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1.6k · Sep 2021
autistic masking
galaxys archive Sep 2021
I watch them talk, express, emote
Studying every movement, every smile, I take note
Compiling the data in an organized fashion
Psychology books I devour with an unbridled passion
Putting on a mask like I’m at a masquerade
Underneath lies a little girl, alone in a big arcade
Practising my laugh in front of a mirror
Wiping away tears just to see it clearer
Searching “how to identify sarcasm” late into the night
Sore, tired eyes from my phone’s bright light
Relapsing into tears
Ridicule is one of my biggest fears

Why can’t I be like everyone else?
Another poem about masking autism and how it feels.
1.2k · Sep 2021
asd alien
galaxys archive Sep 2021
bright lights, background noise
all blurs into one big wall
my brain can’t process
all these things at once
I stare at other girls
copy their mannerisms
hiding myself
from the outside world
when I get home
I run into my room
take of this mask that I’ve worked so hard
to develop
only to hide everything about myself
everything that makes me me
just so I don’t get laughed at
made fun of
I feel like an alien
dropped down on an unfamiliar earth
having to fit in
pretending to be like everyone else
but not understanding
a single thing
sarcasm, cues, it’s all bologna
where are these rules written
give me the book
I’ll study it forever and still not get it
but at least I’ll seem normal
I stop myself when I get too excited
my dad gives me a weird look
when I talk about the brain
an infinitely complex ***** that contains our whole life
my body is a mere appendix
I tell my friends about Latin etymology
did you know the hippocampus is named after the seahorse?
I hold my hands tightly
to prevent myself from shaking them around
like I want to
social hierarchy
what is it
how does it work and how do you know it
how many seconds do I stare into your eyes
my seven-two rule I sometimes despise
I immerse myself in fictional worlds
observing the characters
how they talk smile and move
taking notes
making flashcards
all to appear
did it work?
it must have, right?
been fooling everyone for sixteen years
and it’s taking its toll
on me
it’s hard
it was easier when I was a kid
you just play beside another kid
but now there are rules I have never learnt
sarcasm is more prevalent
just smile and laugh right?
but what if you can’t even identify it
always never enough
criticism is my worst enemy
my grades have to be perfect but why
I’m the smartest person in any room
I’ve ever been in
but I have to appear normal
hiding myself
but why
imagine a world where everyone
was like me
and this mask would never
even have existed
there would be no stress
I’d already fit right in
no mask
no hiding
flapping my hands and talking
about the brain
about moths
about criminal minds
without judgement
it sounds like a dream
it actually was
but this world is far more difficult
I walk through a mall shutting myself in
because if I don’t I’ll explode
I close my eyes right as the bright flood lights pierce my brain
I smile as the background noise hits me like a wall of unfamiliar loud pain
I hide it well
after a while it gets bad
I run and find a dark store
a worker asks me what do you need today
I run back out and feel bad for days
people talking, coins rattling
it all blends together
I can’t imagine a world
where it doesn’t
where my parents would let me
wear my headphones
without taunting me
a world where I have never been called
from everyone
I can mask well
and that’s my downfall
because nobody ever notices
how hard I struggle
deciphering these looks
their tone of voice
they’re joking right?
years later I realize they weren’t
they were making fun of me
but you see
I wouldn’t change my brain
believe it or not
it is who I am
the feeling of telling people about my interests, watching my favourite tv shows, happy stimming, listening to music, my near perfect memory, recognizing patterns in everything
it’s a blessing and a curse
but it’s who I am
I couldn’t imagine life without the excitement and passion I have now
the feeling of flapping my hands and jumping
nothing beats that
the brain blur and tingle
the dopamine flooding my brain
it can be good
even if the bad is still there
this world wasn’t designed for me
and I’m starting to realize that
it was designed to exclude me
other people must look at me and think wow
she’s so strange
but I’m thinking the same about them
they walk around and go to parties
how are you? I’m doing well, how are you?
it’s nonsensical
I’ve learned to copy them
but at what cost
is losing myself worth it all
unmasking is incredible
but it can be dangerous
the bullying, the criticism
even from your own parents
can sting
everything I’ve ever been called as an insult
I remember it
I remember it all
I wish people could understand
I’m not Sheldon Cooper
I’m not a robot
I probably have more emotion than you
I show it differently
I put on this mask to prevent hate
from this society
that is so ableist
sixteen years of my life I’ve fooled everyone
I wish I could go back and start over
be the little alien I felt like inside
not worry about the monsters
because they weren’t under my bed
they were everywhere else
it doesn’t really rhyme but just some of my thoughts- this is how it feels to be autistic.
1.2k · Jun 2023
a cloak of reality
galaxys archive Jun 2023
it hurts
when you can feel an ocean inside
waves crashing into the boundaries of your mind
begging for release
to reach the shore
denying them, holding them back like a well-built dam
not a single drop gets through this facade

