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  Jun 2015 Folarin Seun
The moon illuminates over white silhouettes
A Hand delicately cupping a face
A naked flesh embrace
Legs entwined together
These moments lasting forever
Lips lingering
Eyes seeking
Fingers tracing
Two individuals finally feeling.
For my One.
  Jun 2015 Folarin Seun
Eiliv Advena
Many poems I read seem so sad
The poems fills your eyes with tears
This doesn't mean the poems are bad
But sometimes a poem should be filled with cheer

There is so much beauty to write about
Not just lost love, fears, screams and shouts

A poem can be about
Flowers or trees
A poem can be about
Crystal blue seas

A poem can be about
a ring of smoke
Or a beautiful girl
Or about the beauty
We find in this world
Folarin Seun Jun 2015
sometimes love can sting like a bee
sometimes it can be the best feeling in the world
sometimes love hurts and sometimes its the best feeling.
Folarin Seun May 2015
Nuclear family
Extended family
Your close friends
Anyone who cares should be part of your family
Family is everything
Folarin Seun May 2015
Can't stop
Won't stop
The race is just starting
And the finish line looks so far away
Folarin Seun May 2015
Mistakes made
The truth is I'm just a ghost with dreams
But scared of reality
Dreams so deep
But my accomplishments so shallow
In a few years time
All these thoughts will be in the air
Cuz no one really cares
Still hoping for better days
And better nights
Cuz I'm just an ordinary man
Folarin Seun May 2015
I want more
I said I want more
Lets do it all
Before time is gone
You won't find other guys like me cuz there are none
And if you think there are other girls like you then you are wrong
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