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 Apr 2018 Geetha Jayakumar
I thought a girl is
A beautiful loving delicate dove
A gorgeous admiring sweet blessing
A pretty cute free fairy
Huh and I got a shove

I am regarded as a girl
Just because I am physically weak
I can't  go out of the cage
Just because I am physically weak
People make fun of me
Just because I am physically weak
I am in danger
Just because I am physically weak
I cannot make decisions
Just because I am physically weak
I cannot raise my voice
Just because I am physically weak
I cannot dream
Just because I am physically weak
I am restricted
Just because I am physically weak
I am tortured
Just because I am physically weak
I am kidnapped and *****
Just because I am physically weak
I am a burden
Just because I am physically weak
I can't debate
Just because I am physically weak
I am insulted
Just because I am physically weak
I am cursed
By being physically weak

I wish you killed me
Before expelling me out
Instead of killing after giving birth
Just because I am physically weak

*By a physically weak human aka A Girl
 Apr 2018 Geetha Jayakumar
I look at the sky
See those birds
Flying above high

They look so free
With the flow of air
Not bound to tree

I smile and admire
That sun of fire
Expressing itself
With grace and sunshine*

I feel so good
That I wish to run
To sing and dance
In those raindrops

Then a silence strikes
I look at the sky
And find myself
Sitting in my window

Dreaming a world
 Apr 2018 Geetha Jayakumar
Here and there
Love is in the air

Long ago on empty road
I heard a whisper
I love you
I danced, I sang and I went mad
It was like a big bang

Hand in hand
On a grassland
Habitually I went
Deep to his love land

Stars were aligned
Clouds were small
Glitter was little
Alike my land

I followed a light
Sharp and bright
It took me to a place
Where I felt tight

I found the truth
The cycle repeated
With another face
Again in the maze
I found the truth
Over and again
In a different face
I found the truth

The truth?
They love you
To level one of body
To level two of soul
They call it unconditional
Say it all
Still it's pure
Independent of troll
They call it unconditional
And tag it real

Beers of enthusiasm.sleeping
And someone
Knock knock

Dried and exhausted
Sleeping in the dreams
formatting past
Erased the future
While drinking a cup of poisson
Flapping clouds
Playing snow white fog
Light searching rays
Haze of gazing ...
Like hearts
Within love to love

an azure hue
presides over our bush patch
an azure hue
such an imposing shade of blue
brilliant the colour in dispatch
of its resplendence there's no match
an azure hue
her first cry

never   teared your eyes

her first smile

never   dimpled your cheeks

her first giggle

of joyous recognition

never   mothered your heart

her first word

never   tickled your ears

her first step

never   reached your arms


a prayerful pause ~ spindles time

through its aperture ~ she has your eyes !

‘tho a minutest inflection ~ you see your face !

what joyous recognition ~ self ~ in-dwelt

her flutter ~ divinely felt

You named her   Grace

gv 18.29.3  18a
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