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Oct 2017 · 148
human feeling
Eriko Oct 2017
the light arched,
unfolding, blossoming
as if a rose springing
into a ballerina pose,

the body twirling like
a late autumn breeze,
unfurling with the luscious
sound of a human feeling
Oct 2017 · 122
Eriko Oct 2017
perhaps, perhaps*
each smile shining white
shining that wide, kingly grin
knocks down the brick
which preserves the small glade
of sprouts and flowers, of books and runners
perhaps, perhaps
the notes fluttering off the strings
harmonized like early morn~
a dawn of pinks and baby blues
of singing streams and lingering dew
perhaps, perhaps
*I would like that very much
Aug 2017 · 189
Eriko Aug 2017
I am a fruit in a basket
a green, swelling fruit
basking in the gold sunlight
on swift, spring mornings
******* in all the water
when the storm showers
claw at the grey skies,
I am an underripe growth of nature
still too bitter for those
who peel at my skin,
I hang in the air, chuckling with the leaves
the great branches sway without sight
I dance long into the night
I am a fruit birthed from a flower
a flower in a past life
bloomed beautifully, magnificently,
yet, my petals fell
and I began to be made
anew, like the pink dawn
before the cusp of day,
I am a green fruit, not quite ripe
I wait, patiently, diligently,
for the day love will embody me
and leave seeds within me
of sweet, sweet melodies
Aug 2017 · 273
Eriko Aug 2017
to abate this sorrow,
this swallowing vacuum succumbed in
a whirlwind of grief,
I stumble to a halt, needing, pleading
limping for a form of inspiration
the thundering bolts which course in my veins,
the sparkling light which shines every morn,
the beautiful way my heart pounds
to the rhythm of my feet,
I grieve over the loss, the startling new reality
so sudden and sharp I almost lost balance,
then had to stop in a cross-section
of cones spilling over pavement
and the magenta sky waning in her descent,
I stop and sit, look and breathe,
and understand that my heart still pounds,
the wind still sings, the light still shines
and my feet will have to rest
why I wait during these days
and cherish the moments
to welcome balance to regain her feet,
like a marvelous, marvelous guest
Aug 2017 · 156
Eriko Aug 2017
dark, cured wood
glowing lamp shade*
*mist curling like light
Aug 2017 · 201
Embedded with Suns
Eriko Aug 2017
a child, a squinty-eyed youth
huddling in the street corner
searching, looking, at the pieces of silver
scattered, embedded in the dark, dark soil
stubby nose and brunette, crouching
low like a chesapeake blue crab,
shuffling with deft cunningness,
eyes pried for the shards of lost glimpses,
of unforeseen specks wandering lost
in an inconceivable oblivion,
and there the child crouches,
eyes pried and squinted amidst the glaring
brightness projected form
a thousand burning suns,
and here the child sees, touches
the intangible threads emanating
from the fibers of raw imagination
fueling the gaze to peer at the stars, the galaxies
to create a world which surpasses
beyond the dingy pavement at the corner,
embedded with shards of silver
Aug 2017 · 235
clouds of thoughts
Eriko Aug 2017
walking, skipping, running
through the fields of golden hay
with sprouting sleeves of green
like green apple and lime,
hiking through the stony terrain
with my cloud of thoughts,
those rainy, rainy clouds of doubt
