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Eric Martin Mar 2017
I dream of tender lips against mine
I wish it would last till the end of time
Only a memory
But it feels so sublime

Glancing as our eyes align
Admiring their design
It tells more then words
I have never felt some thing so genuine

Thoughts so vivid and fine
I must get them out of my mind
Or else my heart will want some thing so divine
And It will consume my lonely confine
Eric Martin Mar 2017
Give more for the ***** at the shinny heaven door
She's meek, she's weak but God needs some thing to eat

Read the scrolls and give your souls to that who controls
But you are all wrong and will all sing screaming songs while the suffering will be long

Burn more to let the fires soar, if only people could see the grotesque gore
Its a horrific sight that isn't right but from far away it looks like a heavenly light
Can't think of a title
Eric Martin Dec 2016
How do I get on the front page?
Do I show them my rhymes
Or talk about my crimes
Or do I try and fill their hearts with rage

What is it that I lack?
Do I show that beneath this raging desire;
To set their souls on fire
I am really just a hack

Have I become lost?
I want to bring people near
And show them I am here
But really at what cost?

Am I here alone?
I write out my groans
Into filthy little poems
And take comfort they wont be shown
Eric Martin Dec 2016
I am locked in my head
Normally I would wish I was dead
But I just to turn on the light
And maybe have some thing to write

But there is nothing I can think of at all
Maybe write a cliche like suicide or a fall
Nah, to dull
I want to hit my head against a wall

If I start writing some thing will come out
Who would want read this ****
Through It Out
Get Rid Of It

How is this poem my hardest feat
My brain is going to over heat
I almost have to post it now, I could later just hit delete
I wish I could write like the elite
I really wish people commented more often, I used to be on poet freak and if you asked people a for help on ideas or any thing they would answer and some times just the smallest spark could help start a raging fire. This is what it has come too, me writing this ****, does any one know any other poetry or writing sites? wait what the **** am I doing asking a question right after saying that no one answer, no one reads comments and know one reads this **** either,  I can write thing I want on peoples comments because I can get away with it... but most of the views are fake and people don't even read most the poems or people just hit the like button so the person will read their stuff. I am in such a bad mood, its so weird I thought I wrote a good poem earlier but its almost like thats not good enough and as soon as I wrote it now I have to top it or die trying...Hope fully this ****** poem will be what it take to get me writing some thing good.
Eric Martin Jan 2020
**** it
I will no longer be controlled like a puppet
The world is insane
And you, me and all the Gods are to blame
But I am going to stop it
And no longer live my life the same
Eric Martin Dec 2016
Gods of Crimes
Lords of the Rhymes
Birds of a feather
Destroy together

This a war to wage
And if you make front page
Ha, your ******
Because then your locked in our cage

And when you think you are alone
Thats when we go unknown
You will stumble into us as we engage
I hope you have a sense of humour
Because if not then all I for see is rage

I hope you don't cower
Because we're drunk with power
I check the front page on the hour
And if you make top WOOPTY ******* DO! I hope your not sour
This is really allot more of posturing and an inside joke but I totally do write really messed up comments on peoples pages because no one comments and I feel like I have free rain. Hasn't gotten into troll territory yet but I hope some one stops me before it does.
Eric Martin Dec 2016
Your depression is so becoming
I feel my heart humming
Death looks good on you too
But just a tint will do

Your misery is a gown
It drives me crazy when your around
You must think I am a fool
For being so in love with you

Anxiety is a lace
I can see it on your face
It pierces your heart
But my heart is where it starts

You are so beautiful and meek
One every man must seek
I want to prance you around
For more flaws to build you're gown
Eric Martin Dec 2016
Your leaving?
But why?
I said I was sorry for hurting you
and I didn't mean to make you cry

Remember all the good times we had
Even if they were few
Don't remember times you were sad
And I thought we agreed, those were all because of you

I didn't do any thing wrong
That never seemed like we couldn't fix
I thought you loved that we were like two different songs
That never really mixed

Your mad I don't let you go out
And be with all your friends
But there might be guys there
Your my property that I must defend

You want me to trust you
But look at what you do And how you dress
The only reason I would trust you
Is because no other guy would want such a mess

Your friends must of put you up this
I want to know which on said which
You may say I am a Monster
But your a little *****
Eric Martin Mar 2017
Scorching fire in the veins
Blistering flesh and wrenching pains
Poring water on the skin
Sheds of the flesh in massive strains
Tender muscle is all that remains
Will I ever win?
What's the answer to my sin?
Eric Martin Dec 2016
Unannounced she appeared
I could tell some thing was wrong
Her make up was smeared
She is normally so strong

