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  Jan 2016 DG
i love reading your words,
even if they aren't for me
  Jan 2016 DG
The Winter Jester
I’m trying to be what you want me to be
But it seems the harder I try
The less you think of me
The harder I try
You go further away from me
I want you to notice me
Just a second will do
All it takes is a glance
A smile as you pass me
A wave if I see you
A nod
It’s just one second, just a little bump in a whole life span
I’m not asking for much
Is it really that hard to spare a second
I’ve sacrificed years to you
I’ve lied for you
Take my last breath I’d die for you
Do you really need to ask why
It’s not complicated
It all comes down to one and only one reason
Like the Plain White Tees said
Theres only 1 way
2 say
These 3 words
I love you
  Jan 2016 DG
its gonna make sense
if you can't feel love
you are only breathing*

not living

to live
to love
DG Jan 2016
I testify that God is good – He was all through the year
During the times of great success, and moments of despair.

He’s kept me on the road of right – He’d gently give a ****
If anything should make a try to shake my faith in God.

You all would know temptations that would tend to come our way;
But were it not for love and grace – where would I be today?

The many times God’s shielded me from accidents and death;
When careless drivers drive too close, and I can’t catch my breath.

You know the times I stopped the car for one minute or so;
And laughingly would ask the Lord “But why you love me so?

For day by day you’re shielding me along these tortuous roads;
From drivers who just cannot wait, and trucks with heavy loads.”

Financially, God has been there – I am no millionaire;
But God provided day by day – I did not have to fear.

The strangest thing is - as I gave to church and charity:
I found the more I gave for God, the more came back to me.

Some days my body was not well, some days I felt so low.
That’s when I would repeat the promises of God I know.

His words are reassuring – whether spoken or in song;
It’s always gratifying when the right words come along.

So, I can testify today that God is good to me;
As long as I keep faith in Him, my Rock He’ll always be.

They say next year will not be bright that it will start out dim
Don’t let that shake your faith in God – just put your trust in him.

And as we press on day by day let’s motivate a friend
To join this wondrous race, and then, to hold on to the end.
(C) 2010 everyday thoughts of how blessed I am to be with God. AMEN.. #LOVEofGOD #blessed #godlypoem #poemfortonight
  Jan 2016 DG
Mike Essig
You must give him your life.
He won't settle for less.
He will turn it into poetry
and become you
for a little while.
He will wear your skin
next to his own
and feel your darkest pains,
your most exquisite pleasures.
He will finally understand
your definition of love
and why you will leave him.
He will steal the secret
of your deepest longing
and know how to satisfy you.
But he will make
a few unasked for
subtle alterations
in your soul.
Then he will return it
as something
slightly different.
You will notice.
He will amaze you;
he will charm you.
You might even love him,
but you will never trust him.

DG Dec 2015
I was at the breaking point,
There were nowhere to turn.
I was headed for the furnace.
And I was sure to burn.

The sinful life I had lived
Was coming to an end,
When a shower came from heaven
And restored my life again.

When I lost my train of thought,
It was hard for me to see,
But the world is slowly turning,
And it's not gonna stop for me.

I can hear a ship coming,
Powered by the Lord.
It's headed for his kingdom,
And I want to be on board.

I've been to other places,
But God has brought me back.
Now I want to go to heaven,
To see what that is like.
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