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Dec 2016 · 345
Riding the horizon
I asked the horizon
what freedom is
and he answered
that to understand it
I had to become horizon.
I mounted him
and he took me
where freedom
is not a mirage,
where dreams
don't hide,
because nobody
can ever get here
and if someone asks you
where freedom is
you may reply:
“There, where the horizon is
because no man can ever reach it.”

Dec 2016 · 186
I don't want to see
your face saddened
by the darkness of the night
- the sun said to the moon -
and when at dusk
it will be for me time to go,
I will send my stars,
my little stars,
to bring you light.
It will be like this forever
and if it's destiny
that I cannot see you,
my rays will be there
to hold your hand
and the pale light
to give you my love.
The moon cried
and rivers of tears
dug craters
that weakened her body
until the sky realized
that dying of love
is possible.
And then
he allowed the moon
to see the sun now and then
and to stand before him
and kiss him.

Nov 2016 · 870
Forever yours
(to all the secret loves)

Yours forever
even if I will
never be yours
because love amuses itself
by playing with the heart
locking it
in the castle of dreams
where dreams never leave
and slowly
are abandoned.
Yours forever
and I will never have you
I'll never take you by hand
we'll never fall asleep together
we'll never wake up
next to each other
we'll never hold each other tight
to keep each other close forever
and to never feel far apart
and I will never kiss you
with lips
embroidered by passion.
Forever yours,
your secret love.

Nov 2016 · 201
City lights
Today I don't want to get drunk
on the lights of the city
with its noises, its shouting.
Today I don't want to fill myself
with music until I burst,
I don't want sounds nor voices around me.
I will climb on a star
and holding it by the hand
we'll watch the world from up there
until the lights of the city
call me again.

Nov 2016 · 390
Let's go fishing, son
Today is Sunday.
The schools are closed.
Thank God
there's such a thing as school
because everybody
has the right to study.
We already went to mass
and we did our duty
as good parishioners.
We already washed the dogs.
what wonderful animals
dogs are.
Loving animals
is a beautiful thing.
Today there's no meeting
of the Anti-Hunting Association.
The Child Protection fundraiser
is tonight.
This morning
we are free.
Let's go fishing, son.
So we will have
a little fun.

Nov 2016 · 233
Along the river
From the high banks
I leant forward to watch it
and the river
that from the middle of the mountain
to the valley
quietly came down,
upon catching sight of me
greeted me happily.
“Run, Mister river,
because today I will catch you.”
And I ran, ran
chasing the waves
and the amused animals
crowded around its edges.
The sea was waiting
for the champion of the day.
“Do run, Mister river,
but I'll be the first to arrive.”
The sun watched
calling the clouds
to give me a little shade,
the wind blew
to refresh me
and the river itself,
that loved me,
sprinkled water
on its rocks
which would fall upon me.
A boy and a river
that playfully fought with each other
and then stopped at the seaside
to rest
till the evening.
From the high banks
now I lean forward to watch it.
“We have grown old,
Mister river.
Your water is *****
and everything around you
has changed.
I'm no longer that boy
and within me
there are many wounds.”
Along the river
now I walk
and it greets me happily,
then I stop
and it watches me

till the evening.

Oct 2016 · 314
My eyes full of you
I filled my eyes
as you were playing on the seashore
and if sometimes
I turned my head
to see a sea-gull
disappear far away,
my heart
never left you,
my body
never stopped loving you,
kept taking us
beyond the horizon.
My eyes full of you
will look for you forever
among memories
that never die.

Oct 2016 · 199
Children of war
I don't know what to do for you,
I've heard you tell your stories,
with terror in your eyes
and voices broken by emotion,
I've seen you cry
for your lost dear ones,
I've heard your dreams
of a garden where you can play
with no more bombs or bullets,
of a house where you can sleep
without holes in the walls,
of a school where you can study
without fear of having to flee,
of a place where you can grow up
without hatred or grudges.
I don't know what to do for you,
I can only write
hoping that my words
will reach the hearts
of those who claim to love you
but don't love you,
of those who claim to protect you
but don't protect you,
of those who don't want you to die
but **** you,
of those who don't want you to suffer
yet make you suffer,
of those who can stop all this
but refuse to do it.

