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Oct 2014 · 11.1k
Stale cigarettes
Nettie Oct 2014
Tonight is for the lonely people
With stale cigarettes on their lips
Watching the  world
With heavy eyelids
Oct 2014 · 858
Love is like
Nettie Oct 2014
I think love is like crossing what you think is an empty freeway and then suddenly realizing that there's a fast approaching truck going over the speed limit. You look at it, blinded and awed by its bright lights. You couldn't move. You're stuck. You want to move but you can't so you just look at it. You know you're going to get hit hard and the pain will be excruciating, bone crushing and inevitable but you just stare anyway.

I think love is like crossing what you think is an empty freeway. You're just crossing, minding your own business when you suddenly feel an impact seemingly out of nowhere. You lay on the concrete, legs tangled, bones crushed and your vision blurring but you're alive. It hurts everywhere but you're still alive. You feel every pain in your body and you just want it to end but somehow you're still breathing through broken ribs and punctured lungs. You're still alive.

— The End —