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 Nov 2017 Eve
Ashly Kocher
Throwing stones will only cause
           Build a wall instead
                       Protect yourself
From the vicious cycle of pain between the darkness of the
Dancing on your back
 Nov 2017 Eve
 Nov 2017 Eve
A moment astray...

Like the bite off the fruit
you weren’t suppose to take.
But tasted so good.

A moment of folly...

One that you’re disgusted with,
yet so proud you took that step
out of the circle.

A moment of recklessness...

That took you on a trip so stellar
that it seemed to last an eternity.
You make the mistake of blinking...
then all is lost.

A moment of reflection...

A string that threads through all
those moments...
And bound unto you.
Keeping you from falling apart.
Keeping you together and whole,
so that more moments

could be made.

 Nov 2017 Eve
there is a ride for everyone
the decision was taken long ago
but has not been went
our inside the longing

night enters our dreams for a long time
if it will not be  unlikely dreams
 Nov 2017 Eve
Jayantee Khare
मत पूछ ऐ चांद हमसे यूँ सारी रात जागने की वजह,
इक तेरा ही हमशक्ल है जिसकी याद हमें सोने नहीं देती।।

Moon o moon! Don't ask me
the reason for sleepless nights,
Remembrance of your alike,
doesn't let me sleep!!
Old writes from my diary
 Oct 2017 Eve
Star BG
I Love
 Oct 2017 Eve
Star BG
I love
moving to the music of my heartbeat.
To the song
that plays guiding steps.
To the melodies
that expand my consciousness.  
And graceful breath that gently flows
from intake to out.
To the graceful rhythms of dreams
that echo singing like birds,
like wind,
like ticking of father clock
we are on a sacred journey
filled with musical blessings.
Inspired by a poem posted by yasaman johari and written by Jawahar Gupta
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