Oct 2016 · 491
The evening shines
The evening shines
in a sky of rain
kissed by the sun
that betrays the dark
and dazzles my eyes.
Memories stir
in this fog screen
and show images
of a time to come
rummaging in forgotten
and far away tunnels.
Desires never seen
crowd the moments
never ending cries
prisoners of the heart
reappear again.
Freeing sighs
among silent thunders
I wake up gently

and the evening shines

on a day of summer.

Oct 2016 · 171
The boy with the rose
The boy looks
so gentle
with a rose on his head
and a refined appearance.
Elegant motions
make noble his body
and sweet words
mild his heart.
I THE prince, chose him
as my squire
and in far away lands
and lost worlds
we have shared
fire, water, food,
a pallet,
interwoven with memories,
a life,
adorned with colours,
a destiny,
embroidered with love.
We have drunk
at the spring of Eternal Youth
and from time immemorial
we, sometimes hidden,
live our adventures
in the minds of men.

Sep 2016 · 177
In the days of the moon
When the last petal
of the rose that you gave me
when the scent
of your skin
in the days of the moon
I will watch the hand
on which you used to sleep
and one more time
under the silver rays
I will kiss your lips
to never forget you.

Sep 2016 · 395
10 trees in the forest.
The home of my tribe
for thousands of years.
9 trees in the forest.
The thirst of riches
can dry up an ocean.
8 trees in the forest.
They assured us
that they will not cut more trees,
in the name of respect.
7 trees in the forest.
They told us
that they still have to cut
a few more trees,
in the name of progress.
6 trees in the forest.
The world is a peacock
that boasts of its ideals,
in the name of rights
but its tail soon closes again.
5 trees in the forest.
We don't find food anymore
and our children cry,
in the name of hunger.
4 trees in the forest.
Someone writes about us,
in the name of information.
3 trees in the forest.
Someone pretends to help us,
in the name of falsity.
2 trees in the forest.
We are dying
and everyone notices.
One tree in the forest.
We are dead
and no one notices.
There are no more trees in the forest.
They will write books
on the extinct tribe
and they will pass on
to the next forest.

Sep 2016 · 161
The smile of the sky
“I'm smiling at you”
the sky said to me
but there was only a quarter of the moon
and I didn't understand.
“Bend your head”
he then said to me.
“One should be able to watch
from every angle
to see the beautiful things
where it seems that there aren't.”
I bent the head
and the sky was smiling at me.

24. 8. ’15
Sep 2016 · 143
Naked heart
It may really be true
that in my heart
feeling is sweet
and desirous
of everlasting quiet
I go on looking
for peace and love
but will my rose be able
to flower one day?
Will it be able to keep
without withering
and dying wounded
under a mantle of snow?

Sep 2016 · 582
I'd like to tell you
I wait every day
for you to pass by.
I wait for your eyes
to give me a smile
hoping that sooner or later
you will miss mine.
I wait for that moment
to become our moment,
waiting for a moment
to change my life.
Stop here
to offer me a hope,
look at me
without fear of meeting me,
listen to me
leaving a gleam of light
in the dark of the day.
I'd like to tell you
that sometimes
among the stones
a flower appears.

Aug 2016 · 181
Love is ...
It's waking up
in the morning
and keeping on
it's living together
even being far away,
it's smelling
the same scent
among  a thousand of scents,
it's hoping
that the time
will not hurry up
to fly,
it's feeling ourselves different
without being changed,
it's realizing
that we are smiling
without having wanted it.
Love is
a ray of sun
in the heart.

I never want
to take off my eyes from you
and I will make a drawing of you
with the heart
every time I want to see you,
I will caress you
with the fantasy
when the desire
tears my spirit
and I will shout in silence
for not being able to  hug you.
I will imagine your scent,
feeling ravished by passion,
I will lean the head on your body
to fill myself with you
and to be full of you
and I'll wait for your kiss
to keep it secret
in the hall of the treasures.

Aug 2016 · 581
A flower
A flower
is for saying thank you
if words
are not enough,
is for saying I love you
if you don't find
the courage,
is for apologizing
because you wouldn't want
to hurt anymore,
is for feeling closer
even if near
is already far,
is for saying goodbye
when parting
is just a game.
A flower
is for saying everything
when it's more beautiful
saying nothing.

