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haripater Jun 2015
Remember when we used to hold hands
When we used to kiss
When we used to hug
When we used to talk all night long
When you used to love my flaws
When you used to love me

If I cry a river for you would you come back?
Yes, no, maybe, no, NO.
Well maybe that's just the denouement of our fairtytale.
Moving on
haripater Apr 2015
"I hate you!"
"You're a *******!"
"No one loves you"

Do I love you?
I don't care.
Well, okay.
I don't love you.

I've grown numb
I'm an outcast
I'm lost

Please help me
Find me in this dark world
Save me

I've grown so numb that I don't even know the taste of **** because I've taken too much.
haripater Apr 2015
Broken heart
Shattered dreams

Cracked bones
And stolen colors

You made me
After that you broke me

You stole everything from me
You stole the colors from my world

Now I'm colorblind
You took the blue from my sky, the green from      my grass and the red from my blood

Everything I was once now deformed
Everything I was once now lost

I'm like a puzzle which is missing a piece
and you're the missing piece

Please mend me
Want me
Love me

Because without you I'm incomplete
Without you I'm just a broken glass

I need you
This is for you
haripater Apr 2015
Do you ever ask yourself why?

Why is she prettier than you?
Why is he smarter than you?
Why is she better than you?

Or the hardest question to ask yourself

Why did the person you love left you hanging

Was it because someone was better
Was it because you weren't good enough

Everyday I wake up with this question in my mind
Everyday I wake up with a puzzled face
Everyday I wake up with a broken heart



You left me hanging
You raised my hopes
You made me believe that someone would be able to accept me and love me  for who I am and will never give up on me


These words would always be in my mouth
These hands would always miss your touch
This lips would always linger for your kiss


This heart would always wait for a love like yours
Dont ever break a person's heart.
haripater Apr 2015
You captivated me wih your simple hellos
I fell for you then you caught me
Until you mouthed the words I was scared to hear

'I'll love you forever'

I made myself believe that what you said was true

Our soul chained to each other
Our hearts beating for each other
Our lips pressed to each other

You and I against the world
You and I we'll last till forever
You and I we'll always be together

But they said that there's no forever
Oh how foolish am I to believe your bittersweet lie

But what we thought was forever lasted for a while
We'll all find the right one for us
haripater Apr 2015
I'm afraid of losing you
I'm afraid of letting you slip away
I'm afraid of being just an option
I'm afraid of not being good for you

Please just stay
Just stay

— The End —