or thundering tempest pounding away
crackling and careening into a frenzy
blinding like the way
the ice skitters across the cliff sides
and accumulate on my breath,
running, run so the clouds cease to trail
sing, with a spiriting tune
gliding, soaring in the high, high stratosphere
where maybe its notes can beam
under the radiance of the shining sun
Aug 2017 · 274
joy sunken
Eriko Aug 2017
nothing like a smile
sun soaked, joy sunken
beaming with you
Aug 2017 · 295
Eriko Aug 2017
blue, violet, indigo*
orange, red, summery yellow
black, grey, indifferently still
groaning and crackling
flashing with downpours
why, he said
the sky feels quite tangible
like flickers of emotion
running across canvas
it has a lot of joy and sorrow
*the big, big sky
Aug 2017 · 237
human memories
Eriko Aug 2017
there was nothing but
the sound of feet
like pat pat pat
pushing against wet sand,
the call across mountain tops,
the trail toppling with raisins and walnuts,
the swish of lungs beating, running
and the way water splashed grandiosely,
or the comforts of a car ride,
blasting radio whilst carving around green hills,
palms raised against the cool wind
and feeling like the flowers and weeds
are sighing in unison,
or the ceasing daylight accompanied with
a hot meal, hot stew and bowls of sticky rice
creamy mashed potatoes and a glass of good wine,
which twinkles whenever the candle is lit
at the rickety table,
a collection of something
chimes call, the belly laughter rolls
and a day of blues and blacks,
where tears run and skies sag in lack
these are all human memories
bittersweet and living indefinitely
Aug 2017 · 273
Eriko Aug 2017
I stood in awe
in the most perplexing
silence which was not quite
like the trickle of water
but of a stunned recognition
of crackling thunder, of
electrifying energy rolling,
writhing like a bonfire
I stood, my chest thumping
like something of numbing euphoria*
as the dancing, dancing man
with passion blanketing him
and music pouring from his creation
forged a union, a marriage
between the living thing
of man and music
and I was nothing more
than an earth-shakened leaf
taken by a singing light
*dappling the sweet forest floor
Aug 2017 · 178
Ice Sheets
Eriko Aug 2017
a phantom of sporadic thumping,
into the earth, into the earth
the repetitions droning like
the grinding of ice sheets
splintering off the cliff edges,
hazardous mountain hedges
as the great gods, or what's left
of their slow beating hearts
quiver with resonating sounds,
light shafts cutting, traveling,
plummeting into realms of dark
where the eyes skittle, flicker
like a faint candlelight now
awoken like a mighty jolt of thunder,
these great, great old gods
or whats left of them, some
unheard cousin, another dynasty
twisted in their crackling ways
they shudder to a startling wakefulness
and my, my what agony will
unleash over the cold, freezing realms
as their sheets of ice recede until
nothing remains but a skeleton
devoid of the beauty which once
blanketed at their children's feet
Aug 2017 · 135
Eriko Aug 2017
the custard glow of lamplight
cup of cinnamon coffee
a life bind in pages
Aug 2017 · 201
warning signs
Eriko Aug 2017
if my stomach churns, knots, pushing nauseated syllables
a quickening heartbeat, a racing torrent of thoughts
feel the tongue go dead, the mind go numb
like the last soup whisked by a stranger