Jul 2016 · 387
At sunrise
the girls
singing go
through the rows
full of grapes
and sourish scent,
which imbues the nostrils.
Up and down
along the long paths,
between a chat
and a mockery,
between a story
and a laughter,
between a little weep
and a joke,
the ticking of the scissors
by way of an orchestra
Only at twilight,
with the agile hands tired,
with the neat clothes *****,
they get ready
to rest,
the clamour
dies away,
the night
the countryside

Jul 2016 · 191
Only for a moment
I asked the wind
to lend me the wings
to flee away,
the cold
to strew me with ice
not to stand up anymore.
I asked the sea
to drown me,
the fire
to burn me.
I asked the volcano
for the lava
to let myself turn into a stone
and the earth
for the mud
to let myself sink.
gave me a night
because after the night
the sun always rises.

Jul 2016 · 215
The shell and the rock
“Let me rest
on your stones”,
the old shell said
to the unexpected rock,
“because the angry sea
doesn't grant peace.”
“Do rest, shell”,
the rock answered,
“but as a present
you must leave me your house”.
“Then I will leave you, rock”,
the shell replied,
“because I will die
of tiredness
but without a home
I would die before”.

to all the people who lost their home
Jul 2016 · 730
The tears
The tears
are words not pronounced,
rivers of joy
or floods of pain,
drops of tenderness
whispered to the eyes,
horror and compassion
that cannot keep silent.
The mind
speaks with the mouth,
the heart
with the tears.

Jul 2016 · 187
If even
If the life changed us
turning the lake into a desert,
if our love got tired
stripping the tree
of its leaves,
if even the desire
wanted to cry,
the beautiful things
cannot be forgotten.

Jun 2016 · 482
Detractors and admirers
of Europe,
I have always heard speak
of economic advantages and disadvantages
in this campaign
but I have never
heard speak of ideals.
I thought I was European.
Am I?
And if I am,
what does European mean?

Jun 2016 · 230
The gardens of delights
I would never stop
bathing my eyes
in your skin,
taking it with me
not being able
to see anything else,
an indelible
vision for a lifetime
which, among sighs,
whispers beauty,
moans of pleasure,
in the gardens of delights
and I cannot see you anymore
because without you
now I'm dying.

One day the fox
asked the hen
what she thought about the beech-marten,
to keep the secret.
The hen
said that the beech-marten
was wicked
because she wanted to eat her.
The day after
the fox and the beech-marten
ate the hen.

Jun 2016 · 182
I would like to be a child
I'm two years old
and I have many wires
on the arms
they put them
even on the head
and sometimes
on the legs,
I don't understand
what they're doing
but I cry
because it hurts.
I was told
that outside
the world is beautiful
but when do I go out
of this box?
I'm two years old
and I have many wires,
if I were a child
they wouldn't do it
they would cry out
that it's horrible,
you too
would think the same.
But a little mouse
doesn't arouse pity
and when
I shout
with pain
nobody hears
nobody listens
nobody cries.
I would like to be
a child
and yet
I too
have hands, legs,
eyes and ears,
have nose, mouth,
nerves and heart,
and yet
I too
tremble and suffer,
I'm cold,
I'm scared
and I feel pain.
I would like to be
a child
to see
the world
and forget
a box
and many wires.

May 2016 · 193
The songs of the sky
What a lot of stars
in the sky tonight.
I'd like to stretch out my hand
to take one of them,
keep it in the palm
and watch it shine.
I'd listen to it singing
the songs of the sky,
telling the stories
of the faraway stars
and at the end
I'd offer it a smile
to thank it for coming
asking it to take up above
a tear of joy.

May 2016 · 320
For a moment I have dreamed
Our love is finished
and I don't look for you
nor you look for me.
Our time together is finished
and I don't know
whether to cry or rejoice.
I don't know if it's better to forget you
or to forget to remember you.
Without you
I feel bad
as I've never been with you
and at the thought
of going back to you
I feel bad
as I'd never be again with you.
my mind gets confused
and becomes numb even more
in a vortex
of confusion.
It wasn't you
on the phone now
but for a moment

I have dreamed.

