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  Sep 2021 Donna
Sarita Aditya Verma

Dazzled by the sun
The sea sparkles and smiles
And gently lifts a wave to its friend
The sun moves on westward
Leaving a little shade behind
The sea gives out a sigh
Stays still eastward bound
The passing breeze
Tickles mischievously
And the sea smiles again
Ripples and waves
The birds make a faint shadow above
And dive deep to pick a fish
Before they retreat for the evening
Unmoved the sea waves
And prepares to welcome the moon
  Aug 2021 Donna
Sarita Aditya Verma
Shelter it took from none
Free under the blue sky
Stood strong in all weather
Weathering every storm
Gave shelter and provided for many
Even laid its life in the end
In death it became the throne to the ones
Who sought and asked for its kingdom to be owned
With every inch of its being
Selfless it stood strong

28th July- World Nature Conservation Day
Sitting on a park bench
It was a lovely summer's day
The sound of all those seagulls
We were whiling the time Away.

The garden looked so peaceful
Everyone felt at ease
Relaxing laughing talking
Just a mile away from The sea.

It's name is palace gardens
And it dwells there in the park
It has a display of wonderful things
Like flowers and beautiful art,

It has a war memorial
Of soldiers who died in war
And has a certain atmosphere
One we've never felt before.

Maybe there's a presance of angels
It really feels seriel
If you were here with us
You would know just how we feel.

But nice things don't last forever
Soon it will be homeward bound
We truly had a lovely time
In the palace garden grounds.
Simple poem I wrote during a holiday. It was such a tranquil feeling we had sitting in this lovely park called the palace gardens
Donna Jun 2021
Believing in good
positive happy thoughts makes
life quite beautiful

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