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It had been brought to my attention
Such feelings are not our inventions
The hunger is actually what we are
In degree of unconscious decisions
Made with reptilian brain stems
It's a wonder we got this far

Still I want more
More than the hungry poor
More like a hungry lions roar
Posed to pounce
Upon the prey
I would love
To touch
Your pretty face
And share my hungry heart
With you
After all
Aren't you hungry too?
Traveler tim
Don't ever get down at Remount Road
on the train's brief pause.

Once I couldn't resist
when through the window
I can't say what beckoned me.

The sky after a drizzle was awashed blue
and its miniature carvings on the puddles
sprung from my steps like thousand dreams.

There on the unshaded platform
were faces as puzzled as mine.

I didn't intend to detrain here, I spoke,
we didn't too, the voices echoed
but it felt so like the place
we wanted to be but missed.

Walk me barefoot on the sodden earth,
a girl offered her hand,
recount to me the unfinished stories,
make me a home.

I won't miss this time,
I was crying.

I have recounted the story to many
but they all have eyed me
like I am mad.

They only repeat there's no Remount Road
on this route.
 Apr 2018 Geetha Jayakumar
Are you holding back
Like I think you are?
Are you hiding your scars
And keeping your heart afar?

When the birds no longer flap their wings
And I grow thin,
Would you still be willing
To wait for spring?
Waiting for him to ask me.
Drift of pains
Flower caressing her pearl eyes
Please stop crying O dear!

New days will come
Old days will be in your heart

Never feel lonely...
Have strength...
You're brave
Be self motivated

I read a stack of psychology books
When my mind went off the tracks
Now I’m but a therapist
With a knapsack on my back

I’ve gone my way a wandering
Through the depths of misery
I come from Babylonia
With a Bible Belt
Whipping me

Borne of milk and honey
The hungry heart is doomed
Ate my cake and ice cream
Everything I could consume

Now I’m old and thirsty
Setting at this ***** bar
Looking for a meaning
Of life as yet so far
Traveler Tim
No, she isn't a poet
has never inked one
she takes off my weight
gets my things done

so I have enough time
to afford in a way
the luxury of rhyme
clever wordplay!

No, she isn't a poet
not written one line
clean is her slate
sees I'm fine

so I have enough space
and hour of my own
to indulge the grace
of thoughts mind grown!

No, she isn't a poet
no way she would be
she does her best
to see I'm happy

so my words run smooth
poems are easy born
truth and half truth
are spun night and morn!

No, she isn't a poet
cares not a bit
from her toil's sweat
my poems birth sweet

poems aren't her art
in the sun and showers
she grows from her heart
our garden's best flowers!
A tribute to the great gardener she is.
(5 years on hp this day, thanks to all my poet friends, you gifted me a rewarding journey)
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