I’m an actor
in a role I never auditioned for
one I never wanted
one thrown upon me by the cruel hands of society
is this life better than none?
three months
I whisper to the face in the mirror
one I have never recognized
one that is not my own

i hope one day to look
and find myself looking back
a true reflection
real and not imagined
but for now I do my best
with whispers
the tears I cannot release
sweaters in the biggest size
corners to curl into
alone when I can imagine
how I’ll look when I’m me
not you

be friendly
but always know your place
only speak when spoken to
perhaps if you behave you will find a nice husband
be a good wife

raising me in her image
it’s a facade
I’m fractured
a picture from long ago
broken and never properly repaired
the shards put back wrong

a smiling photo of a girl i don’t know
darling daughter
know your place
smile but not too long
galaxys archive Oct 2021
a sharp familiar ache
my heart may actually break
thought it was back pain
but all along it was my brain
this feeling
it’s somewhere inside
it’s too late to hide
from the stress
of being alive
descriptive of the chest pain I’ve been experiencing due to stress & sensory overload that I thought was in my back… turns out a massage can’t heal this one.
666 · Feb 2022
living life in private
galaxys archive Feb 2022
do you know how hard it is
to have a million thoughts in your head
but no words to speak?

to be screaming “help me”
but no one can hear you?

to be smiling
but having tears drip from your eyes,
betraying your true feelings

to respond to someone in your head
only to realize you never really replied

they call you quiet
but they don’t know how loud you really are
622 · Oct 2023
to be lonely
galaxys archive Oct 2023
how much longer can I lie
and say I like it alone
because what started off as truth
has grown into a big blackhole
I’ve been burying myself in the sand
and hiding from the sun
548 · Dec 2023
galaxys archive Dec 2023
a gasp of lavender
reaches the parts of me that belong to you
smoke that twists, twirls, transforms
a weapon fleeting but lethal
will it glow inside like it did before
will it emulate your touch
the false wisps of a former life
rush under my skin
into my blood
it’s not enough
never enough
not you
509 · Dec 2021
galaxys archive Dec 2021
this wasn’t supposed to be my life
this wasn’t how it was supposed to go

what happened to me?
where did all of my happiness go?
galaxys archive Oct 2021
the wind whispers and runs its fingers through her hair
a melody in her ears, the salt in her tears
the darkness in her heart beware
369 · Oct 2019
galaxys archive Oct 2019
the flame of a candle flickers in the dark
her wrists are bleeding from the rope that’s been leaving a mark
she can hear the rain coming down outside
a single tear falls from her eye
the dark cellar walls are closing in
a bead of sweat forms on her skin
locked in this cellar just like a tomb
there is no escape from this lifeless room
291 · Nov 2021
where is my mind?
galaxys archive Nov 2021
I sit unmoving
in a virtual world
fixing my eyes on a crack in the mortar
I disappear and float away

come with me
walk down the halls of my elementary school
running my fingers across the lockers
hands not mine

time to go

consciousness fades to the background
as autopilot kicks in
legs move as if wound up
like a toy car

