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 Jan 2016 Harry Cencer
It's how you look at it...

I'm not a cleaning lady...
I'm Cinderella!

I'm not ugly
You're just not seeing my genious

I'm not crazy
My reality is just freaking awesome

I'm not fat
I'm soft

I didn't fail a well started carreer making poor choices
I learned deeper humility and service
Stay positive!
 Jan 2016 Harry Cencer

I can still hear your voice
Echo in my still mind
My love and compassion go out to you
Our beloved Master and Teacher

The scent of raw sweat
On a padded floor
Explosion of screams
The release of energy

I can still feel the memory
On my untrained muscles
Of throwing a solid punch
And the sensation on my knockles hitting the cushion

The tension on my lower torso
Is still here
Lingering, whispering on my body
The relief of streching
And the peaceful meditation
After a crazy training

The passion building up
In my solar plexus

Where are you now?
I've come to talk to you again*
Hey, if I don't try
I won't know
And as I wrap it up
I realise
You have left me happy
And my muscles sore

Still in love
With martial arts...
Taekwondo <3
 Jan 2016 Harry Cencer
"I'm sorry sweety
But you have a problem
You can't read
This is third grade
You don't even know what you read
You can't even spell

Please pick a hand
You can't write with both
This is your problem
This is the cause
Of your learning disability"

So I picked a hand
And wrote with left
Unaware of the fact
That I shared all other tasks
Between the two

So I asked for a book
For christmas and my birthday
Please give me fairy tales
And I read an hour a day
Two out loud
on the weekends

I read all about
Rapunzel and Sleeping Beauty
I read Pippi Longstocking
Cover to cover

Change of enviornment did the trick
Second year in a new country
And my lowest grade was 8,5
I read all afternoon
And wrote my heart out
I corrected past tendencies
Mistakes other kids got away with

So here's the silver lining:

You may not be the best at everything
But take the challenge anyway
I still struggle with this everyday
Each craft is a channel
For your genious

Never use the word "impossible"
You are setting limits
Where there should be none
For surely, the only thing that matters
If how much you enjoy it.
Never give up and surround yourself with people who believe in you!
"Don't believe me, just watch"
 Jan 2016 Harry Cencer
As I sit here
In the corner of the couch
My spot, 0:0:0:0
grown down
Says a whisper

I ask myself
What do people my age
Generally do?
Is it normal for a girl
Of 27
To stay home on weekends

Should be powdering my nose
not that powder, actual powder
Getting ready
To go out
Release some stress
do something stupid!
Says the whisper

But no
I'm here making a list
For the grocery store
How much is enough
All my friends have done this

My boss once asked me
On a company dinner
Late friday night
"What are you doing here"
Huh good question

Suppose that when he was 23
He was ship wrecked at this time
But then I asked
"Where did you live at my age"
"With my parents"

Then it is safe to say
Your idea of safety
Was different than mine
"Suppose so" he admitted

So my late resolution
For the year
Is to grown down
And get stupid.
Young adults I'M COMING FOR YOU lol
 Jan 2016 Harry Cencer
Serious question:
How come the effort
That goes in to
Activities of the physical nature
Seem to depend
On a certain size?

This is my expirience

When it's small
-and I didn't judge-
He was willing
To go through
Any number of
To meet my needs
And it was great!

When it was middle sized
They all thought they were
On the large scale
But no gents, those are rare
And many girls
Get reduced to a single hole
Everything stops
It's all about the action
Down below
What about all our other

But then...
When it was really, really, really...
You know...
Really really really...
And he was sweet and soft
And attended to my
Limitations and needs
I was willing to go through
Any number of
To make it happen anyway.
And it was great too.

Frowning at middlesection...
Get yourselves together boys.
 Jan 2016 Harry Cencer
It's kind of like
Steering a ship
To shallow waters
And crossing your fingers
Hoping you won't run a reef

Now I don't judge
I just don't get the concept
You pick up a honey
Ride 'em out
Spend the next morning
Trying to get out of it

"Give me your number"
Knowing you'll probably never call
But here's the thing
You don't love them...
You don't care to know
How they like it
And neither do they

So what's the point

But it's probably
An effective way
To lose socks.
I guess I'm just not equipped :)
I use to like being alone
Being free to do things on my own
When I didn't have any friends
I didn't try too hard to pretend
That I didn't need acceptance

I was very introverted
When my past was deserted
There was so much I wanted to do
But, then I look over and saw you
You taught me how to be brave
When I wanted to escape from yesterday
You helped me see another day

Yes, my dear friend you taught me
The things I didn't hear, or see
Thanks to you, I no longer wanted to be alone
I'm getting tired of living inside my zone
You always told me I'm not a child
So, for now on I'm grown.
A poem for a very special friend.
 Jan 2016 Harry Cencer
Megan H
They tell me not to define myself by
My height
My weight
My skin color
The color of my eyes
The state of my clothing
The money in my pockets

But how am I supposed to love
Everything on my insides
When everyone else defines me
By what they see?
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