then perhaps, really, I should just stop
Jul 2017 · 289
Wishing the Sky-Streakers
Eriko Jul 2017
one morning the evening star
wished, wished with all
the ache in her heart
that she could run, run away
so far, far into another art of
a different throne to cast her
rays, where the shadows spoke
in an alien language,
where different ships looked upon
her for a great destination,
where the winds sang a different tune
and the ocean murmured of unpredictable claims,
oh how sometimes this even star yearned,
yearned with all her heart that one day
she could leave the comforts in the puzzle,
in her small share of the vast, vast sky
oh, how the evening star
could lay eyes on an alien horizon  
so she wished, wished each morn and twilight
wished upon a lone, lone trail
set ablaze in the heavens above her throne
where the travelers, the sky-streakers,
those who starred wherever the world
she wished upon those,
the runners, those who demanded
for more
Jul 2017 · 319
Rocking Chair
Eriko Jul 2017
the rocking chair creaked, its wooden beams
sagging underneath the weight at the seams,*
the love affairs, the sweet motherly memories
seeped into its grains, into the sockets
which eyes stare from an high, high place
wonder, wonder what these eyes
ingrained in the wood would say
about the lives of its companionships
rocking the bodies of souls,
hurting and bleeding,
laughing and sleeping
sore all over so it strained to stand up
and trembling with exhaustion to finally rest
upon the rocking chair...
a rocking chair, with eyes gnarled with siege
sieged, surely, by imperfections embodying the
*the spirit of human lifetimes
Jul 2017 · 329
An Origin Story
Eriko Jul 2017
a storyteller, the odd girl*
who rested her head in the cold sand
smiled a weary, weary smile
What is it, she asked
how about a tale, one of the gods
and a gallant hero
She smiled, teeth showing
as the water covered her face
How about one of the sea, she replied
A tale of the sea?
Yes, and how it connects all the continents
With the sea, I can go anywhere
And I'll give you a hero,
Not so particularly gallant
Yet wisdom of Sun
the Sun?
Yes, silly, the tale is the Sun and Light
And how they existed side by side
As two halves meant to be
Yet their cousin, Life
Grew dark and heavy in envy
And became the sea
To drown their love
Yet Sun, in all his glory
Felt pity chip in his fiery rays
And with an explosion of power
Brought the inferno from within
Of Life's deepest throne
And brought forth liquid fire
To spew across that of Life's watery bodice
Oh, how Life was infuriated
And howled with rage
Yet soon...soon Earth began to mold
And soothe Life's churning ways
Earth was beauty of green
And she spoke most eloquently
So that Life began to lap to her shores
And call to her in tune and lore
Yet with an ach to her heart,
A flaw to Sun's sight which cannot be seen
The Wind swept Earth away in howling love
Grieving, Life took the beings
Dwelling in his dreams
And placed the creatures on
Lady Earth's lovely, lovely shores
As gifts to her, so that Lady Earth
Could love instead the expanse
Which Life, the sea, became to be
Wind so then battered the sea
And swept him high in his throne
So by mischance parts of Life
Cascaded unto Earth's kingdoms
Earth, weary of such cruel tricks
And taken aback by Life's otherly touch
Shuddered so that her shoulders
Began to tremble in a terrible fit,
And Life, the sea, soothed her shores
And sang her crashing melodies
So the fright would leave her body...
And to this day, the world remain as is,
Life, the sea, sparring with running Wind
The Wind bold and dashing
Running untethered in great leaps
The relentless affair, the Triangle of Time
An existence of infinite grief,
And streaks of bubbling joy,
Under the heavenly eye of Sun and Light
them why are you here, on the shore
laying down on the eve of Life and Earth
Well, you see, the girl said
The Sun and Light are ancient and wise
And created all that is,
Yet as I lie here in the sand
I sometimes, quite silently,
Feel the aching yearn Life, the sea,
Reach for Earth
and if there is no Earth?
Then the loneliness of Life
Will consume him and turn
Him into ice, as seen
By Great Uncle and Aunt
North and South,
Where Earth does not dwell
can you hear Life, the sea
Yes, and how mournful
Does the music flow
An ancient tune of why
Loneliness fell to the bottom
Of the heart
Jul 2017 · 334
to belong
Eriko Jul 2017
the crackling string of voices
running, streaking through
the clamor of trees, creaking
through  the night's chilly breeze,
I see, I see that I don't know
where I am going,
only that trailing the stars
with set of blazing graze
crashes into the divine sky,
perhaps that is where the
the voices are spilling from,
those monstrously loud chorus
of staggering heart beats,
clambering with lunar-soaked fire
as I search for a home where I can burrow,
to pick the earth form my fingernails
on conclusion of a long, long day
to know that the small paradise
is a home which I belong
Jul 2017 · 235
A Girl's Alcove
Eriko Jul 2017
perhaps, perhaps a fleeting day
with the bristle of leaves
washed ashore by a brave,
brave young wind
like that of stirring sirens
spurred like a screeching raven
lost in another sunset day,
then, a momentary stall in
another alcove,
perhaps one day the leaves and grass
frothing at her feet will kiss
the sore, sore bruises inflicted by
weariness and travel,
a faucet, perhaps, to water the roots,
to quench the thirst of listlessness
and the parched corals of her crackling soul
fossilized to crunch like stone, grinding each
passing morn with no living recollection
of warmth pressed close to her body,
encompassing her bare backside,
where ghouls will no longer stalk in her shadows,
plant the faucet, channeled with the tug of war
like an ocean's embrace,
that of passion and despair,
of reckless delight and vengeful tempest,
that of relentless tug to kiss the roots
of majesty's feet, queen's skirt bristling
that of sea froth and sandy dunes, of
huge rooted trees and laughter
as grandiose of mountains
bursting through the mists,
this small girl has much to learn,
something about a faucet to
water her small alcove,
something about knowing that the grasses
and roots are all she knows,
until the wind decides to carry with her
to make another home,
so her feet are no longer sore,
to nestle next to the ocean,
to be kissed every waking morn
Jun 2017 · 289
Eriko Jun 2017
she didn't feel like knowing
~knowing, perhaps
that there could be
a future with a man
~frightened, perhaps
and elated, preferring
to remain hidden
~she wants to know, really
if she's brave enough
to gamble love in turn
of a childhood friend