I'm alive
but existing far away
rather asleep
trapped inside
the prison of her skull

where is my mind?
a tale of dissociation
notable mention and inspiration: where is my mind by pixies <3
288 · Feb 2023
talking to the moon
galaxys archive Feb 2023
i stare at your celestial glow
waning and quiet but speaking volumes to all who listen
i crane my neck up to you and listen
i hear the undying hope of those who have suffered
the moon will rise
the moon will rise again

it is a constant and a beautiful one at that
a gentle reminder that you’ve made it another day on earth
a promise
i hear the whispers of billions
sad laments, happy memories, and everything in between
when I speak, do you listen?
do you hear my voice among billions
do you differentiate each person’s sorrow
do you even hear me at all?
286 · Dec 2023
a gift
galaxys archive Dec 2023
beauty not created but transferred
your voice flows into the brush
a fluid magic
the shades of your wings reflect it
transferred for me, mine
I’d take any small piece
a fraction of you
to feel it’s warmth emanating
the surface a gentle thing
sparing nothing
every particle I crave
259 · Oct 2023
birthright of a poet
galaxys archive Oct 2023
i am a poet in the way i am human
by nature and birth
an intrinsic responsibility to life
to write, to tell, to be heard
but even if i write and share not a single word I am yet a poet
the way a human could live a hundred years in isolation and still be just that
259 · Apr 2023
galaxys archive Apr 2023
dark red rose
crumbles under the weight of darkness
falls apart into thousands of pieces
each one morphing into small black spiders as they hit the cement floor
running to hide from the impending moon’s glow
into the safety of the dark
250 · Oct 2023
nyc at night
galaxys archive Oct 2023
Pantone noir skies
but a thousand buildings glow
not with light, but life
people working, watching, waiting, living

through the rear window I see thousands of lives
lives unaffected by my presence, unaware
thousands of realities, stories, perspectives even more

humanity reflected in each pane of glass
i yearn to have a human life too

a life of possibility and not restraint
to do, rather than watch
198 · Aug 2019
galaxys archive Aug 2019
my life is a rollercoaster ride
the feeling of a hundred butterflies fluttering
the euphoria and adrenaline of accelerating down the drop at eighty miles an hour
until it’s all over and you’re left
wondering how the good times went by so fast
i don’t know what this is i just randomly thought of it and decided to post it for no apparent reason, so i hope someone can find something of this :)
182 · Dec 2021
she, at different ages
galaxys archive Dec 2021
she sat in boxes
she never smiled

she talked too much
she spoke too loud
she never stopped moving around

she was smart
she was kind
she was the only one who held the door open for the teacher as she walked by

she was sad
she was alone
she listened to music
she stared at the wall

she was obedient
she was academic
she followed along with everyone else

she was tired
she was burnt out
she isolated herself
she was still alive
178 · Nov 2019
galaxys archive Nov 2019
she stares at the pages in front of her face
funny to think a few sheets of paper determines her place
her self-worth molded my that single number
exhausted from the stress, all she wants is to slumber
she taps the pencil against her chin
every student watching her, but this time she doesn’t grin
she feels the pressure, the stares, the looks
if her grade’s not over ninety, what’s the point of the books?
she tries so hard not to crack
with thoughts running fast on a race-track
she goes to bed with tears in her eyes
not knowing what the next day will bring when she’ll arise
...and do it all again.
true story bros
165 · Sep 2021
hannibal (nbc)
galaxys archive Sep 2021
deep green forest lit by the faraway sun
leaves crunch under his step, echoing the blast of a gun
her dirtyblonde hair tainted crimson red
some things are better left unsaid
they say fetch the profiler whose sanity is challenged
maybe he’ll notice the parts that were salvaged
look at the ritual, the signature, the crime
what is the significance, what is my design?
remove my glasses, step into his mind
sometimes I wish I had been born blind
analyze the evidence, make the connections
step out of the box that controls your projections
there is no one disorder to explain
the things that go on inside of my brain
From the perspective of will graham <3
145 · Sep 2021
galaxys archive Sep 2021
this cut
more than the rest
this cut
is how
her feelings are expressed
this cut
like words of a psalm
this cut right here
this one’s for you, mom
galaxys archive Sep 2019
they said she would never feel the rain
see it gently pour again and again
watch dewdrops settle on fresh green grass
or feel caerulean waves crash over her back
they said she would never feel the breeze
get lost in forests emerald green
yet she steps outside with her heart on her sleeve
the world and its beauty just within her reach
slow shallow breaths she manages to choke out
crying for help but she’s unable to shout
her hope she knew was too good to be true
an unfamiliar world blurred before her eyes
all it was was beauty in disguise
red and blue lights accompanied by sirens
but she knows they’re too late to prevent her silence
they said she would never feel the rain
because all she ever knew was the feeling of pain
134 · Oct 2021
flap my wings to the sky
galaxys archive Oct 2021
hands flutter at the speed of light
tingle in my brain, extremities float like a kite
overflowing with good
not staying still like I should
floating up to the stars
stimming to the moon & back
a magical joy, an incredible hack
flap my wings, fly so high
flap my wings up to the sky
121 · Oct 2021
mathematics, my first love
galaxys archive Oct 2021
i love you today
i’ll hate you tomorrow
you make me
want to die
i was three years old
when i found you
like love at first sight
i studied you
for hours at a time
you took me in
and gave me a place
but now i’ve lost you
and it pains me to say
i’ll never love you
like i used to

