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"We are a culture of people who've bought into the idea that if we stay busy enough, the truth of our lives won't catch up to us."
This morning I was at the store,
I heard a guy say this to a cute girl.
"If you were a squirrel, would you help me bust a nut?"
Seriesly, that guy is trying too hard.
I saw the ******
You call sucide
Less on her wrist
More in her eyes.
Just a small part of 'her'
"the Devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He
                                    comes as everything you've ever wished for...."
"Who hurt you?"

                                                                                  "My own expectations."
Yesterday it started raining,
It didn't stop,
Went to work,
It made me quirk.

Today it's misty,
And I love it.
Rain brings the best out of some people.
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