so here, she sits
comfortable in having to know
but terrified either way
just thinking
Jun 2017 · 462
alien shore
Eriko Jun 2017
I see white, I see nothing
yet tugged behind the corners
where dust may began to collect,
I know that light and color
is brimming, waiting to race
onto another dimension
of timeless captivity,
I see white, like a thick haze
and it petrifies my bones, locking joints
into an empty embrace,
so now, trudging through the timeless echo
I know that the time will come
for the blankness to implode,
for the spirit to by spurred forth
like that of mourning widow
seeking revenge on the docks
of an alien shore
Jun 2017 · 282
Eriko Jun 2017
the haze settling like a brisk pace
of tap tap tap on damp pavement
the wave rippling as the wind bristled
with each eager step, one by one
away from the steps of a hollow expanse
the hollowness shrouding, corrupting
the inner veins of flesh and bone,
the vision dimming to that of narrow keyhole
as the clouds raged and the ice clang,
tap tap tap the steps tread onwards
towards the horizon, towards the steppes
of bountiful bloom and effortless search
what is that I'm searching for?
the window hasn't been clearer,
the days more lopsided than that
of a rocking, seafaring vessel,
an arching ship, a restless thought
of a destination a hands breath away,
yet a million miles etched into decay
will I make it before it is too late
Jun 2017 · 219
Eriko Jun 2017
tying, tying the gnarled roots
into an entanglement trudging in
the waking shores,
its weathered cords of fiber billowing
over the decks, slithering down the masts
straining against, straining to withstand
the gusts of havoc, the blackening ashes
and twirling devilish gazes,
the net born of roots, deep deep roots
straining against the current
of worming doom, trickling from
gashes which scar like scythes upon flesh
and poison down throats,
the net of gnarled roots are knots
tied of eloquent artistry,
and still they strain,
still they are just...
May 2017 · 850
Eriko May 2017
the heat pressed*
like a weighted blanket
as the bones caressed
*shivering souls
May 2017 · 320
yet, now
Eriko May 2017
when I was saved from
       the thicket picketed with thorns
               and soon the sun receded behind
                      the triple peaks of then, now, and yet to be
                               you howled into the glowing period
                                     vast, sparkling and combing the lands
                                            could I have grabbed your hand,
                                                 where the warmth stays and hearts flutter
                                                        and feet walk in sync past, now, and yet
May 2017 · 628
to seize
Eriko May 2017
the dusty repetitions dull and flashing
down, down the far descending paths
what became, what became of the
fiery gaze piercing through thickets
stifling, words shuffled upon hesitance
as the last foot falls echoed through
the quiet lands, where the grass
grew into golden straws and once
tranquil heavens now streaked like
a zebra's hide, wispy clouds flashing
of terrible lightening strikes as
fireflies rumbles across the morning skies,
bathed in  the slant of yellow light I step
far into the past where the hands were still
unspoiled and now I rejoice with the bluejays
and dashing salmons fighting a rigid tide,
don't, don't I know what may transpire to see
of the days which my breath can release
without the weight of a helpless fear to seize
May 2017 · 520
Eriko May 2017
so soon, always so soon
as the last draft of floating wind
whispers through the blades of grass
picking feet through the gnarled roots
the rain puddling along the sand dunes,
wait, wait I say with gulps of quivering breath
as the tad poles skitter along the dappled light
and the thick greenery overcrowds the cerulean sky
the waning golden light falls behind the looming horizon
leaving my feet to pick its way in the its shadow,
my eyes adjusting to the dampness of the willows,
the silence is hushed, the leaves brush
like unwelcome notions of a broken friendship,
and as I stumble my way through, yearning
for the last flare of brilliant partnership
the moon careens high above my head, settling in
a gentle tug, pulling at the shadows and casting
the faintest silvery beam for my eyes to seize,
and I pick my feet to through the winding--
abruptly, beautifully, my with the most magnificent spur
the night erupts in a frenzy of piano keys as minuscule
bugs carrying the stomachs of fire swirl, swirling into
the potholes through the leafy ceiling, and smiling I ran,
sprinted, with ease of a swimming tadpole
skittering along the stardust and infinite life line
Apr 2017 · 892
Morning glow
Eriko Apr 2017
The cascading rhythm of rain
Pelting at the pavement under
The guise of the cool Saturday night
Orange glow radiating from posts
And sneakers wade through puddles
And up ahead, in the dead of the night
