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 Feb 2016 Eriko
Poetry is what keeps me up late at night
 Feb 2016 Eriko
m i a
he put down his paint brush,
and told his artistic heart to shush,
for he was no longer feeling the lovely creative rush,
reality was gently tugging at his sleeve
telling him its time to leave
hurrying, so he won't decieve society
as time passed, he went from an artist
to a blank canvas
he was finally human at last,
this is what happens when you loose your artistic touch, you become emotionless, artless, souless= human etc. In my opinion. <3
 Feb 2016 Eriko
Caroline E
Just thinking about the person I could've been kissing
Thinking about the person I'll forever be missing

Thinking about all the mistakes I've made
How I can never correct them, for it is too late

Thinking about how you were mine all along
But you never know what you have until it's gone
 Feb 2016 Eriko
I explain my metaphors with metaphors
I don't know how else to express
My thoughts that sit in clutter drawers
And leave my mind a mess

If you don't understand my comparison
I'll just say it in a different way
My thoughts still shielded by a garrison
Suppressing things I need to say
 Feb 2016 Eriko
I'm the piece of paper you throw in the trash.
Crumple it up, say goodbye to the past.

I'm the canvas no one ever bought.
  Hidden behind, I never mind.

I'm the rock you try to skip.
Jump once, deep down I die.

I'm the spelling error on your spelling test.
Negative one, heat in my chest.

I'm merely a number
A dead heart with ripped strings.
A book with no cover.

A soul without color.
 Feb 2016 Eriko

I wish I was in a Box

At least there are Corners

Where I can Hide to.
 Feb 2016 Eriko
Craig Harrison
My eyes do not gaze upon who you are
they see the person you will become

I do not hear your words that time will forget
I listen to your heart

When my fingers tingle your skin as they move down your body
I do not feal the scars that life as given you
I feal the memories that you gained in that life

The aroma that comes oozing from your body
is not that of sweat but of your soul

As our lips touch and we kiss for the first time
I will forever remember the taste of strawberries
for it takes all 5 senses to know a person
My eyes to see you for who you are and who you'll become
my ears to listen to your beautiful voice
touch to feel when you are cold
my nose to smell the perfume you brought
and my taste to really appreciate the meal you worked hard to make
it takes all 5 senses to know a person
I'm aware that for a large amount of people 5 senses is not possible and although this poem lead to been about 5 senses it was actually intended to represent that for a relationship to work properly it takes a lot of effort.. you have to be willing to listen to each other, to tell when they need you with out them saying, to appreciate when they buy something fancy, relationships aren't just about *** they are about 2 people becoming one.. If a person doesn't pay full attention to their partner the relationship will most likely fail.... So this Valentines Day, pay not just attention, pay full attention.

Happy Valentines Day
Green velvety moss blankets sharp edged stones ,
your feminine fancy awaits on the opposite shore with silken legs
befitting a supermodel in Paris .. A Van Gogh brushed smile ,
the eyes of a fawn , waterfall locks of hair baiting your deadly advance
across the crocodile ridden waters , like a wildebeest you splash and trounce the neck high , raging gauntlet , fighting for every breath of air
as you nervously reach the shore , graciously pulled from the river rapids by 'her lover' , the biggest man you've ever laid two eyes on ...
Copyright February 14 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights reserved
 Feb 2016 Eriko
Star Gazer
When they all stop caring,
Then you care for yourself.
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