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 May 2015 Gracieh Nimmoh
Just Me
I linger for the touch of your soft skin
The naked beauty from within
The natural aroma of you
Sends me euphoric to sky's of blue
Heaven you are from where I stand
The hell beneath me I can't withstand
Waiting in day of angelic wings
Take me away from devilish things
she came
when seeds were not yet sown
the sky had not ****** the river
clouds were far away from rain.

she came
when heart was mere flesh
eyes had not known rainbow
and mind was just a wayward place.

she came
when door was only wooden frame
autumn was blooming shy veiled
romance was yet to wear a name.

she returned
there was darkness gathering

love is she forever searching.
I shall return again; I shall return
To laugh and love and watch with wonder-eyes
At golden noon the forest fires burn,
Wafting their blue-black smoke to sapphire skies.
I shall return to loiter by the streams
That bathe the brown blades of the bending grasses,
And realize once more my thousand dreams
Of waters rushing down the mountain passes.
I shall return to hear the fiddle and fife
Of village dances, dear delicious tunes
That stir the hidden depths of native life,
Stray melodies of dim remembered runes.
I shall return, I shall return again,
To ease my mind of long, long years of pain.
Where is the love, lust and all encompassing passion?
Waves of euphoria replaced by a deep depression.
I thought it was more than just a temporary liaison.
It was mind body and soul, not a forbidden distraction.
A perfect life? Reality bites it was but an illusion.
Right wrong? I don't know,certainty is replaced by confusion.
I am feeling the pull of's my form of regression
I hate these feelings,my pain my only expression.
I am afraid that you have formed the wrong impression.
I don't want you to hate me,I just wanted a decision.
Happiness quickly followed by mistrust and superstition.
What you do feels like a form of oppression.
Thoughts of you conjure up hurt anguish and aggression.
I have done nothing wrong, loving you only confession.
A future? only dreams...never meant to come to fruition.
We could have been happy if we'd only given ourselves permission.
I know it was all in my mind...quite an exquisite delusion.
When all is said and done I have learnt a valuable lesson.
I need to stop this destructive obsession.
We were never meant to be one another's  prize possession.
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