With lightening forking the swirling sky
A single silhouette of another chirp
Picking it's way across the humming pour
Nestled in the bushes, aloft leafy trees
Hidden from the dazzling lights
Dancer of heavens yearn for dawn
Where they can reclaim their thrones
Basking in the warmth of morning glow
Apr 2017 · 251
Eriko Apr 2017
what does it all mean,*
the pressure of hand and hand
as two people who love gaze
*inquiringly into opposite directions
Apr 2017 · 273
Eriko Apr 2017
perhaps the way the dappled sunlight
floats above the ground,
like ephemeral ghosts silvery
of golden sonic booms,
rocketed into orbit, clear into
the farthest reaches of the universe
airships sleek and elegant,
the mighty richness exploding
into alien atmospheres,
of outlandish stories
and bizarre adventures,
with a silhouetted captains quarter
and the most courageous skipper,
perhaps with the last waning light
orange and stark yellow as it sinks
into another time-woven dimension,
entity can endure past the gates
wrought with fear of the great unknown
Apr 2017 · 298
bag of bones
Eriko Apr 2017
I must say, I must speak*
I must admit
just quietly, ever so slightly
into the cold, grey air
and the twisting of trees
to the brisk, harsh wind
and the sea of puddles
carrying the scent of ocean
I must admit,
I feel a hole in my chest
where there, beneath
the warmth and strength
and throughout the years
I buried a bag of bones
where the future cannot
*touch me
Apr 2017 · 566
Eriko Apr 2017
the lush greenery springing from the canal,
thick vines twisting and rooting
into the cobblestone and cement,
elephant-sized green leaves hovering
and its spiraling vines snaking across
the expanse of the slippery, slippery rock
from the canal water chants happily,
bubbling and choppy, reminiscing
of its mountainous origin, carrying
pure water and gracious elements
of its northern origin
I was inspired by the coming of spring.
Apr 2017 · 276
human endeavor
Eriko Apr 2017
wish, wish upon a echoing call
the soil rich and lush, the trees
standing proud and tall
blue streams streaked with
slivers of pink salmon
and my breath even
across the mountainous roar
steps preceding the footfall
shoulders swaying and
the soul living, brewing
in the warm, warm chest
as it blossoms after every mile
tickling the ribs of the cage
and spiraling throughout
the hight of bone and tissue,
of muscle and joint
as the feet ventures off
into the far, far empire
of human endeavor
Apr 2017 · 604
night sky
Eriko Apr 2017
what is there to cling, clinging to the woven threads
in my nightmarish dreams, those dreams scattered
into the rosebushes and gushing ponds
they are set ablaze, and not even the scent can mask
the terrifying gaze, and the pond ices over
so that knuckles crackle where water stood before
so I set down in a downward spiral, into a massive hole
set under the ***** of my feet, I cling onto the fabrics
of this nightmarish dream, hoping that its reality
can unfold before, I say, before the ground gives away
and I'm ****** into this bottomless pit
Then with a shout I scramble, hair flying like double
shiny and marvelous, flowing and luscious
so that each glint from the fiery gaze sets wonder
and my knees rattle like the most terrifying thunder
yet into the inexplicable yonder, they propel me with
their creaking joints, like gravel's laughter
and with that laughter my feet find ground
and with that laughter light erupts with a dash
crackling and sizzling, beaming and booming
across the oily black sky of my nightmarish dream
yet here, this light was of a marvelous light
like the gush of courage and a momentous dosage
pushing and pulling of the sweetest melody
in my own vast, vast night sky
Apr 2017 · 245
Eriko Apr 2017
fear not to lose sight
of the stronghold
on that hill crested green,
how are we ever supposed
to know what the
hell to do
find courage
Apr 2017 · 277
Eriko Apr 2017
shoulders hunched over
metal tables, where hips ache
and meet the bite of the edge,
where the eye lay so intent
on forward, chanced upon
another reality, another fantasy
other than the glum-white walls,
corners like imprisonments,
here, with elbows touching the cold metal
and pencil flying away,
the notes singing and meddling,
arching over where bridges lay unfathomed
to tales of fantastical beasts and claps of thunder,
of whimsical laughter catering above an ill-fitted tower,
of diving through scouring deserts, blistered heels
and parched lips as two and two hold onto one another
of tragic heroines and mystical vessels of evil,
here, as the kindling of imagination unfolds
cling onto it, I say
Apr 2017 · 588
two may begin
Eriko Apr 2017
a fleeting stark night, pasted colors and
brittle nosies cascading off the cobblestone streets
a beautiful awning where rain jewels
and warm, yellow ochre glow blossoms
from the store window, the puddles swirl
in their gleeful song, and the city
escalates to a breathing, clattering, makeshift
of mankind

