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 Apr 2017 hkr
t h i s  i s  n o t  
p o i n t l e s s
t h i s  is  n o t
(c) Brooke Otto 2017
 Apr 2017 hkr
rodeo clown
there's three stages of panic disorder
stage one is being terrified, every waking second of every day, if not from symptoms, from the impending doom of them coming again soon
stage two is realizing the only way to cope with waking up every day thinking you're going to die, is to stop caring if you do or not
stage three is just wanting to get it over with
not so much a poem but a confession. didn't know where else to put this thought.
 Apr 2017 hkr
we so worried about
bein' left or how little spaces
are even bigger with just us
the way
er'thing looks starin'
at our backs in the future
'cause we spend the days
hopin' someone'll stick
close, and when they ain't or aren't
we rubbin' sticks together
watchin a lot of TV and stars
things are alright
already, we ain't dying or
nothin', got clothes and food
just like that bible scripture
but one question always
on our minds-- why are there
so many people, then?

why there so many people, then?
written to To Go Wrong  and Wash Me Clean by Lillie Mae. Two songs I really like.
 Apr 2017 hkr
rodeo clown
a thick fog of hyperventilated breath, microwaved dinners, and nail polish remover separates into two halves as my mother breaks through my bedroom
the creaking of the door always, without fail, pierces directly through my ears and into the part of my brain that knows how to be kind and pleasant

no mother, i didn't hear about the wreck on 288 today
no, i don't know if i can go grocery shopping tomorrow
no, i don't ******* care to be a part of this family

every picture of a sad-looking, round-faced, blonde pigtailed child in any photo album collecting dust on a shelf in my house has "victim" written underneath like a description of a particularly memorable event, photographed to document such a milestone
i never caught any fish
i never won a trophy
there was so much empty space

mother, i could've been a ballerina
i would have enjoyed learning an instrument
mother, i wish none of this happened either

i suppose you can't ask why someone is upset when their house burns down because they left an open flame too close to the curtain
it doesn't matter why everything you own has turned to ash, it just matters
when every birthday cake for every year seems like a post card from the future saying "wish you were here" it feels good to blow out the candles

yes mother, i am the curtains of the family
no, i don't want to be
 Apr 2017 hkr
 Apr 2017 hkr
right after we reach that point where for the first month all I want to do
is explain the same things over and over to you, whether it be the things
you said last week or the things you said just today, or the way I feel
about you in fifteen different languages (with the first 13 still being English)
and that 34% of the time the water will be too hot and I will come
on too strong and all of my poems will be these drawling confessions
of love, because I do, I love. And it will never be that I fall in love easy
but more that I see the wounds in others, their quick tempers and shortages, the vices they pull from their back pockets when
dead friends come alive in conversations
the night he died he--

The truth is, before you date me--
the first forty-seven dinner places
will likely be Subway and Chiles
I won't eat onions in front of you
and if my carpets aren't vacuumed
you're not coming over.

the truth is
I spend a lot of money
on things I shouldn't and
will always opt for breakfast foods
or a jar of peanut butter over a
meal, furiously switch through
harmonies to Traveling Soldier by
the Dixie Chicks

the truth is

the truth is.

These are only guidelines and I am more predictable. My fantasies include meeting your family,
cooking with your mother
and several disjointed memories
strung together in this big awkward conglomeration of
sensations and fabrics, the erratic heartbeat of
every subway pigeon in New York
who lies to itself about it's
own desensitization
but the trains still rattle
their bones and the quick winds
still tear through their feathers
and each day manages to feel
like sets of ten minutes that
each last a year.
(c) Brooke Otto 2016(7)

This was written on May 10th of last year.
 Apr 2017 hkr
Pressing in.
 Apr 2017 hkr
I thought for sure God had left me
when he laid his hand across my chest
and pressed in--what a peculiar feeling,
of hurting, but not really hurting, of
breathing, but not really breathing,
I laid there barely gasping, fingers
rapping against my sternum,
trying to break through to
hold my heart, just to hold
it, just to pull the weeds
from their vice grip and
feel it quiver, then quake,
This was written on April 8th of last year. draft dump. Sorry guys.
 Apr 2017 hkr
On A Whim
 Apr 2017 hkr
Jarod was talking about how
it hit him two months later,
how the air suddenly left his
body and he woke up at 1:30 am
with the burning desire to drive to
Texas, so he did. Although, he didn't
tell us any of this in the week that his
chest was splitting open while he laughed
at our jokes and sipped on in-house americanos
that didn't soothe any breakage
written March of last year.

(c) Brooke Otto 2017
 Apr 2017 hkr
Remaining Soft
 Apr 2017 hkr
i will try to remain as soft
and warm as I am when
the days are long and the
river is high, because I seem
to take the winter into my
pores and the snow pack
in my thighs, let my fences
run for miles and miles
but I'm trying.
written January of last year.

(c) Brooke Otto 2017
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