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I would die if I could not have you.
But I didn't.
I saw you in the church, a revival of statues and you
Alive in a way that these people had never known or had somehow lost along the way.
You pierced the crowd of pretenders, a lamb among the goats.
In your worship, I was engulfed in flames.
In this bed, you linger.
I flail in my tangled sheets, but I can't shake you.
Your smile invades my dreaming, your laugh echoes in my thoughts,
The words of your body whisper mysteries to me.
My love for you is fickle and conditional. My attention, a plastic grocery bag blown in the breeze.
I keep you just out of my fingertips until I'm able to transform into something incredible,
But you know the way to Incredible and if I was headed there, you would have stopped.
I wanted to tell you that sunrise was when I realized that I could never be as good as you.
That night, when we wasted the moon waiting for the sun to come. Alive,
Awake, the sky heaven streaked, dawn fingers painting.
darkness beauty hearts burning sky trees grass together you
And me silenced, in awe of this heavenly body.
"God is Love."
And I’m off to journey my dreams, a silent navigation.
This place is not real. This is not my home. This is my second chance. This is where you are.
Right words escape me in this world of understanding.
Your eyes are raindrops pooling over the rims of your glasses, riveting to me.
My fingertips tease your lips and even in my dreams, you
Turn your head. I hold you close to me and we stay
Here inches apart stuck in that tension,
Waiting, this moment better than
A kiss.

— The End —