I sat her down inside
I asked if she was alright
She just cried
So I held her tight

I stroked her hair
Told her it would be ok
I would always be there
But she had nothing to say

I looked her in the eye
Asked her what happened
She wouldn't tell me why
But her eye was blackened

She gave me a sharp stare
One with so much pain
I could tell she had bin through a nightmare
She didn't need to explain

I held her close to me
And kissed her on the cheek
I was going to make her see
That things weren't that bleak

I was going to help her through this
Show here there was nothing to fear
I was going to give her bliss
But right now I am going to help just by being here
Eric Martin Dec 2016
So this is my life
I am... here
Not much left to be feared
Not much flesh left to be seared

A mind full of depression and hate
A body for all that to presentate
And to take also take any thing life has to reciprocate

But I still learned nothing from what people in my life demonstrated
And yet I am still devastated
If I knew life was tainted then why am I so degraded
So frustrated
So mutilated
So... Lost

I could give it a retry but why
I could say good bye but why try
I could die but why try and say good bye when they wont even let you die

And so I am here
To dead inside to shed a tear
With allot more of life I have to endure
And the only thing I have to find a cure
Is what is here
Eric Martin Dec 2016
Hey look at me!
Look at what I can do
I can write little rhymes
Just to amuse you

Hey Look at me!
Can you hear my please
I will write any thing for you
Even if its ******

He Look At me!
Why do you taunt
I will do any thing
Just tell me what you want

Hey Look At Me!
I want to make your dreams
I am falling apart trying to please you
I am tearing at the seams

Just tell me why?
I will do any thing for you
But you don't even care if I die

Hey look at you
You are in so much pain
I want you to look at me
But you want me to do the same
Eric Martin Aug 2019
I know I'm not a demon
And I sure ain't no saint
But I hope one day my soul can be happy
Even if it's faint
Eric Martin Dec 2016
My heart has become a hollow shell
It is some thing that makes me dwell
I look for some thing to put inside
To make my heart swell

You are a muse
You take me out of my blues
You make me feel alive
Your my light and my fuse

In my empty heart you reload
You put me in a creative mode
You give me drive
And make my heart explode
Eric Martin Dec 2016
Why does every thing have to feel so hopeless
Even though I have passion and am ferocious
I am still held back from the dread;
Of this devastating psychosis

I am left stuck up in my head
Thinking about all the things that need to be said
But I still feel that coldness;
Wishing I was dead

I feel so boneless
I wonder if any one would even notice
All these feelings I wish I could shed;
So my heart doesn't feel so soulless

I wonder if I have bin miss lead
I wonder if in the end I will be whole or just a shred
But I think my only prognosis;
Is this feeling will soon spread
And things will really become hopeless
Eric Martin Aug 2019
When I'm at home I don't pray for Jesus
I pray we all die alone
and it ends in pieces
Eric Martin Dec 2016
Time is always moving
Its a untouchable mass
You can't stop it from improving
Because its in an hour glass

I am just a fool
Who likes to break the rules
I will use every tool
To reach the untouchable jewels

I am tired of the hands I have bin dealt
And always asking why
I am tired of the way I have felt
I think its worth a try

I break open the top
To make so the grains wont fall
But still they drop
but I won't let them all

I start to make a try
To make a castle in the sky
But as I shape the sand
It slips through my hands

This was all for not
Soon I will have to say good by to all my friends
I just have one more thought
Before I reach the end

Why did I always try and make a change
And feel this way inside
Life is some thing you can not rearrange
I should have enjoyed the ride
Eric Martin Dec 2016
How could you?
How could I know?
That you were lying
Did you not care how hard I was trying?

I warmed your head
I warmed you're bed
I mended your soul
How could I know?

I shouldn't have listened to your word
instead of your actions
Its so absurd
That I didn't see your different factions

How could I know?
How did you know?
That I was lying
Despite how hard I was trying

I played with your head
I ***** you're bed
I stole your soul
How did you let go?

