Jove,
Turning mortal for thy love.
I just want to sleep
One full night of rest
Maybe just one more pill...
Maybe just a couple more...

But the nightmares still come
And they still wake me up
Maybe just a few more...
Maybe then I'll be able to rest

I wake up in the morning
Still tired as could be
So I'll have some caffeine
That will keep me awake

And then throughout the day
I drink more and more
Still groggy still tired
But conscious at least...

I take stuff to help me sleep
And then some more to keep me up
And some throughout the day to help me eat
Not to mention the ones actually prescribed

For depression
Multiple personality disorder
Attention deficit disorder
They all have more pills I'm supposed to take

And I can't help but remember
I used to just self medicate
And my grades were good I was a healthy active kid
And I didn't take hardly anything at all

But now there's all this stuff
My doctors like to give
They don't listen when I say
This stuff is killing me
I wrote this yesterday in the middle of withdraws because mom forgot to pack my meds... Nothing makes you realize how dependent you are until you've went two days without and feel like your dying.
well. it is now tomorrow.
I guess I should get up and
go do nothing somewhere else
besides my warm comfortable bed
haven't slept...
i want you so bad.
for you are the moon and stars.
you are perfection.
I love writing when I feel something. And I feel in love right now. So here's a poem.
Sometimes, I wonder if I'm really human.
People talk about me, mistreat me, cause trouble with me.
And I don't react.
I don't show anger or hurt, annoyance or frustration.
I don't start a fight nor will I finish one,
I merely pick up a pen and write about it
I don't resist. but I don't follow. I drift.
I get into my routines and they become my life.
Then they become me.
Then they become someone else,
and I watch that person go through these routines
as if they didn't affect me,
when in reality I am that person I am watching.
Sometimes, I wonder if I am me.
Evryone seems to think that just because I'm breathing
And my hearts still beating
Means I'm still alive

I don't think they could be anymore wrong.
 May 2014 Holly Christensen
Your words were your sword
and I’m the headless dragon
I was that girl
a girl no one wanted
no one ever asked on a date
or was invited ever invited to the party

But I never minded
I kept to myself
never trying to fit in
because I knew I never would

I lived in my own little world
I didn't care what others thought
I was who I was and that was it
Until one day

Suddenly everything changed,
when he walked in.
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