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 Jun 2015 H Zul
I watched the paper
soak up the ink
as it blotched
breast strokes
across the page...
street bound
jazz hounds
to pavement,
hand signals
of  July scroll by,
a memory strolls
in reverse as a
name  scrawled contra
across  wheat covered
hills...returned to me

A single day
took it's light
from the crayon
colored buildings
laughter ran out
from a beautiful city
where the seagulls  
brushed it's wings
against my cheek
like lovers once
arm in arm,
long before

A memory plucked
from the eye of
golden Roses
littering the street
in irradiant petals
like pieces
of shattered
in the blood
of a waxing
My heart shouldn’t have profusely bled
I saw her face only once
a moment’s crossing in a moment paid
not meant for a second chance!

The fire shouldn’t have leapt in me
she was a doomed emotion
trying to live in my penned poetry
meant to be only a notion!

My mind shouldn’t have imprisoned her
caged her from one mere glance
lived the phantom of an absurd affair
spilled ink in a mad trance!

I shouldn’t have sought her anymore
searched in the wild her trace
she couldn’t be my paramour
I saw from the crowd her face!
 Jun 2015 H Zul
two shades of nightly murals
ingrained starkly of butterfly travels
folded together thus fluttering to skies
soaring in glimmer of stars' whispering disguise

flutter as dust accumulates in clutter
the world of man recedes upon iron
shutter, the stars give way to thundering rain
yet the flowers bring sweet sweet champagne

soar in pollen enriched air gone peppy
golden rays of sun magnificence
abruptly pain blooms in ascending gain
thus wings are lost forever to canes

fall delicately, tragically, screaming in silence
the man goes about his usual ways
yet fall to the floor, like cascading snow
flight is dead to words of stars' glow
 May 2015 H Zul
a desolate path
my movements thrash
lungs pump with sound
carried by the wind
my shoes strike concrete
moss, dirt, leaf-peppered path
as the sun descends
in the depths of seed

sweat trickles, sprinkles
flowering ecstasy
like salty rivulets of rain
the frothy seas whipped by wind
splicing lumps of coral terrain

blood resonates, pounding in my ears
I feel my body resonate in unity
it carries me in manifesting destiny
to mountains etched in eternity

I am running not for what I have done
but for what would become

and I'll keep on longing
for the concrete underneath my feet
the road to set me free
 May 2015 H Zul
to decipher what we are
encrypted transcriptions
in morrow's restriction
tangible redundancy
that is what we are
we run to eat
and eat to keep
this impeccable brilliance
the vision gone wary
horizons too narrow to rise
intelligence naught for
what is missed
skyscrapers and holy rollers
roaming our cliffs today
as we devour electricity
to generate more
a never ending finish
I wish to seize
our incredible neglect seethes
in our oceans and trees
try to decipher what we are
we are all drifting apart
we are nothing
but tangible redundancy
 May 2015 H Zul
you know that euphoria
misshapen twisted circumstances
my beloved aquatic relevance
drowning in remnants abandoned utopia

a dreamless state
unfurnished minds defined
those ******* their sickening sake
of whatever hell inclines

I sit in dread
glancing at rain gone sour
with paperweight for a head
death shall toll thy hour

I have lost my eyes
the sucrose in my hearth
an addict drink to realize
this infested dearth
being dead inside is a paradox.
a contradiction. polar opposites.
you feel nothing at all, but at the same time you're feeling something.
there are no intense emotions yet, feeling so dead inside is an intense emotion in itself.
you're comforted by the fact that you won't feel any bad emotions but
at the same time, you're dissatisfied because you won't feel any good emotions either.
being dead inside is great when your lover leaves you, when your friend dies, when everything comes crumbling down at once ... because you won't feel it as much.
being dead inside is terrible when your lover tries to kiss you, when your friend invites you on a vacation, when everything starts coming together ... because you won't feel it as much either.
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