I should have listened to your action
instead of your words
You warmed me with every reaction
how could I be so absurd?
Eric Martin Dec 2016
******* I am ****** up
I'm sick and I'm dying
I'm lost and I'm sighing
I wish I could start crying

Every word you say is true
no one knows me better then you
I wish we could start a new
and you didn't think I was ****** up too
Eric Martin Dec 2016
She floats like a feather
But she has no idea
She's in bad weather
Still she dances like a ballerina
Yet she's the one saving me
When we're together

She makes me feel warm
Dancing in the storm
Doesn't care that I'm warn
She is so good at loving
It's an art form

If the winds of life blow us apart
You will go again from the a start
And I will be left here with the broken heart

Your so pretty
So witty
Your more then I ever could want
The feeling you flaunt
The way playfully taunt
When it come to love you get into the nitty gritty
For ever in my dreams you will haunt

I see you in my reflection
Do you feel this connection
Or just my *******
I don't here a rejection
Come back later when you know what you want to do with it and you have a better idea on rhythm and timing and every thing els. Girl dancing through life, She loves you but maybe in the end you aren't strong enough to hold onto her as she dances away on the rain drops. Think of how she feels about the situation and how if you want this to end happy or sad for both characters. Come up with a catch chorus and decide if you want a lead in and if you want the lead in and the chorus to change every time. Don't forget to finish because I feel like there is some thing here that could make a ****** poem but a good song.
Eric Martin Aug 2018
I's a shame
Satan knew my name
I'm a dead man
Or worse
Save me from this cures

This feeling wont wain
Lucifer save me from this pain
My name is all I am
Satan speaks rhymes same as man and cures, go with indies song, punk guit, rain, destructions but only chorus
Eric Martin Dec 2016
Give me your eyes
I need sunshine
Give me your eyes
I need to see it'll be fine

Your voice is not enough
for me to be tough
Your voice is not enough
To help me to not to feel rough

But I'll believe in anything
And You'll tell me anything

Give me your lies
I need sunshine
Give me your lies
I need to be fine

This choice is not enough
To help me feel tough
This choice is not enough
To stop me from feeling rough

But I'll believe in anything
And you'll tell me anything

If I could get higher
By putting my heart in this fire
Then you would share my life
And I'd share your life

If I could separate heart from this lier
Then I could cut the wire
And then You would have a life
And I would have a life

But for now I'll believe in anything
And you'll tell me any thing

Our life is just a sham
So take me where no body knows me
And know body gives a ****

I have become your program
So take me where no body know me
And know body gives a ****

Take me where no body knows me
And no body give a ****
I don't think I like this one, I think I am going to delete it.
Eric Martin Nov 2019
I want to die
But I can't say bye
It's hard to justify
I would be a disgrace
For those I chose to mortify

I got to try
But my feelings intensify
Try not to cry
Put on a brave face
Or a filthy lie

I can't untie
But I feel like a spy
Any one can identify
With just the trace
Of a look in my eye

I want to fly
But I can't even get by
I can no longer deny
I can't keep this pace
My end is nigh
Eric Martin Dec 2016
My brain has become infected
With loathing and self doubt
My life is slowly being effected
All the pain this has brought about

My heart is slowly being rejected
As this disease sprouts
Its some thing no one els has seems to have detected
Even though I scream and shout

I will soon be disconnected
Trapped in my head day in and day out
Swirling around in my mind and having every thought dissected
Waiting for my candle to burn out
Eric Martin Jan 2017
I want fun
I want destruction
I want to blow up the sun
I want seduction

I want action
I want ******
I want want a chain reaction
That will bring me to my knees

We only got one life
Lets make it worth living
Pull out a knife
Lets go out screaming and kicking

Lets start a fire

**** Yeah

I want control
I want more then I was given
I want to sell my soul
I want women

I want to be the angel the fell
I want freedom
I want to be the bat out of hell
I want my own eden

We only got one life
Lets make it worth living
Pull out a knife
Lets go out screaming and kicking

Lets start a fire

**** Yeah

Life's a prison can't you see
Where held down by our job and our family
Life's a prison can't you see
Where held down by our job and our family

La da da da-
Da'da da da-
La da da da-
La dada # da # da
Eric Martin Jan 2020
When I was a boy
I was punished for joy
If I saw it coming I ran
But he always had a plan

Tears were a curse
Because I got it worse
I forced to "be a man"
And to take it where I stand

Now because of being someone's psychological toy
To be abuse and destroy
I can no longer cry
No matter how hard I try

