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Feb 2015 · 515
Dance anyway
Emma Sinclair Feb 2015
Dance strong to your own song
While crowds gather round
Make your beat strong so others hear the sound

Make your parents proud
To have raised such a child
Who is modest and proud
Yet still a bit wild

Share your song with others
Sing them the tune
Make them understand
Sing as pretty as the month of June

Dance strong to your own song
And don't let others say no
You have control over you
That's enough for one song
Feb 2015 · 2.0k
Emma Sinclair Feb 2015
I am a raindrop
Formed in the clouds
In the
Of a titanic storm.
My life
Past my eyes
I am
Out of control
To my
I wish I could
And take
In the
Around me
But I'm long gone
Feb 2015 · 309
To make new
Emma Sinclair Feb 2015
How to be life:

Step 1:  staple your heart to your shirt. Thought it may drip and leave stains accept yourself.

Step 2: tape a book to your nose. Let the words trickle down the corners of your mouth and taste them greedily.

Step 3: find God. Stand in the hospitality of the sun and sit with the dull obscurity of clouds. Accept the light and darkness.

Step 4: don't listen to your brain. Let it die with society, create a new brain that you've crafted. Fill it with words and ice cream on summer evenings.
Feb 2015 · 314
Infinity and beyond
Emma Sinclair Feb 2015
I think
We are
Of being
With our
& what
They can
Emma Sinclair Feb 2015
I let my demons play today

They braided my hair
They wanted to stay
I told my mother they were no harm
Silly pets that don't mean to alarm
I took them to school
My friends ran away, they called me a fool
My demons seemed so nice tucked away in my pocket
But now they seemed better to be in a locket
I went home and hid them away
I realized without them, my life wasn't so gray
Feb 2015 · 547
Dear humans:
Emma Sinclair Feb 2015
Many inquire why I'm so sadistic
Cold blooded
By this point, I'm sure your insufficient minds ponder who or what I am
Once you find out, you will surely be ******

I live in everyone, but only appear when the time is right
Many dread when I blacken their light

I eat souls for breakfast, prey on the weak
I often leave my companions with a streak

What am I? You ask
And I will tell
*i am death that dwells
Feb 2015 · 446
Emma Sinclair Feb 2015
Walking down the street
I noticed
A woman began to weep

She dropped her heart
It had turned cold and black
Tears rolling as it fell apart.

She tried to reassemble the pieces she could find
While the sidewalk swallowed it whole
I noticed that she was now blind
Feb 2015 · 382
To be or not to be
Emma Sinclair Feb 2015
Do you remember what God said to you child?
When you were conceived?
Before your parents knew...

I remember now, he whispered. His voice sounding of the forceful ocean,
But as nectarous and consoling as a summer breeze
*Be love child, BE love.
Feb 2015 · 2.5k
Color me
Emma Sinclair Feb 2015
Yesterday I was blue
Today I am yellow
She was orange
So very mellow

Their bodies were green
Faces of blue
They watched as we kissed
While they only wished
Feb 2015 · 390
Emma Sinclair Feb 2015
And I wish I could've seen you. Posing next to the roses

but I should finish the spanish homework I never started

And I wish I could've seen you. Kissing each other on your noses.

but I just ran that red light

And all I know is how to forget
how to walk
how to talk

Where do I live? Where will I stay?
can I come home with you? Oh please say yes, I don't mean to bother...

Did you know you were playing tag with time
And the game was rigged

you lost

I'm so sorry. I wish I could've been at the game
I would've pulled and tugged
stop the universe

You didn't know
and neither did i

The devil won this time
i promise I promise I'll make it up to you
I'll store your photographs
Make you new

*I'll make all the other stars wish they were you
Feb 2015 · 476
Sea of fish
Emma Sinclair Feb 2015
They cried when I was a child
Their eyes would burn with resentment  
i was exquisite

They laughed when I was a teenager
Their stomachs overflowing with glee
i was grotesque

So I tried to be...

Then I....

Daughter, don't you see? The world will always hate you; you are competition.
I didn't want to compete
Didn't want to win the race
Didn't want a gold medal
Didn't want to be first

You are competition because you are alive.
You have fire in your eyes
Flowers in your hair
Sun in the darkest of your eyes

I was a brilliant fish swimming in the ocean, against the tide.
Because only dead fish follow the current
This poem sums up the last couple years of my life. I'm finally happy:) (and most importantly) myself.
Feb 2015 · 8.3k
Emma Sinclair Feb 2015
I don't know how to check my pulse
But I sure can factor polynomials

I don't know how to pay my taxes
But I sure can tell you who the president was in 1952

I don't know how to love myself
But I sure can tell you who sailed the ocean in 1492

I don't know how to apologize
But I sure can search it on the internet

I forgot how to love
Oh dear, the computer's got my brain
Feb 2015 · 513
The End in Mind
Emma Sinclair Feb 2015
She couldn't wait
To go to school
Make new friends

She couldn't wait
To drive her own car
Mustang and all

She couldn't wait
For her lover to propose
Show off her new ring

She couldn't wait
For her last day of work
Retirement settling in her mind

Lying on her sunken bed-muscles sore-eyes weary-drooling like a newborn-

She reminisced her life

She had finally realized
Waiting was a fools game
All her life she had waited
For what?
The End in Mind.

— The End —