so can we just restart?

hi i’m rhys
114 · Oct 2019
just asleep
galaxys archive Oct 2019
she knows there’s nothing that can be done
his last day to live had just begun
she wants to scream, to shout, to flee
to spend just one more morning sipping coffee on the dock
and he’ll come up behind her and start to talk
about his adventures when he was young
he’ll chuckle, he’ll laugh, he’ll click his tongue
“soon he’ll be back” she tells herself
and they’ll have that morning sipping coffee by themself
all she wants is for that day to come
“wake up, wake up” she whispers in his ear
knowing full well the person she knew is no longer here
family starts to say their goodbyes
they know this isn’t the end, but they still start to cry
the man they once knew, strong and tough
was brought down to nothing, and that’s enough
to make a person lose hope
death really is a slippery *****
but she knows that the day will come
when she’ll see him hammering nails in the heat of the sun
as she leans her head on his chest
she says goodbye and let’s him rest
he’s not dead he’s just sleeping
106 · Sep 2021
galaxys archive Sep 2021
I am who I’ve always been, the scales have just fallen from my eyes
I’m no longer deceived by you and your lies
102 · Oct 2021
a paradox of time and space
galaxys archive Oct 2021
I wish in society I knew my place,
I am just a paradox of time and space.
galaxys archive Oct 2021
grew up smart
gifted, bright
told I could do anything
be anything
now at sixteen
burnt out
things don’t come as easy
and it pains me
that maybe I’m not as smart
as I seem to be
a fraud
a broken brain
in an exhausted shell
I don’t know who I am
or how to fix this hurt
I had this plan
all laid out
how my life was supposed to go
and now my dreams are crumbling
I keep running but my dreams keep getting farther away
every step I take
this wasn’t supposed to be my life
happy innocent ten year old me
looks ahead to this darkness
and mourns our childhood
a time to which we can never return
my face, a facade, hiding this pain
masking, burnout, the cycle goes on
why can’t you hear me screaming
help me
gifted kids grow up
get depression
I, a gifted kid, need help too
I, a gifted kid, wish I were you
but why can’t I ask for help?
91 · Apr 2023
night drive
galaxys archive Apr 2023
black velvet lawns
daylight long gone
the sharp burn of streetlights
illuminating your eyes
striking and stark

with your hand resting on my knee
i find it increasingly hard to breathe
you and me
we ebb and flow like the deep blue seas
flowing by pattern, but always lying in wait of the tide to come
always wondering “are you really the one?”
89 · Nov 2022
night terrors
galaxys archive Nov 2022
the odious night’s darkness
crept into her heart
put its hands around the muscle
and squeezed
81 · Nov 2023
galaxys archive Nov 2023
mon menton repose dans mes mains, lourd
heures passées à lire, mes paupières tachées pâle rose
la seule évasion de la prison de mon esprit
en français parce que why not
80 · Jul 2023
galaxys archive Jul 2023
when your touch is golden sunlight
and your gaze blooming daisies
it’s hard to act normal
hard to think straight

when your laugh is a chord that rings
and your movements a choreography
the sound of your voice dewy and familiar
it’s difficult to pretend
but I’m used to it