It's just who I am
I'll be like this till I die
I wish something could help me get by
But I know nothing can
I know the syllables don't go together. It was originally one big stanza with no coherent rhyme scheme but I split it up because it made it read mildly better but this is back to bow I wrote poetry just to leave stuff behind and I will l probably either edit this or his it from everyone
Eric Martin Feb 2020
I wish I could cry
I wish I could escape my fears
But sadly i am ready to die
After all of the abuse over the years
I wish I could end it with tears
Eric Martin Jul 2019
I used to wonder why we are born
And why we die
Why we laugh
And why we cry
How I can be happy and still have a tears fill my eye
Or have a smile on my face as I am chocked expecting the end is nigh

But as I grow older it is plain to see
It was better to to beat to life's drum
Then to become numb
And have nothing effect me
Eric Martin Dec 2016
Walking on the ledge
My feet at the edge
Dare I look down?
Will I drown?

My eyes peer to the ground
My heart begins to pound
I don't like what I see
Is it to late to flee?

I take a deep breath
I run until I think of death
I collapse where I stand
This isn't going as I planned

I put my face in my palm
I wait until I am calm
This is an obstacle I desire
I use this need to inspire

I take a running start
Don't let doubt rule my heart
My feet stop making a sound
As I leap from the ground

Time seems to stall
There's a peace before a fall
This feels like an unreal dream
I'm so excited I want to scream

I meet the water and quickly sink
To many emotions to even think
I'm at peace as I open my eyes
It's so beautiful I feel my self paralyze

Dancing light from the sun
Colours bleeding and beginning to run
Some thing in me has bin set free
I am who I want to be

My mind begins to grasp
I go up to the surface and take a gasp
I am so happy I can't detain
It will only be easier if I do it again
Eric Martin Dec 2016
No one around for as far as the eye can see
So alone
But this how we want it, just you and me

Deep black sky with stars never ending
I kiss you as you lovingly moan
I feel my self extending

I asked if she was in the mood from the stars above
And said I would take her to the 'Bone Zone"
But she laughed and said lets just call it making love

Our hearts beat as one
She is the most beautiful girl I have ever known
We both come with the rise of the sun

Never have I felt this before
She is my best friend, lover, with her I am home
She transcends every thing and so much more

We are both united by this flame she lighted
Our love has grown
I hope in the future I will be delighted but with her I am always excited
Eric Martin Dec 2016
I was a princes
You were my knight in shining armour
trying regain his honour
and saving the queen from the usurper

I used to be so full of glee
I had a knight to fight my battles for me
But I couldn't see
That your monsters were much more beastly
Some times I look back and ask my self why
But the mere thought that makes me cry

The was a time where our kingdom was at peace
But it soon it sounded like you were always fighting a beast
Eventually it seemed like some one slashed your heart
If only I knew this was only the start
You had a Queen you couldn't appease
And soon the kingdom was torn apart

I used to believe you when you said things would be ok
You were so strong and protected me from dismay
If only I knew it would only be the start
You were gone in a day
It completely tore my heart apart

Now I am no ones little princes any more
I have no knight to fight my war
The future doesn't seem as bright as it used to be
And they say I am becoming a women which ******* scares me

I will always cherish the times I spent with you
But to survive I think there is only one thing to do
To survive I must learn from your might
I must be strong and become my own knight
It looks like this is a poem I wrote along time ago and never submitted it... probably because its not very good but I don't feel like proof reading because no one is really going to read it probably and because I feel like living life on the edge!... is this what the edge looks like now, wow how sad. What ever, enjoy
Eric Martin Dec 2016
I was floating up into the sky
Completely free
Where no mortal rules would apply
Nothing stopping me

I would stop right at the edge;
Of our fleeting world and space
In this theoretical world I would jump off that ledge
See if there is more
Then what I have bin told I can explore
Or look death in the face
Yeah not my best work, it was originally not going to rhyme and I regret not sticking with my gun but I am talking to so many people at once and have written so much that I just need to wait for inspiration to hit me and not to just write because I feel like it, or I should at least mark this as private as all my other poems I don't want or don't think  people want to see.
Eric Martin Dec 2016
Inspiration seems to be hard to come by
I am writing because I have a need
My well has run dry
This machine needs some thing as feed

My brain has shut down
It has nothing any more
But I hope with the sun down
I will be free to explore
Or maybe nothing els
I will just rhyme words with them self

If I have nothing to say
Then why am I still writing
Am I just gambling away?
Hoping I will magically be struck by lighting
And have some thing exciting to say

Its a fat chance
Maybe slim to non
Maybe I am just in a trance
Or using this a practice or maybe I am just not done

