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 Aug 2016 GuessWho
Hannah Martin
Everyone has something to hide,

Each monster is unique in his own way,
They come in different shapes, sizes, and colors.
But we still don’t like them

We shove these monsters under our bed,
And hope to God nobody finds them.

We let anyone into our room,
But we never let them look under the bed.
Don’t even let them get close to the bed,
Signs that a monster lives there will appear.

For if that were to happen,
They’d see the darkest parts of our souls.

We assume that everyone is scared,
Scared of our monsters.
Which is why we conceal them so well

If we’re not careful,
Someone will discover what is under the bed
And that in itself is a nightmare.
 Aug 2016 GuessWho
 Aug 2016 GuessWho
I saw two butterfly flying side by side when all I can do is watching.
I think why those butterflies flying around in joy when all I can do is watching?
I wanna fly too.
fly straight to your arms.
hold me until I feel there's no use for flying because your arms is enough to make me believe I'm already flying

— The End —