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1.8k · Nov 2014
Mother Nature
Hara Nov 2014
When I walk on this world, she lies down on her back for me to walk on.
When I sleep she becomes my blanket covering me from wrath of darkness and my head rest on her lap.
When I am in love, she becomes my heart.
When I am sad, she wipes my tears.
When I am angry she sobs and wind breezes touching my soul.

Oh Mother, take me and I will wipe your tears from the wound caused by your foolish children.
771 · Oct 2014
Burning Love
Hara Oct 2014
Crackers of Diwali completed and heart was burnt out through love...let the smoke be released and what remains is ashes of her memory.
614 · May 2014
Hara May 2014
Her Serene and complete soul blossomed like a new born flower,so I want to be her lover
591 · Nov 2014
Hara Nov 2014
Two eyes watching the same world,
One is within and another out.
What is out is also within.

Moment of bliss, moment of happiness,
Moment of Waves, moment of emotions

I am all, yet I am
I am here and yet there

Who am I, Who am I
566 · May 2014
My Yearning of heart
Hara May 2014
I feel like a bird caught in its own nest ,fighting for freedom without rest.
555 · Dec 2014
I dream.
Hara Dec 2014
I dream myself being neither sad nor happy,
neither love nor hateful,
neither accomplished nor dejected, neither this nor that.
Who is that ask many, I don't know says me.
Why is that ask many, I don't know says me.
How  is that ask many, I say watch me.
328 · Dec 2014
Master calls.
Hara Dec 2014
He throws his net of love unto river,
the fish dances with joy and delight says,
"Oh master, at last you came to take me from this ocean.
come, for I am to your delight".
272 · Sep 2014
Let her go
Hara Sep 2014
Let her go, for love is beyond , that cannot be bound to someone.
Be free for love is freedom, flows like water.
Do not loose Love, as everything is love.
252 · Sep 2014
New Journey
Hara Sep 2014
A new journey with hope and fear.
Want to go beyond and find my dear.

— The End —