Why am I still writing
If its not going to be any good
Maybe I shouldn't care what people think and stop all this fighting
Maybe I do it because I like it and not because I should

Even Though I am writing out what ever comes out of my head
And I don't know what for
I feel like I should keep on moving ahead
And keep on writing more

I am starting to feel loose
And no longer feeling solemn
I am starting to feel like this is having some use
And is starting to solve my problem

Maybe I am just sharpening up my mind
Or helping my self unwind
Or maybe I am just putting my emotions on the page
And getting rid of my rage

But I feel like writing was worth my time
Letting out my thoughts in rhyme
I should do things for the love of the art
And not worry about if I sound smart
Eric Martin Dec 2019
The poisonous deadly floral rose
Just a flower on a stick in a sensual pose
There's a joyfulness power that only a true admirer (knows / will expose)
But soon they all see the pointlessness while its aroma hits their nose
Because with a swift ***** they die painfully contemplating as their final hour goes
Can you rhyme knows with nose?
Eric Martin Jan 2017
This is the way life go's
It ebbs & it flows
With ups & downs
Go one way then end up turned around

With pushing & shoving
Hate & loving
Pain & joy
For every girl & boy

Every one will laugh & cry
Every thing that lives must die
But to this world we are all bound
So hold things close or spread it around
For life is short
& its only meaning is what you have found
I don't like how there isn't much space in each line, I don't know if it looks weirder if I put the (  -  ) connecting found to the top line or if it would look and read weirder if I just had found by it self with nothing connecting it.
Eric Martin Aug 2019
For along time my heart was at war
I was racing for the grave
But finally I see life for some thing more
Yet I am still fates slave
Because now I have cancer knocking at my door
But I still I won't cave
Because I finally have some one to adore
And it helps to make me brave
Now no matter what the future has in store
I know the life I have left will be saved
Eric Martin Dec 2016
I only have my self to confide
I don't look people I the eye
For fear they might see inside
And tell this mask is a lie

I'm down
I'm beaten
From the inside I'm being eaten

I'm tunge tied
I'm twisted
I'm screaming inside
I'm a misfit

Any time I feel loves bite
It reminds me of a parasite
I become its host
But my love wont let me close

I'm down
I'm Beaten
From the inside I'm being eaten

I'm tunge tied
I'm twisted
I'm screaming inside
I'm a misfit

Every night I dream
Of releasing who I am inside
Showing I am more then I seem
And no longer trying to hide

Every one would love me
No one would throw a stone
But then it occurs to me
I can't do it without a back bone

I'm down
I'm Beaten
From the inside I'm being eaten

I'm tunge tied
I'm twisted
I'm screaming inside
I'm a misfit

I look down
And I see
Some one beaten just like me

I look around
I can't believe I have missed it
I'm surrounded by other Misfits
I defiantly channelled my inner teenage girl for this one
Eric Martin Dec 2016
I write a poem
I put it away so no one can see
I write a little poem
to take away a piece of me

When life becomes too much
and it wont let me be
When I have no one as a crutch
I write a little poem to set me free

I open up my mind
I let the words flow
and soon I find
I have a place to go

When you're heart is heavy
when you're skin is thin
if you show some one your little poem
then you can let them in
Eric Martin Dec 2016
Living in the shadows
Coming out at night
Working your way to the shallows
But only when out of sight

Crawling through the corridors
I see people near
They are all foreigners
But they will never know Im here

This is my land
No one must see
It's pathetic but its grand
And it belongs to me

Collecting every treasure
And every memory
I do this for pleasure
And to create some thing extraordinary

I'm alone so solemnly
But only if every one knew
They strike up my curiosity
And inspire me to create too

This is my land
No one must see
It's pathetic but its grand
And it belongs to me

One day it will be time
To stop being disconnected
I hope for it to be sublime
I want to show them how much of me they have effected

I will one day come out of the dark
And show off every thing for people to see
I will try and make my mark
And show them what they mean to me