there upon a skip, upon ancient stone
and the rhythm of clicking heels,
abruptly whisked with the shout of walkers,
there, upon an awning night
of brisk rain air and pasted colors
there, next to the shop window
with the raindrops shining like bejeweled webs
a chance meeting, nervous eyes waning
like a long note on a violin,
cheeks flushed and lips lush
a chance meeting
where two
may begin
Apr 2017 · 232
Eriko Apr 2017
this beloved nineteen year old
on the brink of ages deemed as greater
oh, how the fear sometimes
tangle her hands and feet
so she's sometimes left
only to ponder in her net,
reminiscing of past days,
childhood days as sweet
as the green summer hills
and nights at rickety hold tables
where the meals smell
like that of home
Apr 2017 · 226
Crowding Compartments
Eriko Apr 2017
Sitting crowded where eyes fear to meet,
I've been told to never stop imagining
Where the soul can hum like the buzz of a hummingbird
and touch operates with inspiration of its own

Sitting in a crowded square, everyone speaks
Yet their speech is tangled, misshapen as it crumbles
As words fly off their lips with sickly colors,
bubblegum pink and neon green and pavement grey

Where I sit, in the crowd, a sea of compartmentalized people
Where hypocrisy is glued to their faces, reeking of hunger
And thoughts ****, bounce like chaos off the walls
No one really seems to care to glance what hits them

Where I sit there is no one else at the table
So I crack open the window and sunlight beams in
With a great flash the bouncing thoughts could breathe  
And eyes begin to see the colors which have been buried in their hearts
Apr 2017 · 399
Eriko Apr 2017
running by the seaside where the foam fizzles like sparks
where the imprints in the sand Time has left
in a great, furious hurry, oh  how those days recollect
the late, late nights with the air soft like a pillow
soothing to the soul as it whispered
where the cuts laid in too deep,
Time, oh Time, where have you gone
with the crunch of gravel underneath my feet
and the pump in my arms, the twist in my spine
as I sprinted down the shoreline,
yet you always stayed out of my reach
the sun was beginning to set,
its golden fingers licking the water
and the salty, brittle air buffered in my eyes
so by the labor of my lungs tears sprung in my eyes
Time, you marvelous hypocrite, I can never get
the hold of your hands
Apr 2017 · 175
Which Beckons
Eriko Apr 2017
There looms something, a flickering candlelight
where my fingers are wound tight
and the whispering cool air brushes through
the strands of my hair,

picking out the strangeness,
weaving through to soothe the blistering scalp
my breath lit with an invisible flame
as I stood alone at the end of an empty space

the niche in my back still throbbed with pain
I couldn't possibly be the shelter from the rain
causing the pavement to drown, to the sneering
snatches of masked ogres making their way

yet I remained, in the fullness of the current
there should be no man, no woman afraid
to perch on a treacherous route
where moments blossom into something real

