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 Jan 2016 Irene
It's adequate to discern what you feel
Have been proven thus by ages
Let it all flow through your pen
Without restraint, they must flow
When You're done letting out
The last of the fear, sorrow n guilt
You will know that it was well worth
You no longer brood on the same
As it has become a thing of the past
And you have new emotions
Waiting to be expressed
With intuition running deeper
Making you proud
Of growing more conscious of self
May all your feelings find a word or two
To wrap around
While resting in time capsule
Leaving you poised
With clarity of thought
One stride at a time
 Jan 2016 Irene
Caroline E
3:48 p.m.
 Jan 2016 Irene
Caroline E
Why can't I get you off my mind?
Your name plays over and over in
my head all the time
I can't seem to think about something other than you
I love you, that's true
But why does the thought of you make me sad and blue?
 Jan 2016 Irene
Alyssa Underwood
God of heaven, born on earth
Infinite glory here brought forth
First laid upon ignoble straw
Then on a cross to die for all
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God... The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the One and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth...'...the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!'"
 John 1:1,14,29b

You are the King of my heart,
even though it doesn't feel that way.

and I so often desire to do things against your will

help me to place Your will above my will

for I desire that resilient, abiding peace which comes with this
but also Your Heavenly Kingdom,

where I may only praise, love and contemplate You,
forever more.

My prayer today.
often times we place
our hope
in something invisible
only to find
the invisible
often times places
His hope
in us
 Jan 2016 Irene
Madisen Kuhn
i don’t know how someone as small as me
with bones that break at the sight of heat lightning
and heart strings that thread apart at the sound of his voice
could make anyone feel like the sun shines brighter
through kaleidoscope eyes—
you’re okay if it brings out the freckles on your face,
and you feel good, you feel alive
you say i showed you how to love in a new way,
that i taught you to be so much more okay with your tummy,
“it’s been very freeing and life is a lot better, thank you,”
but i feel like i can’t say you’re welcome
because i am a messy cliché of imperfect scraps and hypocrisy
loosely sewn together with
“you are strong you are strong you are strong,”
but i feel so weak i feel so weak i feel so weak
and i am not steady hands, they shake like
wet dogs after kiddy pool baths,
i am flower seeds that forgot how to bloom,
trapped below the surface of a garden that feels like quicksand
and i’m sorry but you don’t see all the mistakes i make,
all the words i’ve preached that look back at me
and laugh when they see
what i feel, what i think, who i am behind closed doors,
i’m sorry.
you keep hanging medals around my neck, and
they’re so heavy, and i don’t know
what to say besides i love you
when you speak words of adoration,
but please do not praise me, i am not good.
 Jan 2016 Irene
Madisen Kuhn
it’s unsettling how many people i’ve had to beg to forget me, lately. how many i’ve tried to convince that i really am as insignificant as a stranger you made eye contact with for a moment at the stoplight. for so long i was begging so many people to stay, to keep holding onto me, even if it wasn’t in their best interest. all i wanted was to be selfishly adored. now all i want is to be left alone.
 Jan 2016 Irene
Madisen Kuhn
i’ve never had feelings for anyone who could be good for me. i’ve never been interested in someone where a good, healthy relationship could’ve resulted, and maybe that’s why i’m so jaded, because everyone i’ve ever liked has just been a distraction or a house on fire— someone i know i shouldn’t be involved with, but i’ll give myself just a few more days to run around frantically with my hands over my eyes, peaking through the cracks between my fingers, searching for things i know i don’t really need, and then i’ll dash out and run down the driveway and the smog will linger for a little while, and the neighbors will complain, and i’ll sit on the curb with my forehead on my knees, holding nothing but intangible regret. next, i’ll either get over it, or obsessively think about him and the ashes smudged on the inside of my eyelids for longer than my sanity. i’ve never really liked someone and been able to daydream about the real possibility of us turning into something greater; of tire swings and painted mailboxes and overgrown, green lawns. it’s always been pretending and fake hope and melodramatic doom. i think it’s messed up my perception of having feelings for someone, because i can never take it seriously— either i know he’s not right for me, or i know the circumstances prohibit the possibility of us. it makes me never want to give anyone a chance (i can’t even see anyone worth chance-giving) because i know how it ends. i don’t like having this closed off heart so early on; i’m too young to be this bitter.
21:56 journal entry
 Jan 2016 Irene
Madisen Kuhn
i wanted you to love me on purpose.
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