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eliza t Jan 2015
G** iven so little
R ight when i love you most
A nd it'll all be gone
N ot in my memory or yours
T ake my hand and live out
E very second until the thought
D rags behind us forever
eliza t Jan 2015
H** eaven must be coming nearer, but
O h how small the little light is,
P laced so far above my head (still bruised from the free fall), when
E verything plunged earthward, along with my sweet dreams
eliza t Jan 2015
so small,
but firm,
a cheer,
those feet,
soon to be
but the path
is narrow.
eliza t Jan 2015
W** hen i look into those eyes i adore
H ow bright and delicately they fill with sentiment before
Y ou jilt me
fyi, jilt means sudden reject or abandon from a lover
eliza t Jan 2015
H** ow breathtaking the view of
I ntimate simplicity
G rab on to the fleeting emotion;
H old me close and let's fall, together.
eliza t Jan 2015
H** e has it
E very second
A lways, until,
R ight at its fullest,
T he break.
eliza t Jan 2015
i can't
you can't either
but swing me around when
no one is near; let's dance closely
all night.
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