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I have lost pieces
once easy
searched for pieces
then trying
now effortless.
I've come to accept that
growing comes with
but I didn't know
it meant forgetting
to then
There is nothing to fear,
not anymore;
there is God by my side
and if I fall then
it is by Him.
He knows my heart in all its darkness,
shamed as I am.
I have grown too tough
and too gentle,
too rough and too sentimental,
too harsh and too weak,
all at the same time.
There is a time for each.
It's time to lay down the extras,
and pick up the forgotten.
The sight of rain,
of wet clothes, wet plants,
wet doorsteps, wet hopes and dreams,
and, that known scent of sadness and grief
all these...create soggy, sluggish minds

we just lost two dogs to the virus
the glum of monsoon rains affects the moods
the "yays" from cancelled classes
have all passed...
sun is shining, not too bright, though,
peeps like a tease, but,
enough to dry the ground...

i see vacant lots...almost naked now
motor's droning hum is a lullaby
that lulls the mind
a strong smell stirs the nostrils and
defines a welcome pleasance...
i sniff....and chase away sadness,
with this intriguing scent
.....of freshly cut grass....


© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
    July 25, 2018
The moon laments in drones of silence
As tides raise-churning waves of violence
The mountains crest the surface of the sea
Now the earth is free to breathe

Can you see her now, oh Universe
Can you see your daughter giving birth
The formation of stars in her youthful eyes
She dreams of life that can never die

Primordial spirits, archaic stew
Volcanic rapture, lands of new
Frozen tundra of ancient ice
Her organic recipe sustains life

Eukaryotas thrive in a muck of wonder
Upon themselves they feed and plunder
Reptilian brain stems to limbic systems
Complex neocortex to indecision

Now she cries out to the universe
   I am tired and now I am cursed
Still the moon tugs upon her tides
   As we dance into eternal night...
Traveler Tim
Eukaryotas, a single cell organism that scientist theorize
life evolved from.
I wish I was rich.
Just so much money to worry about nothing.
Only if you asked the wealthy you see that their lives aren't bed and roses.

I wish I was happy.
Like many of the wealthy.
But many required to put up and image.
Especially if they have inherited money and a name.
Many are dedicated too by the job they required to do.

So if poor just be you.
Joy and happiness and richness is within you.
We created all three things without any money to our names.

So next time you say, I wish I was rich.
Just think about God gave us life.
Changed not what God do now?
When you say I wish I was God.
Yes, you would try to erase poverty.

It is sad that many live the way they do.
Except, He has a reason for every single thing presently seen.
So if God for a day changes not a single thing.
But you will for what he has stored in you?
Kindness, sympathy, and love.

I wish I was God.
I tackle racism in this world.
But pay attention this is very apparent within scriptures.
And he personally leaves it here for various reasons.

Changing racism require this from his people.
Even if, he planted it here.
It mainly for us to see how we should change it down here?

We, the one that spreads it.
Surrounded by some that enjoy being involved in it.
So before saying I wish I was God.

Remember this is one hard job.
I was searching for
but I didn't know
but I knew it was
something I
needed to find.
Then I saw you and
I knew God had
sent me you.
You open me eyes,
you gave me wings
to fly, and see the
world again,
you made me
feel free.
You help me find that
something I was
searching for
and that
myself , me
Thank you my friend .....  XOXOXO
Clouds rolling
Winds picking
Waters getting
The moon is disappearing
The stars are disappearing
Maybe I can
on this night
On the wings of
the wind
just float away
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