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 Apr 2015 Gabby Eschette
My mind lays empty
- What void, what null
An empty hull
Cracked shell
Heart's prelude to tears starting in a swell

My mind lays full
Like a brimful ashtray
Awaiting the day that I
Throw the garbage away

My mind lays still
Making solemn the body
Spent; to it's fill of every glory and thrill
Reluctantly I observe and clean
Every spill

My mind lays glowing
In love, furiously growing
In ecstasy it broils and broils
But under the sun
It never spoils
My love

My mind lays racing
And running for fun
My mind lays pacing
Gives the nights a sun
My mind is furious -
A whirlwind, a hurricane
My mind's a tiger
Without aim to tame

My mind is illustrious
My mind is a charm
In it's mindful grip
I laugh unarmed
Now my mind is weary
Now my thought's are glum
How I envy the days
Spent with loved ones
Let’s make a wish
Upon a shooting star
A wish that will go, and travel far.
No matter where, no matter how
Let’s make a wish
To a world un-round.
LOOK! Its Orion, which means Lepus is near
Soon we’ll see Fornax, but lonely Pyxis hides within the heavens still.
You say “They're not complex”
But, I argue they are.
You say “They're just gases”
But, I argue they're stars
And on them live wishes and chances and dreams.
So, let’s make a wish
On that frozen Asteroid.
On that white tailed beast.
And we’ll let it decide which wish shall be
You’ll make a wish for the Universe to unravel
For knowledge unbound, for the truth to be revealed
For answers to all, for guesses to none
For Peter to remain lost, for the sword of Damocles to fall.
I’ll make a wish
For Artemis to shoot her bow
And knock a star out of the sky
A gift to you my friend
For the Universe to remain a mystery
I’ll make this wish for you tonight.
He is a lit cigarette.

     keeps you in
          beer and
                   good conversation.
His kisses
                   are like bonfire
                   on summer nights.
                                All passion
drunken laughter, a night full of stars.

He is a lit cigarette.
               to your lungs,
               to your heart.
He will be gone
                            be gone
       before the summer breeze
has finished
                     kissing your cheeks.

He is a lit cigarette.
And he will burn out
                      before you're ready
But ******
   ­           good
And you crave him.

— The End —