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 Nov 2016 Eleanor
 Nov 2016 Eleanor
i'm tripping over shoelaces
and falling over beating hearts
while you are watching
with amused, worried eyes.
my fingers turn to ice
and i manage to mumble
"i like your hair" before
the world ends and
my shoelaces are strangling me.
 Oct 2016 Eleanor
 Oct 2016 Eleanor
I deleted your number for the last time
on the sand at Barceloneta beach.
there is something in the word
that makes me want to wear colors
and forget you.
 Oct 2016 Eleanor
Mateuš Conrad
i just want to sleep and drink my red wine with coca cola like a Basque, pretending to be eating a wiśnia rather than a czereśnia; and i'm tired i'm just tired, so tired i can't weep for the reasons i could make into ten commandments.*

what true dicta are there,
in all honesty,
other than the ones
said but never thought?
what but the unchallenged
that keep challenging
to a consistent cry of defeat
easily quenched?
all i apparently said was
neither yes, nor no,
but i said i, and that was enough
for either yes or no to take the
toll as vaguely wearisome of me,
if anything at all.
 Oct 2016 Eleanor
allissa robbins
It all kind of
Blurs together,
The mishaps
And "what if"s.

The well-wishes
Of old friends
Etched carelessly
With bleeding ink.

Looking through
Yearbooks, trapped
Behind cartilage cages.

When you think
About it all too
Hard, your lungs
Do a flip-flop.

But when you don't
Think about it at all,
Your skull feels bare.

Is the name
Of the game.

— The End —