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harley jane Feb 2021
i feel as if
as if one day
i was grounded to the earth
and the next
i was falling through the cracks

i feel as if i fell to the bottom
before i even knew i was falling
confused, i wonder
how could i let this happen to me?

i look around this hole i'm in
and its just me
i am left alone with no help

just as the thoughts and imaginary demons come in
i look up from the bottom with just enough hope

and start the long and difficult climb back up to the top.
you are not alone. you are here for a reason. if no one has told you today, i am so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. please take care of yourself.
harley jane Jan 2021
Hello, young hippie
Waiting for the hate to stop
Won't it all just stop?
harley jane Nov 2020
Just as I come to accept my worth
And the beauty within myself
I look into the mirror
And I am haunted by their cruel words

The smile I worked hard to create, fades
As I walk away from the mirror I ask

Why am I not good enough for them?
Seasonal depression is hitting hard, so I came back to what I do best... writing
harley jane Mar 2020
People always ask me
Why I write sad

It is simply because
If I wrote
Happy ending
I would have a novel

A novel of sunshine
And rainbows

But life is not all sunshine
And rainbows

Life can be painful
And scary
But that is okay
It is what makes you alive

Feelings of not knowing
if you
will make it through the day
Means that you are alive
But you will,
Make it through
I promise

If life was all sunshine
And rainbows
We would not be able to learn

We would look like robots
Robots that society
Puts on one setting
And lets run
Until the battery gives out.
harley jane Jan 2020
Running around blind
Trying to find holy gates
Waiting for a sign
In hopes that He lets me in
Until then, I run blindly.
harley jane Jan 2020
Fun while it lasted
Left me calm and collected
Goodbye winter break.
harley jane Jan 2020
Her golden locks of blonde hair
Were once brunette

Her baby blue eyes that sparkle like diamonds in the sun
Were once a shade of mocha brown

He glanced at her natural beauty
And decided it wasn't enough

So she quickly made arrangements
And the new her was born.
I wrote this about a woman who change her appearance for the "love of her life"
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