I ignore how the sun turns your eyes to honey, soft and saccharine
how my heart responds when you look up at me through foggy glasses
I ignore the way you light up when you tell your convoluted stories
how the world is brighter when you’re beside me

because in the end it’s meaningless
amounting to nothing more
I never win
I’ll just keep dreaming of being yours
galaxys archive Aug 2023
looking at you was like coming home
a lovely sort of comfort that grew with each passing second
street signs flying by like a haze of false memories
of what could have been
an impossible dream
lazy poetry but I’ve been tired
71 · Oct 2021
fix me
galaxys archive Oct 2021
fix me
can you try?
give me a quiet brain
&when I fall off the wall
will you put me together again?
fix       fix            

put me back together again.
whatever this is  :)
70 · Aug 2023
to be loved by a poet
galaxys archive Aug 2023
they say to be loved by a poet
is to be immortal

paper containing a lifetime
a museum of memories
both lived and unlived
what was
and what had the potential to be

features equated to celestial bodies
moments and emotions in detail
each laugh memorialized
64 · Oct 2021
I’m still here
galaxys archive Oct 2021
I’ll always be here for you
no matter how long we’ve been apart
I know you’re there too
but will you hold my hand in the dark?
64 · Nov 2023
in pieces
galaxys archive Nov 2023
how long can you go on fracturing yourself
splitting your soul into pieces
hiding them in the woodwork of your mind
before the pieces are found?
how long can you live
knowing you’ll never be whole
only a part
how long can you survive in the dark?
58 · Feb 2023
if i were different
galaxys archive Feb 2023
would you love me if i were normal?
if I could hold hands and laugh without peril?
if i could meet you halfway
if i could say the three words?
would you love me if i weren’t so irreverent, if i could show how much i care?
would you love me like the sun loves the moon
an unbroken bond
It begs for a resource it is not allowed. You can feel it twisting, turning inside of you like a voracious beast, one you thought you had conquered long ago, arisen from the dead.

“It’s your own fault,” someone whispers to you. You are alone in your room.

You turn on the lights to feel less alone, your only company the voiceless dancing entity within the small bulb. A presence not really there, yet comforting nonetheless.

“Why did you do that?” something else will ask. Something deep within the boundaries of your mind, though it is not you. It’s not you, yet it becomes a part of you more and more each day, growing like a malignancy, a wronged adversary with a penchant for revenge.

It haunts you, clings to your bowels, takes your guts in its hands, and squeezes. It permeates though the entirety of your body—it seeps into your blood, it infects your brain. Simultaneously. It’s everywhere. It’s nowhere.

Is it really just you?

It can’t be. It can’t be you, because that line of reasoning doesn’t make sense. Why would you do this? Why would you do this to yourself? Later, they’ll ask you the same thing. There is no answer you can give them that will satiate their curiosity.

You don’t even know yourself.
37 · May 17
All your life you have been shrinking, if not outside than in.

You cling to a purpose, desperately—your nails break and your fingers begin to bleed from your tight grasp.

“Why am I like this?” you ask, not for the first time. Your own desperate voice resounds in the chamber, sinks down into an endless void.
You’ll never receive an answer.

You’ve been trapped here your whole life.
This flesh suit you call a prison, others call a body, a home. Something that is supposed to be so innately yours, something you were born into, expected to grow, take care of. Something you loathe.

This home is something suffocating, something you are all too aware of.
You’re drowning.
You are drowning in it, suffocating on this thing you cannot even name.
You cannot escape.
You run from this thing that you are becoming, this thing that you are trapped in.

“Please, God, let me out,” you beg.
Just one breath of air, you plead, and you can return to your cage.
36 · May 17
It’s a cloak you can hide under, one you find solace in, even after all this time.

You could live your entire life under it- a pillar of your lonely crusade into oblivion.

“Is that really a life?” They might ask. You don’t know. Definitions are a subjective and fickle thing, a mess of arbitrary jargon designed to help us understand. Often, they work to the contrary.

If the past is any baseline, they all lie through their teeth. Is life nothing more than an infected wound, slowly killing you from the inside as you desperately try to patch it? Something perpetually healing and never ‘healed’.

— The End —