I laughed, thrilled with the notes coursing
as noticed what clutched in my fingers  
was the ability to touch things and to feel
where change beckons without fear
Apr 2017 · 123
Which Beckons
Eriko Apr 2017
There looms something, a flickering candlelight
where my fingers are wound tight
and the whispering cool air brushes through
the strands of my hair,

picking out the strangeness,
weaving through to soothe the blistering scalp
my breath lit with an invisible flame
as I stood alone at the end of an empty space

the niche in my back still throbbed with pain
I couldn't possibly be the shelter from the rain
causing the pavement to drown, to the sneering
snatches of masked ogres making their way

yet I remained, in the fullness of the current
there should be no man, no woman afraid
to perch on a treacherous route
where moments blossom into something real

I laughed, thrilled with the notes coursing
as noticed what clutched in my fingers  
was the ability to touch things and to feel
where change beckons without fear
Apr 2017 · 160
Which Beckons
Eriko Apr 2017
There looms something, a flickering candlelight
where my fingers are wound tight
and the whispering cool air brushes through
the strands of my hair,

picking out the strangeness,
weaving through to soothe the blistering scalp
my breath lit with an invisible flame
as I stood alone at the end of an empty space

the niche in my back still throbbed with pain
I couldn't possibly be the shelter from the rain
causing the pavement to drown, to the sneering
snatches of masked ogres making their way

yet I remained, in the fullness of the current
there should be no man, no woman afraid
to perch on a treacherous route
where moments blossom into something real

I laughed, thrilled with the notes coursing
as noticed what clutched in my fingers  
was the ability to touch things and to feel
where change beckons without fear
Apr 2017 · 460
to breathe
Eriko Apr 2017
the howling tunnel
of reminiscing shafts
sunlight beaming,
swirling on the cracked
brittle bits of aged brick
weigh into the soft soil
and slimy with moss,
glistening with dew
as the butterflies stutter
at the edge of each petal,
remembering the echo
of another duo swoon
rippling music and
cascading laughter,
bouncing in the spaces
between the pebbles,
slipping in between
the ruffling book pages,
a quiet abode littered
with graphite and ink,
another place for
a howling mind
to breathe
Apr 2017 · 884
Eriko Apr 2017
sometimes I speak in all uppercases
sometimes,  in a delicate row
of quiet lowercases,

sometimes, I speak
with two mixed in between
with a comma and a period,
or twenty exclamation marks
and three questions in return
and an heart emoji
smiley faces,
crying faces
and some trees to set the scene

and I wish during those
long, starry nights
I had more commas,
where the end of the sentence
can always turn itself around
Apr 2017 · 275
walls too steep
Eriko Apr 2017
a three-shot fellow and an odd-legged stance,
whisked into a buffering four-walled alleyway
where the sand dunes eat his
sore, sore feet
and the air too brittle
for his syllables to stand
    his sandpaper hair teetering
       on a brink of straying grey,
            here he stands.
unmoving, without love
             for his land.
the sky soar far, far up above
         the brisk blue sky
              or thundering reminiscence
              of an age gone too far
                    to hold,
growing old in a bare four-cornered alleyway
    where this old man
          once with fiery gaze in his eyes
                  and a spring in his feet
                        have built his home
                                 with walls too steep
Apr 2017 · 191
Eriko Apr 2017
what does it mean
to be my mother's daughter

how much of me
stems from her memories
Apr 2017 · 365
old photos
Eriko Apr 2017
the unknown beast
lurking behind the old
glossy surfaces of photos

the photos of another time
another place, another life*
glossy old photos
of hands held with peace
and a voices unheard

holding the thin vessels
of memories etched like stone
what is there to look back
to old photos
*of another childhood
Apr 2017 · 522
field of suns
Eriko Apr 2017
the simmering summer heat
lingering like a blanket of sticky tack
weighing on the leaves of the
bright summer suns,
the radiating petals
golden array of sunlight
rows upon rows
where the eyes tend to meet,

holstered with swaying stalks
thick, green leafy stems
whispering in the slight breeze
the sweltering heat humming with life
as the buzzing increases in strife
the screaming cicadas, the speckled path
striking down the field of suns
for the secret, secret place to sing
Apr 2017 · 156
Eriko Apr 2017
perhaps by the fire
the body can ease
perhaps in the wind
the weight can cease
perhaps with earth
the runner can soar
perhaps with water
breath can become
once again
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