This is my land
But I want you to see
It's pathetic but its grand
I hope it means as much to you as it does to me
Eric Martin Nov 2017
I remember love
I remember it tasted like sugar
But as I look back it tastes bitter
And the more I think of
All the sensual dances are now satanic slithers
Eric Martin Mar 2020
For ever I desire fire hire
Though this conspire requires providers to meat a fate most dire
I would be a liar to say I tire of their screams like a choir
Though inspired after what transpired
I'd still admire a survivor as a conscience purifier
For I wish for a pyre that doesn't acquire souls to sire
But I am not a crier, nor its designer and will comtinue to be the supplier of flesh until I retire and pay for all my sins with all my being and every fiber
For my sin to be burned entire for eternity by the fire I will always love and desire
And when a pay my price I will demand the flames higher
Rhyming practice. I got asked to do a 6 word poem challenge on Instagram and I forgot how that challenges are fun to me and helped me.make a poem and a picture to perfectly went with it, so I decided to challenge my self amd maybe use this for my next piece of art
Eric Martin Aug 2019
Love maybe a flame
But to others it's smoke
And even though it's stoked
It still remains cloaked
Never to be attained
Eric Martin Dec 2016
Kiss Kiss Kiss
**** **** ****
**** **** ****
**** **** ****
Eric Martin Feb 2019
Love is a game
Causing sickness and pain
But even though most of us have lost
We play it again

But I can not lie
Don't ask me why
I'll pay the cost
And play till I die
Eric Martin Dec 2016
Time slows and warps
Every thing becomes lucid but clearly defined
I felt my body turn into a corpse
As I slipped into my mind

Where to go was not clear
It was black but with a never ending pattern
An infinit mirror
But I still moved on into this cavern

Voices echoed through my head
But I couldn't tell if it was coming from some one els
Or if it was some thing I said
Or if they were both parallels

I felt light lightly touch me
And wither up my spine
I turned around to see
But I was blinded by the light so divine

What I saw I could never describe
Some thing that could and never be
Impossible to transcribe
But undoubtedly a part of me

My vision unable to look away
A spinning sun of my sanity, soul, humanity, who I was as a whole
I was stuck and had to obey
I was lost and out of control

The more I looked the more I saw into me
The more answers I did find
The more I looked the more I couldn't get free
The more I became stuck in my mind

In infinity I became lost
I wish I could go back to who I used to be
I saw inside but at what cost
Will I ever again be free
Eric Martin May 2016
The Moon in the sky
Is for every one to see
To call it yours is a lie
Because it only speaks to me

It pulls on my soul
It whispers in my ear
It makes me whole
It makes me listen even when I don't want to hear

Savageness in my thoughts
Sadness in my Heart
Sanity rots
Soulful inspiration to create my art

I wish it would end
It is relentless in its pulling
It twists me and I cant defend
But I will never stop looking
Eric Martin Oct 2019
My soul has already bin shed
A statuette of the forgotten; forsaken
But wires fill my veins
A spirit in my head
A marionette of the dead
rotten, for the taken
Don't mind it's pains
It is made for breaking
I know it's hard to be read but it makes sense in my head.

Ideas: 145 bpm. 6bar of 4, maybe 4'4 ryhtem underneath. another verse or chorus. Maybe pre chorus or verse, Ideas: It doesn't matter if any one sees, It's not for you, it's not for me (or) it doesn't matter if it's askew, It does't matter if any one sees, it's not for you, it's not for me.-4bars
Eric Martin Dec 2016
You are my fantasy
I am drawn by your gravity
I love what your presenting
You are never ending

You are so confident
I hear that your competent
I think about you as I dream
You are more then you seem

You can make my heart wither
I want you to kiss and slither
I can't explain why
You make me want to die

You are extraordinary
I want to be tortured in your purgatory
I want to pay for my sin
You make me crawl out of my skin

You are for ever seen
I want to scream
I want you to be with me
You have no place you would rather be
Eric Martin Dec 2016
As I look in the Mirror
I recognize what I see
But its not clear
If this is really me

As I was a child
I was always free
My heart was so wild
I could be who ever I wanted to be

As I was a Teen
I Had to unlock the key
How I wanted to be seen
And who I wanted to be

As I left school
I learned what was really me
I no longer tried to be cool
But who I was accurately

Now I am a bit older and have done all the things I have done
I and I have become who I was supposed to be
But I don't think the choices I have made were the right ones
Because the person in the mirror I see
Is no longer me
Eric Martin Dec 2016
I look in the mirror
I hate what I see
I want to be any body
as long as it isn't me

I dream every night
of spreading wings and taking flight
or jumping from some where high
and the rush until I die

My body has become a shell
To pay for every sin
it's become my own little hell
it hardens to trap me in

I hope I am a cocoon
I hope that very soon
I'll open up to new eyes
and fly into the skies
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