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Gem Elliott Oct 2015
there is a river that flows
through the fabric of our being,
vitality within.

a convergence of convulsing capillaries
reinforced with life,
delicate like a spider's web,
glistening like a galaxy of stars;
the shimmering dewdrops that make up the moments we never forget.

there is a maelstrom in my mind,
that stirs the tranquil waters
of my soul.

the river meanders, forever wondering;
where is the sea,
but it's waters cannot swell without
a thousand conjoining trickles.

so the river runs,
its course never set,
a tear on moisture-stricken skin,
never losing momentum.

so run river,
get to the sea.
15 minute writing challenge.
Gem Elliott Jul 2014
All is well in the World;
except for a
storm in a teacup

                                                   it brewed too long,
                                                a scathing taste of
                                              a scalded tongue
                                            feelings of acerbic
Accompaniment to a collection of sketches
Gem Elliott Jun 2014
In universal terms*;
                      a thousand lifetimes come & go
                      in the blink of an eye
                ­                            I overrated the importance of my existence
                                            and now I'm chasing leaves on the breeze.
                                                     ­             perhaps                    
         one day the breeze will fail
         and the leaves will sit willingly, still;
         hungry to be examined.
                  ­                  Only (I discover)
                             I was never chasing leaves
                                 Just lost in the wind.
Gem Elliott Oct 2013
my blood runs hot when you're around,
your touch turns my skin to flames.
your voice chills the air and calms my thoughts,
uttering forgotten names.

who could blame a simple boy for loving
so completely and without consideration;
the portrait girl, with lips of red,
who conjured conflagration.

a tale so hopeless did never end so sweet,
as in a dream, said fair lady, rushed him off his feet.
but it is a sad and known truth,
that the night-time show
always ends with darkness.
*written in one go without stopping, taking about 4 minutes*
Gem Elliott Oct 2012
a love lost, wondering;
cannot find home where home is,
but finds home where there is none.
A love confused, but truly convinced,
cruelly entangled in a myriad of loose ends.

But where loose ends meet,
acceptance born:
a love lost alone,
has no home,
but is home.
Gem Elliott Oct 2012
a false hope,
mindless optimism,

an unattainable target,
an unachievable goal,
self pity.

a false hope,

or not,


Gem Elliott Oct 2012
brain scrub my mind,
ev'ry speck
'til there's none to find.
mind please cleanse my soul,
my body
needs you whole.

soul do cleanse my heart,
teach it
love and lust apart.
Clean me whole,
through and through
make my judgment true.
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