May 2016 · 335
Dark night
There are no stars in the sky tonight
nor rays of the moon dancing on the roofs.
In the branches I don't hear rhapsodies of wind
silent the restless foliage rests.
The horizon plays hiding itself
and the fields are mountains laid down on the sea.
There are no stars in the heart tonight
maybe they are sleeping among my dreams of love.

Apr 2016 · 173
Love without love
You cannot love
a butterfly
because its wings
will alight
onto all the flowers of the field.
Love it without love
because the comets too
are stars.

Apr 2016 · 280
A pale summer
What's the matter with you, Summer?
Why do you cry and don't laugh?
There are no fires
in the fields
and your sun doesn't scare,
my mouth is not parched
with oppressive heat,
the grass in the meadow
is not yellow yet
and the sea water
keeps the cold of spring.
Why this year
your face is so sad?
That gentle wind
seems to be hiding
and the autumn rains
do not want to wait.
The frightened swallow
flies around,
it has just arrived
and it's about to go back.
It could be a whim
or even a joke
but I beg you don't do it
don't do it again
because like a swallow
without you
I would only want to flee.

Apr 2016 · 251
Sores of love
You are crying, woman.
Your love is deaf
and cannot hear
the moans of the mind,
is blind
and doesn't want to see
the tears of the heart.
You are crying, woman,
and there is blood of love
on your wounds,
that nobody knows,
covered by pain
that shouts in silence
while your eyes
in a sweet smile,
those sores of love.

Apr 2016 · 940
It will come to you
My soul will come to you
when my time is over.
I will not have to imagine you anymore
to stay with you,
I will not have to hope
not to leave you anymore.
My soul will come to you
empty of the body
in the hold of which
my spirit has sailed
and neither voice
nor hugs
will still be needed to love you,
neither distance
nor death
will still be able to part us.
My soul will come to you
and it will bring you a kiss
as a last memory
of our great love.

Mar 2016 · 432
A special person
There are smiles
hugs mountains wind
in your hair,
there are laughs memories
almond trees in blossom
in your hands,
there are tears
in your voice,
there is music
in your eyes.
There certainly is love
in your heart.

Mar 2016 · 246
When you were a star
Do you remember
when you were a star?
When I only needed
to look at you
to light the dark?
When you filled the nights
that never turned into days?
When there were no thoughts
to obscure your eyes?
When there weren't the years
to steal beauty?
I have loved a star
that I will never see again.
I have lost it in the dreams
of the far-away loves.

14. 9. '14
We two together
peering at the sky
under the pink flowers roof
through whose tiles
the wind mildly
insinuates itself.
It's sweet feeling
the caressing of the skin
and almost touching our faces,
we naked as the earth
that, as it's born, shows itself
and from this shame
cannot suffer.
In the shadow of the peach-tree
passion lights up
and groans of pleasure
with the rustle of the branches.

13. 7. '14
Mar 2016 · 209
If the wind knew
how to read my heart
I would ask it to shout
to let it take me away.
If the sun
could burn my soul
I would run after the horizon
to never lose it.
If the sky were able
to caress my face
I would be able to fly
to flee with it.

3. 9. '14
Feb 2016 · 3.2k
The countryside party
The countryside is laughing
lighted up with colours
and everyone notices
its fine appearance.
It has green dresses,
the field in spring,
with white
and red and pink buttons,
the blue blouse
sprinkled with yellow
and in the hair
garlands of stars and lights.
The day will run
saying that spring is born,
arm in arm with the countryside,
with a  basket of scents
and the tresses painted with the sun
and then there will be a party
adorned with flowers
and cobalt blue nights
the wind that bedews
with mild blows the sea
and the wayfarer that arrives
will take home a smile
to keep on dreaming.

14. 5. '14
Feb 2016 · 318
Ephemeral richness
Ephemeral richness
is your kiss now
that whispers to my ear
a promise of love.
It will be the time
to devour youth
that flees pitiless
to never return.
Kiss me
and don't tell lies
because if passion burns
it's not love.

3. 10. '14
Feb 2016 · 249
A dream
Among the pearls of the sky
I found shells
with the sound of silk,
I bathed my feet
without allowing them to touch me,
I let them play
while the moon was weaving
a tapestry of light
in the hair of jade
hemmed with the sun.
I woke up crying
while my heart was laughing.
Among the pearls of the sky
I will wander aimlessly
imploring that dream
that will never come back.

