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  May 2019 kain
no matter how hard
these winds blow and shake me
i stay  r o o t e d  with the Earth

storms exist to awake me
one of the first few
rhymes i ever wrote
*and still my favorite*
kain May 2019
Wherever you are
I don't want to see you
Hands in the rain
Grasping an umbrella
Long fallen to your side
Your hair's wet
But you know that

Staying at home
Your coffee is cold
Mixing up the sugar
Won't bring it all back
Biting your lip
For the avoidance in the eyes
Of your own reflection

Tears well up
Let them fall down
Mourn the grave
That you made
Let yourself be sad
I love you so much
But I'm not coming back
I used to be angry, but I'm okay with this now. Let go.
kain May 2019
On windy days
Hoping for rain
To pick up
The dirt
And the dust
To wash you clean
To whisk me away
This was originally going to be titled 69 Days Later, but I decided that might not be that great.
kain May 2019
I wish I was
A blank page
So perfectly clean
Nothing to see
Nothing to fear
No disorders
No skeletons
In closets
No dusty corners
Filled with secrets
No quiet tears
No sleepless nights
Just a blank page
Ready for life
Things aren't going like they should.
kain May 2019
I guess
I'll walk away
From everything
You never were
To me

All I was
To you
Was second rate
Second choice
Second place
Thought I made a friend. Turns out I was wrong.
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