13. 11. '14
Feb 2016 · 709
Pangram of love
The zephyr blows
when you kiss me
and the ice
immediately goes away.

How many tears
that hurt
and burn longings
without you.

For all the love it has
my spoilt heart
will give up

Soaked with love
I almost touch you
and, bowed,
I want that kiss.

My sweet beauty
I beg you
don't make me suffer
and come here.

Come to me
so that holds
and doesn't break
that beautiful thread.

That beautiful thread
which will never
the azure of life.

In Italian, the original language of the poem, each strophe is a pangram, because it contains all the letters of its alphabet.
Feb 2016 · 511
A sunset on the hill
I ran after the sun
along the river
where in the morning
the flowers look at themselves in the mirror
bathing the petals
in the water
coloured with light,
spreading stems
in the wind,
as sails on the sea.
I ran after it among blades of grass
that touch the sky,
among voices and sweet smells
of green meadows
in spring.
Under the lime tree branches
above concealed dens
close to stinging brambles
in hidden ditches
beyond the little lake
near frightened foxes
away from curious hawks
I ran after the sun
without stopping
to see it disappearing
slowly slowly
in front of me
on the hill.

16. 1. '15
Jan 2016 · 224
And still beyond
The dear palms ***** down
to the white shore
up to the sea
and still beyond
when the sun
turns the water into a mirror
and they seem stars
adorning the fronds
and rays
that the moon forgot
to take with it last night.
I cannot avoid stopping
and I follow
the winding path to the beach
on the tepid sand
that my feet wraps up.
Only me in the entire universe
my body motionless
my mind still
I breathe
and I feel the air coming in
then nothing
if not the whole

and still beyond

where the backwash calls
and delicate invites
to listen to the quiet
so as to dip into the sky.

Jan 2016 · 180
To you
To you that grow up
among hostile and insensible people
I give a vase as a present
to collect the tears.

To you that walk
on boiling sands
I give the strength
not to hurt the feet.

To you that suffer
hiding wishes
I give the silence
to keep the dreams.

To you that speak
and no one understands
I give a kiss
to see you smile.

To you that fight
not to die of love
I give the life
to never surrender.

Jan 2016 · 234
The tree of confidence
From you I will have the shadow
when my body is parched,
burned by restlessness
and yes!
may hope
devour the fever
that into blind alleys
pushes the heart
and you, tree,
will hand me a fruit
if I'm hungry
and I don't want to seek,
when I'm cold
it will be your trunk
to give me relief
and that wind,
that wind
which freezes the blood with discouragement
and with aboulia
wounds my legs,
that wind
will be breeze
and vain
its blowing onto me.
From you I will have the leaves
that will let me rest
when my sleep
is full of tormented dreams,
vacous is relaxing then
and you, tree,
will be root for me
will be seed
will be lymph

will be the sun
of a new day.

A hidden dream
kidnapped me
and on the galleon
that ploughs the silver sea
pleasures have no secrets,
have the fragrance
of pillowcases embroidered with the wind,
the sound of sunsets
of northern lights,
walk on the deck
weaving the sails
with threads of joy.
A hidden dream
kidnapped me
and never captivity
has been more beautiful.
On the silver sea
I left my dreams
and they will sail forever
among the tales of the heart.

Dec 2015 · 237
Dear old year
Dear old year,
you are leaving us.
It seems that even the time
here has to die
and I am not counting the minutes
that separate me from the new year
but those that still remain for me
to spend with you.

Dec 2015 · 230
A soldier at war
It will be the sun
to make me remember
your warmth,
the roses
your scent.
It will be the nights without you
to make me wish
your caresses,
the stars
your smiles.
It will be the wind
to bring me
your voice,
the pain
your promises.
It will be passion
to give me your kisses,
your hugs.
It will be peace
to return you to me.

Dec 2015 · 257
The dreams of life
They are like butterflies
the dreams of life,
they fly around you
and you can run after them
without ever taking them,
they let themselves be seen
without ever fleeing,
almost be touched
without ever disappearing,
they rest on you
and add a pearl
to the necklace of life.

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